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Mar 27, 2022
I hear alot of talk about deportation of illegals(which I am 100% for) but no talk of the how.I mean what do you do to deport at minimum 20 million people?Who handles this?The military,the National Guard?How do you do it?Put them all on planes and point them south?What is the plan because unfortunately I can see it being done for 1 million never mind 20.We can however cut them off of any and all government services and benefits and try not to have any work here for them which may make them want to return home.We an also make it so hard for them to navigate our country by speaking and having the wriiten word only in English which may make it very hard for them to get along here but other than that I just dont see a physical deportation as much as I want one.
Good question, and this came to mind. It may provide some clues

Inside Trump’s plan to deport ‘nearly 20 million’ illegal Aliens from the US​

Donald Trump has vowed to deliver the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if he gets back into office next year, targeting millions of illegal migrants across the country.

The 45th president has frequently spoken about his deportation agenda, and recently indicated in a TIME Magazine interview that he would leverage local law enforcement, the National Guard and the military to carry out his plan — similar to the dragnet-style sweeps of “Operation Wetback” under former President Dwight Eisenhower that shipped more than 1 million migrants out in 1954.

The Trump 2024 campaign has not gotten into the details of what resources would be needed to find, detain and deport the “nearly 20 million” illegal migrants they say are currently in the US.

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“nearly 20 million” illegal migrants they say are currently in the US.

20 million...LoL. yeah, okie dokie.
Yeah, it's likely double that.

Immediate stop of any money is key. Declare zero chance of amnesty or green cards.
Massive fines for any company employing illegals.
Then, marshall law will allow random identification. Papers please. Sucks, but it will be required.
Yeah, it's likely double that.

Immediate stop of any money is key. Declare zero chance of amnesty or green cards.
Massive fines for any company employing illegals.
Then, marshall law will allow random identification. Papers please. Sucks, but it will be required.
Prison, real prison, for the CEOs of said companies.
It can be done. 85 years ago, Germany emptied their country of millions of people without the aid of a single computer and using trains as the primary transportation. Truman deported millions of Hispanics in the 1950's using wired phones, buses and trains. It is not that hard. Easiest way to start is to START.

Step 1: Every single time you arrest a foreign scumbag for a felony, slate him for deportation as soon as his criminal proceedings are complete and prison term served.

Step 2: Every time you arrest a foreign scumbag driving drunk or stoned, hold them for INS and deport them immediately. 100% no excuses.

Step 3: Every time you arrest a foreign scumbag shoplifting, stealing, raping, molesting an underage child, driving or riding on a stolen car, jumping a turnstile or drinking in public, hold them for INS and deport them immediately.

Step 4: Every time you traffic stop foreign scumbags and they have no insurance or driver's license from any country, arrest and deport them immediately.

Step 5: If you cross the border at any point other than a legal border crossing, you get imprisoned until such time as you can be sent back. No matter what 3rd world shithole you came from. If you come from Iraq or Afghanistan or Chechenia, you get a used and decertified US Army parachute and tossed out of a cargo plane as we fly over your country. We give you a complementary set of jump wings before hucking your ass out of the plane. If you fucking come back, same process no parachute.

Step 6: Film every rally, protest and riot in this country. Use facial recognition software to ID foreign scumbags protesting our country. Arrest them as they leave the rally, bus them to nearest airport and deport them that night to wherever the hell they came from.

Step 7: Watch the rest of them carefully. As time allows investigate them. If their kids are in school getting good grades, mom and/or dad have jobs and have the yard mowed and pay their bills/taxes and none of them are fucking scumbags in gangs or committing crimes, evaluate them for permission to remain in America.

This is a good first step, shitballs first.
I hear alot of talk about deportation of illegals(which I am 100% for) but no talk of the how.I mean what do you do to deport at minimum 20 million people?Who handles this?The military,the National Guard?How do you do it?Put them all on planes and point them south?What is the plan because unfortunately I can see it being done for 1 million never mind 20.We can however cut them off of any and all government services and benefits and try not to have any work here for them which may make them want to return home.We an also make it so hard for them to navigate our country by speaking and having the wriiten word only in English which may make it very hard for them to get along here but other than that I just dont see a physical deportation as much as I want one.
Well honestly, as supportive as I am of this as well as making law that this ridiculous idea that anyone who's parents can jump a boarder is all of the sudden citizen, is NO MORE. It can be done.

Now is not the time to spell out how to do it. Now is the time to assure it will be done and move on and not to give media more stuff to twist for the stupid people we are so well supplied with.
Maybe, that's what the plan was all along, to use those "compounds" the .gov has been building for us..."MAGA" folks?? Holding facilities for the DJT deportation operation(s).
This was posted as..."humor". I do agree with a mass deportation effort. We have enough of our own problems. We don't need anymore. Mac ;)
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It’s not even a crime to enter this country illegally. Where do you get off suggesting something like that. Assholes like you give the government ammunition to go after sites like this. What the fuck wrong with you?
Edit: I didn’t realize that entering illegally is an infraction.
I will do my research before posting.
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It can be done. 85 years ago, Germany emptied their country of millions of people without the aid of a single computer and using trains as the primary transportation. Truman deported millions of Hispanics in the 1950's using wired phones, buses and trains. It is not that hard. Easiest way to start is to START.

Step 1: Every single time you arrest a foreign scumbag for a felony, slate him for deportation as soon as his criminal proceedings are complete and prison term served.

Step 2: Every time you arrest a foreign scumbag driving drunk or stoned, hold them for INS and deport them immediately. 100% no excuses.

Step 3: Every time you arrest a foreign scumbag shoplifting, stealing, raping, molesting an underage child, driving or riding on a stolen car, jumping a turnstile or drinking in public, hold them for INS and deport them immediately.

Step 4: Every time you traffic stop foreign scumbags and they have no insurance or driver's license from any country, arrest and deport them immediately.

Step 5: If you cross the border at any point other than a legal border crossing, you get imprisoned until such time as you can be sent back. No matter what 3rd world shithole you came from. If you come from Iraq or Afghanistan or Chechenia, you get a used and decertified US Army parachute and tossed out of a cargo plane as we fly over your country. We give you a complementary set of jump wings before hucking your ass out of the plane. If you fucking come back, same process no parachute.

Step 6: Film every rally, protest and riot in this country. Use facial recognition software to ID foreign scumbags protesting our country. Arrest them as they leave the rally, bus them to nearest airport and deport them that night to wherever the hell they came from.

Step 7: Watch the rest of them carefully. As time allows investigate them. If their kids are in school getting good grades, mom and/or dad have jobs and have the yard mowed and pay their bills/taxes and none of them are fucking scumbags in gangs or committing crimes, evaluate them for permission to remain in America.

This is a good first step, shitballs first.
I have no problem with deporting the illegals for what you have specified. My problem is it does not stop them from coming back over the border. At what point in time do we increase the punishment for recidivism? And even worse at what point does the punishment increase after crimes gave been committed after they have come back across the border?
I think the solution is far more complicated than it would appear. Moving 1 million people against their will is difficult enough, can't imagine the scale necessary to meet the desired results.

Do we really want to forcefully remove a family that may have come here illegally, but have assimilated since being here and are good upstanding individuals that have come to love America as their adopted home? I've met a number of folks that fit this bill, and I like them a whole lot more than a whole lot of Americans. I'd bet money that more than 1/2 of the folks coming over will fit this demographic if given enough time to fully assimilate to American culture. I get the whole "but they broke the law to get here" part, I get it. It's an issue that's far to large to evaluate on a case by case basis as our legal system is a shit show as it is. I agree that if they are getting arrested committing crimes, even low level crimes, they should be slated for immediate deportation. this forum isn't going to be the think tank that develops a solution, we're just a bunch of meat heads and dipshits with a common interest with no logistics or legal expertise to devise an effective solution that doesn't violate the constitution, and no matter what, the democrats will oppose anything and everything that Trump, or the republicans propose, or try to do. It will take hundreds of lawyers, and hundreds of underlings, to come up with whatever poorly written, underfunded, contridictory document that the house and senate are going to fight over for weeks that will be shredded and rewritten to have massive partisan pork spending that will do nothing but reduce our rights, and line the pockets of the politicians, and donors.

TL&DR Our government is a shit show, plain and simple and nothing will happen. Fuck Joe Biden.
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I think the solution is far more complicated than it would appear. Moving 1 million people against their will is difficult enough, can't imagine the scale necessary to meet the desired results.

Do we really want to forcefully remove a family that may have come here illegally, but have assimilated since being here and are good upstanding individuals that have come to love America as their adopted home? I've met a number of folks that fit this bill, and I like them a whole lot more than a whole lot of Americans. I'd bet money that more than 1/2 of the folks coming over will fit this demographic if given enough time to fully assimilate to American culture. I get the whole "but they broke the law to get here" part, I get it. It's an issue that's far to large to evaluate on a case by case basis as our legal system is a shit show as it is. I agree that if they are getting arrested committing crimes, even low level crimes, they should be slated for immediate deportation. this forum isn't going to be the think tank that develops a solution, we're just a bunch of meat heads and dipshits with a common interest with no logistics or legal expertise to devise an effective solution that doesn't violate the constitution, and no matter what, the democrats will oppose anything and everything that Trump, or the republicans propose, or try to do. It will take hundreds of lawyers, and hundreds of underlings, to come up with whatever poorly written, underfunded, contridictory document that the house and senate are going to fight over for weeks that will be shredded and rewritten to have massive partisan pork spending that will do nothing but reduce our rights, and line the pockets of the politicians, and donors.

TL&DR Our government is a shit show, plain and simple and nothing will happen. Fuck Joe Biden.

Yes. We remove families. If "assimilation " means 12 people on welfare, no jobs, no education, no speaking English, pumping out baby foreign trash by the 9 pound slug. We send them packing.

We have enough shitbags, why import more?
If they’re here and they’re assimilating and behaving then they can stay. We’re not really going door to door are we? But they have ZERO chance at citizenship or voting or welfare. None. Break the law, gone. Don’t care how long they may have been here.
If they’re scumbags and the police pull them over for anything stronger than a brake light out, poof- they’re gone.
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Yes. We remove families. If "assimilation " means 12 people on welfare, no jobs, no education, no speaking English, pumping out baby foreign trash by the 9 pound slug. We send them packing.

We have enough shitbags, why import more?
That's not what assimilation means to me, and you know that's not what I mean.
Base level enforcement. Penalize business owners and agencies for hiring illegals. Reward for reporting them. And rewards for same businesses who report illegals applying. As for detaining and transportation wise, all local LE mustered for the task. Then transfer to ICE for deportation and investigation if anyone sets off red flags for terrorist involvement or outstanding criminal warrants in their home countries. Most Latin American countries cross-honor extradition and arrest efforts with the US for criminals who cross borders. The rest can be put on planes back to their countries of origin and told to apply LEGALLY if they want to come back.
I think the solution is far more complicated than it would appear. Moving 1 million people against their will is difficult enough, can't imagine the scale necessary to meet the desired results.

Do we really want to forcefully remove a family that may have come here illegally, but have assimilated since being here and are good upstanding individuals that have come to love America as their adopted home? I've met a number of folks that fit this bill, and I like them a whole lot more than a whole lot of Americans. I'd bet money that more than 1/2 of the folks coming over will fit this demographic if given enough time to fully assimilate to American culture. I get the whole "but they broke the law to get here" part, I get it. It's an issue that's far to large to evaluate on a case by case basis as our legal system is a shit show as it is. I agree that if they are getting arrested committing crimes, even low level crimes, they should be slated for immediate deportation. this forum isn't going to be the think tank that develops a solution, we're just a bunch of meat heads and dipshits with a common interest with no logistics or legal expertise to devise an effective solution that doesn't violate the constitution, and no matter what, the democrats will oppose anything and everything that Trump, or the republicans propose, or try to do. It will take hundreds of lawyers, and hundreds of underlings, to come up with whatever poorly written, underfunded, contridictory document that the house and senate are going to fight over for weeks that will be shredded and rewritten to have massive partisan pork spending that will do nothing but reduce our rights, and line the pockets of the politicians, and donors.

TL&DR Our government is a shit show, plain and simple and nothing will happen. Fuck Joe Biden.
they all need to go immediately and take their anchor kids with them. yes finding a lot will require constitutional "violations". there has never been a reason that any illegal entrant should have any legal protection of any kind. they are foreigners and criminals,period. they should be all considered as a hostile military presence and treated accordingly. they have no "constitutional;" rights. have you paid any attention to the quantity and quality of the crimes they have been committing? giving the hardworking ones any slack just encourages and rewards more illegal entry. have you read and understood anything about the destruction of rome? the situation here now is the same at best and really worse. it may be too,late already. you are correct in that we are not going to solve it on here and congress and the gov in general will fuck it up and line somebody's pockets doing so. our gov is the reason for the problem to begin with. the effort should be made just to say we tried. maybe in 1000 years,if there is a civilization,they will say at least they tried.
Real enforcement of the I-9 program would go a long way towards fixing the problem, but that requires going against the Chamber of Commerce. All of those expensive hotel rooms filled with illegals, who is getting the money?
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It's also amusing to watch the people from non-border states just discovering something the border states have always lived with.

Where's the middle finger emote?
Never going to happen. Empty campaign promises. Too many economic sectors rely on low wage labor that US citizens won’t do, or can’t afford to pay US citizens to do.
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fair points people. just sayin'. and yea there are many influences working to keep it all going. i just fail to understand how even the very insulated elites think they will benefit in the end. how did the senatorial class and higher ups in rome make out?
Never going to happen. Empty campaign promises. Too many economic sectors rely on low wage labor that US citizens won’t do, or can’t afford to pay US citizens to do.
I disagree with the bullshit about jobs Americans won't do. The illegals are getting all of the normal benefits and then some from Uncle Sugar. That accrues to our International Oligarchs.

Fuck, they get far more than my mother did after a life of paying into the system.
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There's a lot of misconceptions about what they actually do. They don't assimilate nor do they want to be Americans. Their kids eventually assimilate after they've cost us extreme money. The 14th does not nor has it ever said that anyone who pops a kid out here is a citizen if they are not legally here, though that is how we have treated it. All that needs to happen is for the 14th to be interpreted correctly and a law passed on definition to prevent it again.

There's a major cultural difference and it will destroy our country if we don't get a huge amount out and permanently stop them from just coming back as well as get rid of the ability for them to get in our schools, welfare, SS, WIC, ect for their children. Getting rid of the ability to milk our system (which they ALL DO) is the biggest and most immediate need along with real border wall completion.

The idea that it can be put on business is a non starter for several reasons. IF it is to happen , big IF, it will be because our congress and feds do their job.... like I said, BIG IF
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what’s all this talk about trains and compounds?

Just make it impossible for them to thrive here.

1. Levy massive penalties on employers and contractors that hire illegals.
2. Confiscate and auction off real estate leased to illegals.
3. Eliminate free education for illegal immigrant children.
4. Eliminate healthcare services (beyond immediate stabilization) for illegals.
5. Confiscate and auction off any vehicles driven by illegals.

In six months (tops) the problem solves itself at virtually no expense to taxpayers and we simultaneously save on healthcare costs, pocket the proceeds of auctioned property and improve our public education system.

Easy peasy.
Never going to happen. Empty campaign promises. Too many economic sectors rely on low wage labor that US citizens won’t do, or can’t afford to pay US citizens to do.
This is spot on!!!!!!!!They are imported here to do the work our lazy ass younger generation wont.The voting thing is just an added benefit.Everyone is a winner but us.
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Fellas I've watched and lived in all of this for decades. A lot of what people think on this subject just isn't true and a lot of things that people want done just won't happen. I think it's more productive to push our politicians towards things that are achievable and will get this going the direction we want to go. A few points that should be considered and some info I've learned from living in it and being on several committees to address this very issue over the last 20 years.

Any attempt to "fine the shit out of businesses ect" is simply a wealth transfer from small business to big business just like the covid stuff was. It's also not achievable, more to the point it won't work for several reasons. I'd be glad to explain why but it's a lot to type.

Its true that they do a ton of work that Americans won't do. This is fact. BUT- It has become that over time BECAUSE of the environment our government provides for them, among other things such as this push for all to go to college (thus making trade working looked down upon), and parents not teaching their kids the value of Hard Work. (The Hispanics definitely do this).
It changes over a long period of time (40 years) and will take a long period of time to change back, but it can. It's never going to if the Hispanics have tons of hand outs that we pay for though. I could tell you story after story of guys who I know what they make and then see them or their wife at the health dept siging up for free shit. It's infuriating.

By FAR- the most effective way to get them to self deport is to stop giving them free stuff. If you Tax the piss out of any money that goes across our border and stop the free stuff the tables get turned very quickly and most of it takes care of itself.

The vast majority DO NOT COME HERE TO BE AMERICANS. This is a fact. Their kids depending on age do want to but the ones that come here absolutely do not nor do they attempt to, so don't be fooled by that line.

Now is the time. We have a single point in time where the states further away from the border are finally getting a taste of what all of this does to our towns and states and as a result, they aren't so big on "sanctuary " anymore. Now is the time to get some things done that will address this permanently! The wall is a huge piece of this which is exactly why the dems are so hard core against it. They know it will work.

As a community, we need to push HARD, on our politicians to take the opportunity to get it done, as well as removing ALL benefits, and taxing any money thay goes across that border. These 3 things are achievable and would be absolutely huge to actually solve this problem, and of course any crime gets you immediately gone, but we need these things in law and the wall so that it can't be undone later.

That's my two cents as they say. Please do push your elected officials on this. The first 6 months of Trump will be when it has to be done. Once things start getting better economically it will be a lot harder to get the fence sitters and politicians on board.
i know a guy thats been here 25 years, works daylight till dark, owns 3 homes, rents two out. both his kids are grown and were straight a students. pays taxes. cant go home to see his parents but is a very productive member of society. happily send some people around here that live off the government dole out of this country in his place
i know a guy thats been here 25 years, works daylight till dark, owns 3 homes, rents two out. both his kids are grown and were straight a students. pays taxes. cant go home to see his parents but is a very productive member of society. happily send some people around here that live off the government dole out of this country in his place
Yeah I have many many Hispanic friends and guys I've worked with for 20 years and many are great people. Some have multiple houses ect, but don't kid yourself on them paying taxes in the same way that we do because they don't if they are illegal. Also, how many Americans would have multiple houses and be a ton better off financially if their kids ate all meals for free and all their Healthcare was free, and they didnt have to pay federal income taxes???? I know it would be a MASSIVE difference in my life. That would be enough to pay for all my kids college , and another house and more over 18 years. It's a massive difference that Americans gets screwed out of and don't get, all the while paying for them to get it so they can get ahead. It's absolutely insane that we would do this to our own people.
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I had always hoped that the conversations and decisions would be based on an intellegent differentiation between human rights and citizens rights. These are not the same and many things currently proposed as (considered?) human rights are in fact luxuries.
Hey dumb c*nt, look up 8 U. S. Code 1325. Assholes like you don’t educate themselves before running their stupid fucking ignorant mouths.

I grew up in a third world country and worked so hard to come to this country legally and then years of hard work to establish myself as a citizen and this piece of shit has the audacity to ask me what’s wrong with me. FUCK YOU!

So you came over here to be an asshole? Fuck you and the Joe Biden voting horse you rode in on. Chances are you don't own and gun and never fucking have. But your fucking libtard troll ass is here. Joined a whopping 8 days ago to try and get people to suck the illegal immigrant cock.

If you had the balls to match your fucking leftist cunt mouth you would go back to wherever the fuck you came from and fix that place. But you won't will ya? Back to the troll farm commie, we don't need you here.
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A glorious mess!

I don’t have all the answers but the border / wall or whatever, isn’t the whole solution. I’m curious how many have dealt with immigration in other countries and have some insight into how it’s handled in other western countries. Border security is surely a part of it but there is little deterrent to those who make it through.

I spent a lot of years working around the world and, at times, had to deal with immigration, work permits, and obtaining residency status. I considered taking a position in my company that would have moved my family to a western European country for some years. I ended up declining the move as it was, more or less, a lateral move. I did want to have our kid live abroad for a while for a more realistic view of the world we live in.

From that experience, what was clear was the difference in how citizens of the country were treated vs. non-citizens working there (fully legal and documented). In short, my company had to pay for health care, private school for the kid, and some other things as, even though I would have been there legally and quite gainfully employed (and taxed locally). I would have no access to state healthcare, pension, schools and many other things. (Can’t even stay in a hotel without valid passport and visa - or rent a place) in most other countries. It was clear that if caught in country without a valid visa, etc., you would be removed immediately – without question. That’s what happens in most countries I’ve spent time in and needs to happen here. Without legal status many everyday things simply aren’t available to non-citizens. Until we do some of these things here, the best wall in the world won’t put even a small dent in the problem. For years, illegal immigrants that were convicted of a crime were released to INS immediately for deportation and I do not understand why we protect the criminals among immigrant populations – it’s insane.

Part of an approach would be to make legal immigration more approachable to those that qualify and move quickly to exit those who commit crimes or are not here legally. In companies I’ve owned, been a partner in, or led from C-level jobs (with a few thousand employees), one thing is clear to me: In any group there are good people and bad, respectful people and assholes, conservative / liberal, religious or not, hard-working and lazy, etc. etc. No one group has all the good or bad people. Some of the worst employment issues came from pasty-white people that had been here for generations.

A good chunk of my experience was in some areas where there are significant populations of recent immigrants – Hispanic, Asian, and others. Most are already citizens but I’ve had plenty with green-cards, work visas from various countries, etc. Most all are very responsible people who want to work hard. There are already laws against hiring illegals that have significant penalties, but I don’t think enforcement is where it could be. Most with a job pay taxes, they pay sales taxes just like everyone else, and if they have a place to live either they, or their landlord, pay property taxes so the tax-free myth is largely that. There is a cash economy among some immigrant groups to be fair.

Most of us are descendants of people who came from somewhere else so calling out entire groups is simply ignorant. Just as the idea that a wall with solve it all. When we rewrite the laws can we deport some dipshit citizens that have been here for a few generations?
So you came over here to be an asshole? Fuck you and the Joe Biden voting horse you rode in on. Chances are you don't own and gun and never fucking have. But your fucking libtard troll ass is here. Joined a whopping 8 days ago to try and get people to suck the illegal immigrant cock.

If you had the balls to match your fucking leftist cunt mouth you would go back to wherever the fuck you came from and fix that place. But you won't will ya? Back to the troll farm commie, we don't need you here.
Edit: I didn’t mean to be an a-hole in this thread. Genuine misunderstanding. Apologies!
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