Kamala Harris Agrees to Debate Donald Trump: ‘I’m Ready’

'Acting presidential' ain't going to cut it at this stage. we're a little bit beyond that. This isn't an inauguration speech.
Trump needs to bare his teeth and bring the heat, not stand back subdued like he was in the last debate with Biden in 2020 or take abuse from some big neck/jawed whore like Harris that shouldn't even be on the stage.

Trump needs to drill down on the open border crises; the murders, rapes and Fentanyl deaths that Harris, the Border Czar, facilitated under her protection. He should say that. "Not under your watch, under you and Joe Biden's protection." He needs to compare the open borders to the 2020 riots that Harris encouraged, saying she should be arrested for domestic terrorism and treason.
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'Acting presidential' ain't going to cut it at this stage. we're a little bit beyond that. This isn't an inauguration speech.
Trump needs to bare his teeth and bring the heat, not stand back subdued like he was in the last debate with Biden in 2020 or take abuse from some big neck/jawed whore like Harris that shouldn't even be on the stage.

Trump needs to drill down on the open border crises; the murders, rapes and Fentanyl deaths that Harris, the Border Czar, facilitated under her protection. He should say that. "Not under your watch, under you and Joe Biden's protection." He needs to compare the open borders to the 2020 riots that Harris encouraged, saying she should be arrested for domestic terrorism and treason.
He can still do that and act like a grown up.
'Acting presidential' ain't going to cut it at this stage. we're a little bit beyond that. This isn't an inauguration speech.
Trump needs to bare his teeth and bring the heat, not stand back subdued like he was in the last debate with Biden in 2020 or take abuse from some big neck/jawed whore like Harris that shouldn't even be on the stage.

Trump needs to drill down on the open border crises; the murders, rapes and Fentanyl deaths that Harris, the Border Czar, facilitated under her protection. He should say that. "Not under your watch, under you and Joe Biden's protection." He needs to compare the open borders to the 2020 riots that Harris encouraged, saying she should be arrested for domestic terrorism and treason.
He should also pipe up and ask her if she has raised bail money for any arsonists, like she did in 2020.

Oops, did I say that out loud?
Yep! She's ready alright!

He can still do that and act like a grown up.
Not sure I'ver ever seen him not act grown up. Far from it as a matter of fact.

I've see Biden call him a 'clown', a liar when he wasn't babbling another lie, acuse him of being immoral when he's the one that molests and sniffs every little girl in his proximity, and Trump kept his composure like he was the only adult in the room.

And btw, there's enough evidence based on Biden's daughter's own diary confessions that would have landed any average citizen in jail for incest and rape. Just ask Will Hayden, who's doing Life + 40..
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He does need to have some sort of witty response for when cacklesnatch calls him a convicted felon.

He need something like "I used to think that meant something, that they committed a heavy duty crime, but now I know different, our justice system is corrupt, the judges sleep through cases, prosecutors go heavy because they're up for reelection, lawyers make backroom deals all while your freedom is hanging in the balance. And frankly Kamala, listening to you brag about being a prosecutor, how you locked up thousands of people for something as silly as weed and then got high on it yourself, I find you despicable".
And btw, there's enough evidence based on his Biden's daughter's own diary confessions

Trump taking showers with his teen daugher would've been headlines forever but since Biden is a Demoncrat it's just another day. That's why I call them Demoncrats, they really are the party of Satan.
Trump better do his homework.

He’s not a good debater at all. If you take away Biden having multiple stokes on TV it was 50/50 at best.

People like his points but he’s not definitive or particular in his responses. That’s easy follow up for a smart debater to twist as they have the last word at times.

Harris is much quicker with less direct action baggage than Biden.

He goes to hard and he’s being sexist, he goes easy and she gets in a few good shots.

He has to tread lightly with Harris on stage
Trump better do his homework.

He’s not a good debater at all. If you take away Biden having multiple stokes on TV it was 50/50 at best.

People like his points but he’s not definitive or particular in his responses. That’s easy follow up for a smart debater to twist as they have the last word at times.

Harris is much quicker with less direct action baggage than Biden.

He goes to hard and he’s being sexist, he goes easy and she gets in a few good shots.

He has to tread lightly with Harris on stage
Yeah, that sure sounds like Trump.
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Kamala doesn't scare me in the least. All of the people who support her do. It's hard to accept the fact, that so many of the voters in this country have been indoctrinated into being that fucking stupid.
And those peope are not uneducated rubes, more like over educated, liberal idiots.

I recently accepted a Facebook "Friend request" from a guy I knew in high school and it led to a Homepage that was like a high school reunion. He has contacted and 'friended' almost everyone in high school. I was shocked at how many had grown from 70's hippy kids to retired yuppy liberals.

Practically all of them are college educated with degrees and professionals; we're talking financial advisors, marketing/advertising agents, real estate brokers, CEO's and company owners that were Biden supporters that are now Harris sycophants. The question is, who/what won't they vote for if they ran against Trump.
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Practically all of them are college educated with degrees and proffessionals; we're talking financial advisors, marketing/advertising agents, real estate brokers, CEO's and company owners that were Biden supporters that are now Harris sycophants. The question is, who/what won't they vote for if they ran against Trump.

They're mentally ill on the level of flat earther type weirdos when it comes to politics too. Something like 30-40% of them believe Trump hired someone to shoot his ear off.
They're mentally ill on the level of flat earther type weirdos when it comes to politics too. Something like 30-40% of them believe Trump hired someone to shoot his ear off.
They are also pathologiical liars. Nobody but the most retarded motherfucker actually believes the lie Trump hired someone to nick his ear from over a football field away.

Those are the same dumbfucks that believe Clint Eastwood could shoot the rope around Tuco's neck offhand from the back of a horse with iron sights in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly .
Also keep in mind that many, in fact I would say most Trump voters don't poll. They hang up on pollsters. Hillary was ahead in most every poll, and we all know how that turned out.

I'd love to believe there's a huge trump majority hiding out there but with how fucked this country is I dunno.
I think the way the justice system has gone after Trump makes many people afraid to show support for him by answering to phone pollsters. The left hates and fears him at the same time.
I don’t answer polls for two reasons, 1) I have no idea if it’s legit and I’m not clicking some crazy ass links I know nothing about, surely people running these things know this, 2) I believe that a lot of it is opposition research, trying to figure out how many fake ballots they need. Best not feed them the Intel imo.
They are also pathologiical liars. Nobody but the most retarded motherfucker actually believes the lie Trump hired someone to nick his ear from over a football field away.

Those are the same dumbfucks that believe Clint Eastwood could shoot the rope around Tuco's neck offhand from the back of a horse with iron sights in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly .
Yeah but the theme music has staying power. Metallica used it for entry music on the "Saint Anger" tour.

And now, they are using it in commercials.

And don't ruin a dream. We all needed Clint to be that good. Don't confuse us with facts, damn it.
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Yeah but the theme music has staying power. Metallica used it for entry music on the "Saint Anger" tour.

And now, they are using it in commercials.

And don't ruin a dream. We all needed Clint to be that good. Don't confuse us with facts, damn it.
I listen to that music when I want to go back to 1969.
Yeah but the theme music has staying power. Metallica used it for entry music on the "Saint Anger" tour.

And now, they are using it in commercials.

And don't ruin a dream. We all needed Clint to be that good. Don't confuse us with facts, damn it.
Probably one of the greatest movie songs ever. I pull it up on Youtube occasionally .
Yes, "Blondie" was that good of a shot. :D Otherwise Tuco wouldn't have been able to yell at Blondie as he rode off at the end of the movie like at the end of Shane.
Probably one of the greatest movie songs ever. I pull it up on Youtube occasionally .
Yes, "Blondie" was that good of a shot. :D Otherwise Tuco wouldn't have been able to yell at Blondie as he rode off at the end of the movie like at the end of Shane.
"Hey Blondie! You know what you are?

You're a dirty rotten son of a"
ah ha ee ee ah, wah wah wah......
Probably one of the greatest movie songs ever. I pull it up on Youtube occasionally .
Yes, "Blondie" was that good of a shot. :D Otherwise Tuco wouldn't have been able to yell at Blondie as he rode off at the end of the movie like at the end of Shane.
i like the spaghetti western ricochet sound when Blondie hit the rope.

That would be shitty way to go, left trying to balance on a dry rotted makeshift cross with a rope around your neck.
Now that we've discussed spaghetti westerns let's get back on thread subject.
Kamel is going to hide in the basement like Pedo Joe and avoid a debate. The media should , but won't, demand she do unscripted interviews and and answer tough questions about the real issues that need discussed and her policy positions.
Trump needs to focus on real issues and her poor track record.
I agree with this assessment! Trump in reality is not a good debater. To be honest, the guy doesn’t come across as some very intelligent when he is speaking. He may be the greatest mind to ever walk the earth, but he doesn’t come across that way at all when speaking to the public.
Yeah, he is a clever businessman, not a professional politician trained to the art of rhetoric.
15 days left before the dems convention so everything is possible until then. Wouldn't surprise me if Harris is replaced by Michael euh Michelle at the last minute.
Anything is possible but I believe the powers that be got what they want, 2 far left idiots that can be controlled.
The biggest issue/danger in this election is that the push and the voters responding to and electing the first woman, first woman of color, etc. rather than looking at which candidate is best for the position and the country.
Trump is an in your face brawler, if he had slick willie's smooth persona this election would be in the bag for him. That's why he needs to stay cool, calm headed and focused on issues.
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Anything is possible but I believe the powers that be got what they want, 2 far left idiots that can be controlled.
The biggest issue/danger in this election is that the push and the voters responding to and electing the first woman, first woman of color, etc. rather than looking at which candidate is best for the position and the country.
Trump is an in your face brawler, if he had slick willie's smooth persona this election would be in the bag for him. That's why he needs to stay cool, calm headed and focused on issues.
Yeah but I don't know if the argument of being a woman of color would be enough for this hyena. The Biden/Harris duo was a complete desaster and even the democrats voters are now agreeing. Plus nobody likes Kamala, even the sound of her voice is irritating. That's why I was thinking about Michelle Obama (a real black woman, well not so sure for the latter) because her husband was a "success" for the dummies, the first black President etc and she was pretty well liked.
Her nomination at the democrate convention would be a relief for all the dem voters as they would finally have a "viable" candidate. The propaganda machine would go full steam with headlines like "Just on time to save the day" and BS like that. She wouldn't have to debate and talk about her program and would arrive fresh, basically like pedo Joe in his cave.
Yeah, he is a clever businessman, not a professional politician trained to the art of rhetoric.
Don't underestimate Trump. He's not a polished BS artist like Biden and other professional politicians but he's as street savvy and tough as they come, tougher in fact. And fearless.

He knows how to parry an attack and turn it on his attacker, usually a hostile moderator.

If the Camelto ho were to attack him, she'd walk into some powerful counters.
Don't underestimate Trump. He's not a polished BS artist like Biden and other professional politicians but he's as street savvy and tough as they come, tougher in fact. And fearless.

He knows how to parry an attack and turn it on his attacker, usually a hostile moderator.

If the Camelto ho were to attack him, she'd walk into some powerful counters.
Don't worry I'm not underestimating him. Sometimes people like to play dumb so that you think they are. It puts them in a position of power. But the issue is that only clever people spot these games and the average snob from NY or LA really think he is a dummy because they are stupid themselves. Same goes for most of the students in great Universities. I was in a "elite" post graduate program myself and believe me 90% of them were complete idiots.
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I know there are many here who think that Michelle is going to be the candidate in the end, the dems and left would love that. However, it would be a disaster for this country.
Yeah it surely would because that's their end goal but to achieve it they need to win the election. Michelle would be a far better bet for them.
Trump from a political standpoint needed the debate versus biden. IMO, not so much with harris, her past record and statements is damaging enough where debate on enemy turf might not be best strategy.

Only harm, no gain.

Will see of she agrees to terms that are not skewed in her favor. While the last debate was somewhat neutral, one can understand why. CNN was in on the plans to undermine biden. Not like they dont have those type of connections (roger stone, etc) to be an active participant in the plan. No way they would have let biden literally shit the bed like that under normal circumstances.

harris would do better than biden (so would my cat), but without being coddled and fed questions beforehand, not sure she is all that formitable. Especially if moderators are even slightly biased against her and brought up her record and past statements.

CNN and the like provide air cover, perhaps faux not so much, even though they are controlled opposition for sure...lol.

My guess is that harris will be forced into some concessions on debate because she needs it more than Trump. Just speculation on my part and reading tea leaves.

And no way harris is being replaced by another candidate, thats just silly...

ETA: No matter the "real intention" thoughts on Musk, whether he is genuine or asset, he wields a tremendous amount of power with his platform and reach. While the other 2 will pull their regular censor bs, twitter isnt going to and there will be no place to hide...think about the search results for "Trump assasinarion" being obfuscated...where was that called out? On twitter, and google had to respond. That shit wasnt happening in 2019 and no one would be the wiser...
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Trump from a political standpoint needed the debate versus biden. IMO, not so much with harris, her past record and statements is damaging enough where debate on enemy turf might not be best strategy.

Only harm, no gain.

Will see of she agrees to terms that are not skewed in her favor. While the last debate was somewhat neutral, one can understand why. CNN was in on the plans to undermine biden. Not like they dont have those type of connections (roger stone, etc) to be an active participant in the plan. No way they would have let biden literally shit the bed like that under normal circumstances.

harris would do better than biden (so would my cat), but without being coddled and fed questions beforehand, not sure she is all that formitable. Especially if moderators are even slightly biased against her and brought up her record and past statements.

CNN and the like provide air cover, perhaps faux not so much, even though they are controlled opposition for sure...lol.

My guess is that harris will be forced into some concessions on debate because she needs it more than Trump. Just speculation on my part and reading tea leaves.

And no way harris is being replaced by another candidate, thats just silly...

ETA: No matter the "real intention" thoughts on Musk, whether he is genuine or asset, he wields a tremendous amount of power with his platform and reach. While the other 2 will pull their regular censor bs, twitter isnt going to and there will be no place to hide...think about the search results for "Trump assasinarion" being obfuscated...where was that called out? On twitter, and google had to respond. That shit wasnt happening in 2019 and no one would be the wiser...
She'll use all the tricks of a rigged game including some Hillary used such as hand signals. They'll hide an ear plug in her giant stretch limo size head and most likely supply the questions beforehand.

I don't completly trust FOX either, not by a long shot.
Don't underestimate Trump. He's not a polished BS artist like Biden and other professional politicians but he's as street savvy and tough as they come, tougher in fact. And fearless.

He knows how to parry an attack and turn it on his attacker, usually a hostile moderator.

If the Camelto ho were to attack him, she'd walk into some powerful counters.
I agree. Remember his relatively soft spoken, perfectly timed comeback to Hillary..... "Because you'd be in jail". She lost the debate, and the election right there.
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And those people are not uneducated rubes, more like over educated, liberal idiots.

They're not "educated". Not in the least. They've been Indoctrinated. All they are capable of doing is parroting everything they hear from all of their communist, "professors". None of them are capable of thinking on their feet.

Just watch some of Charlie Kirk's videos. He travels to these liberal colleges, and engages with all of these "students", armed with nothing more than simple common sense. He makes every single one of them look like the fools they in fact are.

It's unbelievable the amount of crap that has been pumped into these kids heads. They've all been indoctrinated into believing how wonderful socialism is. Yet they can't name a single country where it has been applied successfully. Truly pathetic.
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They're not "educated". Not in the least. They've been Indoctrinated. All they are capable of doing is parroting everything they hear from all of their communist, "professors". None of them are capable of thinking on their feet.

Just watch some of Charlie Kirk's videos. He travels to these liberal colleges, and engages with all of these "students", armed with nothing more than simple common sense. He makes every single one of them look like the fools they in fact are.

It's unbelievable the amount of crap that has been pumped into these kids heads. They've all been indoctrinated into believing how wonderful socialism is. Yet they can't name a single country where it has been applied successfully. Truly pathetic.
Ok, then I'll re-phrase as "Formally educated" and along with that indoctrinated.

All of my former high school classmates who have reunited as Facebook "friends" list a university they attended after graduation. And everyone are Democrats. I'm going to block them as fast as they reappeared. Fuck them.
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