JD Vance Mirrors Obama

While I won’t speak to Wade any longer due to his obvious disdain for voting it’s clear that some people just want to bitch and moan about the evils of government but never offer any solutions to change their path. Apathy is the problem our country suffers from and giving up is not the answer.
The site is much better with him on ignore.
The title of this thread is ironic!

Op you do realize a mirror flips the image from left to right.

Here we are on a gun forum talking about a relatively unknown VP pick.

The consequences bear the truth. He’s only been a Senator 18 months. In that time he’s been 1 of only 4 senators with a 100% perfect score on 2A per GOA. He is the dream pick if your a one issue guy. Of those 4 he’s the smartest, most articulate, that won’t suffer BS leftist trope guys out there.

I read constant complaints about DEI & here we have Trump picking the most qualified & best guy for the job yet people are whining we should have a diverse pick like Ben Carson WTF. I Love Ben Carson and he’s brilliant, but his demeanor does not fit the requirements. Perfect as a brain surgeon yet terrible for combative verbose demands of a political operative. He gets rolled by scum media & it’s painful to watch.

Trump is correcting mistakes made in his first term. JD Vance is evidence of that. I’m glad he weighed the influence of Don Jr. as opposed to the likes of Lindsey Gram. It was Trumps choice but I feel a lot better knowing he’s not blindly trusting recommendations of the DC swamp.

Despite all his mistakes in the first term the evidence is pretty fucking clear from where I sit. What he accomplished did mirror Obama (exact opposite). He was actually attempting to do the things he’d campaigned on. That is not the norm in politics. Like JD, I wasn’t a Trump fan in 2016 either. Like JD, I was wrong about Trump. Still I voted for Trump in 2016, but not enthusiastically.

If you can’t, won’t look at the evidence all around and recognize the providential opportunity this ticket holds. Well your Literally the Drowning Man in the parable.

If not Vance then who’d have been your pick??? It’s easy to just arm chair criticize others decisions. What’s your solution?

We’re fucking Lucky and by Lucky I mean God hasn’t written our sorry asses off just yet. Everything they tried to stop Trump has failed. If the swamp had it’s way we’d be holding our nose to vote for a Lindsey Gram / Eye Patch Mcstain ticket. All the while knowing even if we won we weren’t really wining. Instead we have a actual best case ticket literally mirrored/the opposite of the left.

It’s a valid point to say local elections are more immediately impactful. It’s also a fact that a hell of a lot more people vote when it’s a presidential election. The likelihood of picking up down ballet local elections this year is greater than I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Get off your ass and encourage your non voting friends to do the same.
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National politics, with its associated voting, is almost indistinguishable from pro sports. Feeling useful by putting an X on a piece of paper with one of the assigned candidate’s name next to it before they are all electronically collated is the same as being civil at your wife’s work Christmas party. It’s a good thing, but anything that easy to do for a couple hours will not change the world. If it’s easy, it is not very useful.

Fuck off glowies with your “what are you doing to change things” bullshit questions. Until the bulk of the population is in daily survival mode, they/you/us will continue to support the easiest way to “effect change”. I am not sacrificing myself on that alter.
By voting in people who might actually make or at least try to make a positive difference.
You've made it clear that you feel voting is a waste of time. So, what's the next option or plan of action that you're saying you and the rest of us should do?
Name the federal level candidate that you voted for and what they are doing to make a positive change.
So that’ll make him a good VP… Got it.
Good, I'm glad you get it. I would rather have a leader who has gone without . Who served in our military. I am not a blue blood from the east coast. No old money. My parents died this past year. So I had to clean out my stuff from my bedroom. I found my old Daisy BB gun. My most prized possession to this day. We need a leader we can relate to. JD isn't perfect but he is every day American. He has my vote until he proves otherwise.....
While I won’t speak to Wade any longer due to his obvious disdain for voting it’s clear that some people just want to bitch and moan

I respect those opinions if they practice what they preach. Living off grid in a cabin sort of thing. Most of the time when you meet them in real life they're obese couch potatoes who have government jobs/benefits etc.
I might respect them also but I've never actually met anyone "really" living off the grid TBH. And in my experience not many truly practice what they preach except maybe when on forums and in church, kind of like RINO's, lots of preaching and nothing meaningful.........
I did not vote for Biden and the positive change he made based on what I value was departing Afghanistan.

...and he royally fucked that up.


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While I won’t speak to Wade any longer due to his obvious disdain for voting it’s clear that some people just want to bitch and moan about the evils of government but never offer any solutions to change their path. Apathy is the problem our country suffers from and giving up is not the answer.
He did offer a solution. Step off the board holding these people up. People are too scared to do that though. Food, cars, mortgages, health insurance, wealth all keep us slaves.

The reality is, even if you voted yourself into office, the people around you would twist your words to be something else. No matter who gets voted in, we will be here bitching about the same things in 4 years.

You know why most things in society work? Not because of laws, but because people self govern themselves. Only weak men need leaders.

There are way too many things broken at this point......I just dont see how the ship is corrected until it hits bottom. Im pretty sure voting in Trump is only delaying whats coming.

It's sad really......especially for those of you with family and children.
Could you explain in detail?
I could write a tome.


Al Qaida did 9/11 and not the Taliban.

As such, the U.S. approach should have been repeated punitive strikes against Al Qaida instead of nation building to try to holistically change all of Afghanistan.

Nation building in Afghanistan along with the unnecessary invasion of Iraq distracted the U.S. from what actually matters, China and Russia, for 20+ years.

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I could write a tome.


Al Qaida did 9/11 and not the Taliban.

As such, the U.S. approach should have been repeated punitive strikes against Al Qaida instead of nation building to try to holistically change all of Afghanistan.

Nation building in Afghanistan along with the unnecessary invasion of Iraq distracted the U.S. from what actually matters, China and Russia, for 20+ years.


I get that, however the manner in which we departed was unacceptable. And the positive benefit that you see came at a cost far too great. Trump was going to pull out anyway. Biden facilitated the greatest humiliation of the US since Vietnam, gave them $80B in weapons, and is currently paying them $200M a month to “fight terrorism.”
I get that, however the manner in which we departed was unacceptable. And the positive benefit that you see came at a cost far too great. Trump was going to pull out anyway. Biden facilitated the greatest humiliation of the US since Vietnam, gave them $80B in weapons, and is currently paying them $200M a month to “fight terrorism.”
What was the other option?

Expend money and lives for no strategic value for 20 more years?

The lives lost during the withdraw, and the funds still being spent, pale in comparison to staying, not to mention the U.S. continuing to be distracted from that which truly matters.

What was the other option?

Expend money and lives for no strategic value for 20 more years?

The lives lost during the withdraw, and the funds still being spent, pale in comparison to staying, not to mention the U.S. continuing to be distracted from that which truly matters.


The other option was an orderly withdrawal that didn’t look like a clusterfuck.
The other option was an orderly withdrawal that didn’t look like a clusterfuck.
While preferable in theory, my tinfoil hat tells me that the Military Industrial Complex as defined by President Eisenhower, was so incentivized by the U.S. remaining in Afghanistan, that its planning to withdraw would "run out the clock" under any / all Presidents so there wouldn't be time left to execute and the decision would roll to the next administration.

Under these conditions, the clusterfuck as you call it, was the only option.

And now, I shall cease my thread drift -- back to JD Vance!

While preferable in theory, my tinfoil hat tells me that the Military Industrial Complex as defined by President Eisenhower, was so incentivized by the U.S. remaining in Afghanistan, that its planning to withdraw would "run out the clock" under any / all Presidents so there wouldn't be time left to execute and the decision would roll to the next administration.

Under these conditions, the clusterfuck as you call it, was the only option.

And now, I shall cease my thread drift -- back to JD Vance!

there were conditions to the withdrawal under the original agreement.
in this instance, i believe the "clock" was stopped because the taliban was already taking control well before the planned withdrawal date.
Vice President is the least powerful position in the US government. They get no vote (outside of the rare Senate tie), no veto, no appointment, no oversight, no committees, and their name isn't even on the ballot in most states. They are the perpetual back-up quarterback and ribbon cutter. They are nothing more than a campaign name vote getter but their real role is bench warmer. They get to attend the events and take the phone calls that the President doesn't give a shit about. It's also, far more often than not, a career killer in politics.

Greg Lopez is far more powerful than the VP, he actually gets a vote every single time something comes up. Name doesn't ring a bell? He was sworn into office as a Representative two weeks ago and isn't even running for reelection, but in the meantime he gets to cast votes in the smallest House majority for decades. Meanwhile, VP Harris gets to play second fiddle to a potato.

So again, who really gives a shit who Trump invited to prom? I sure as fuck don't.
He has my vote until he proves otherwise.....
Give him some time....he hasn't even started to fuck up yet.

BTW Stanley....
The whole Taliban/Al Qaida thing is moot.
Our fine corporations pushed us to go into Afghanistan for the rare earth deposits there.
Look into it with an open mind and become a better informed person than you currently are now (I'm giving you massive leeway in saying you are informed at all right now).

Just because the military is made up of volunteers at this point in time has ZERO bearing on the fact that their lives were thrown away needlessly.
Biden and crew fucked up royally, screwed every pooch on the planet, ass fingered themselves and then sucked that finger with gusto.

And why do you think Biden backed us out of Afghanistan so fast ?
Could it be that the Chinese wanted those rare earth mines to further their monopoly on the stuff ?
Could Hunter have taken monies from them ?
Could the big guy have gotten his 10% ?
Ah yes, thought provoking innit ?

Wait.....what could this be ?

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Besides Trump and the Senator and House of representatives of my state? Unless I'm missing something that's the only federal level people I can vote for in elections.
So answer the question. What have they done or are doing to make a change? You can look up the legislation that they have sponsored or written. What is their voting record? How many times have they skipped voting on legislation?
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So answer the question. What have they done or are doing to make a change? You can look up the legislation that they have sponsored or written. What is their voting record? How many times have they skipped voting on legislation?
I don’t think many know how to do this. We might need to make a sticky.
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Robert Barnes just destroyed your girl on Viva Barnes Live. Maybe you should take a look.

FF to 1:20:00 I would take everything she says with a grain of salt.

Yeah I thought that was odd too. I think Viva Frei has a good take on why she would think that. That's why I watch a bunch of different people, sometimes they catch each other's mistakes.
I listened for just enough to see the shill for "the wellness company" which is a totally insane ripoff for meds that cost around $25 bucks if you order them online. Would not believe anything this guy says just because of that. Zero credibility being a shill.......
The entire system of medicine is corrupted by this shit, (coming from a 35 year medical career) and this type of fear mongering for profit is over the top. There are other ways to get your medicines, do your research!! Shit my daughter gets her doggy medicine from the pharmacy locally, it's all the same stuff!! He's a dumbass for posting something so obvious.
But that's not the point, nor the topic of the thread.

Yeah, this thread is the usual retardation that plagues the Republican side during every election. This guy isn't conservative enough, that guy is fake, it's all a deep state plot, both sides are the same, I'm withholding my vote in protest that'll teach em etc etc.
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Yeah, this thread is the usual retardation that plagues the Republican side during every election. This guy isn't conservative enough, that guy is fake, it's all a deep state plot, both sides are the same, I'm withholding my vote in protest that'll teach em etc etc.
But everything you say is true...
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I get that, however the manner in which we departed was unacceptable. And the positive benefit that you see came at a cost far too great. Trump was going to pull out anyway. Biden facilitated the greatest humiliation of the US since Vietnam, gave them $80B in weapons, and is currently paying them $200M a month to “fight terrorism.”
The manner in which we stayed there only so politians could launder money back to themselves is a microcosm of everything wrong that is going on. Sacrificing lives for dollars.

The positive benefit? Like replacing the taliban with a better armed and equiped taliban with updated training?

I thought it was funny when dude wrote wade hates voting. Talk about your mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion.
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Yeah, this thread is the usual retardation that plagues the Republican side during every election. This guy isn't conservative enough, that guy is fake, it's all a deep state plot, both sides are the same, I'm withholding my vote in protest that'll teach em etc etc.
This post is the retardation that plagues our country. But some people still can't recognize theater. They can watch the GOP get in position to make the moves they promised. Then not do it. Then watch them loose power and make sure to help pass everything the globalist want. Then tell you they will repeal the stuff, they just helped pass, if you put them in power. Some people can watch this over and over and still not catchall clue. It's like believing Hogan and Savage were really enemies.

GOP brought us the Patriot act. Show me one peice of legislation that has destroyed more of what this republic stood for. I bet the first thing that pops to mind is Obama care. They sure repealed that shit like they said. 🤣🤣🤣
When dude wrote wade is apathetic. Wade is a lot of things but apathetic isn't one
He also wrote that I had a “disdain for voting” which is an interesting take away considering I clearly and elaborately laid out why I now choose not to vote while mentioning what I would vote for. Now I think I’m “ignored” because he can’t understand what he reads.

What weak minded people don’t understand is that when perspectives are challenged it gives one the opportunity to strengthen his position, modify, or if necessary discard altogether the idea. The problem arises for some is that their thoughts aren’t really theirs to begin with. They were told what to think and adopted this as their own without critical thought. The inability to articulate and/or defend one’s position is the dead giveaway.
He also wrote that I had a “disdain for voting” which is an interesting take away considering I clearly and elaborately laid out why I now choose not to vote while mentioning what I would vote for. Now I think I’m “ignored” because he can’t understand what he reads.

What weak minded people don’t understand is that when perspectives are challenged it gives one the opportunity to strengthen his position, modify, or if necessary discard altogether the idea. The problem arises for some is that their thoughts aren’t really theirs to begin with. They were told what to think and adopted this as their own without critical thought. The inability to articulate and/or defend one’s position is the dead giveaway.
Didn't you go to school? Critical thinking means siding with the teacher
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America has raised at least one generation of lazy, entitled, victimized, angry malcontents. I'm not surprised by that, but I am surprised to see so many on this forum. Wisdom comes from age and experience, not your phone, TikToc or support groups. Nobody can blame this one on me!! I didn't raise you. So, whatever hard lessons are coming your way in the future, either talk to your parents or deal with it. But believe me, it is coming. You're a bunch of quitters.
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No exception ban on abortion and suggesting women should stay in an abusive marriage is not the message Trump needs from his VP pick in the current climate.

2022 election cycle proved this when the red wave was barely a trickle out of the faucet. Should have been a landslide in our favor until the Roe v Wade decision.

None better than Kamala to drive this point home for the next 3 months. 2022 could have been a wakeup call to shift to a more middle ground, but it hasn't and won't because Republicans won't pull their collective heads out of their asses and realize elections are either won by telling people what they want to hear, or by cheating, and the other side does both very well.

Sure we can stand on the 10 million illegals that have been welcomed with open arms or the fact that you're spending 40% more at the grocery store than you were 4 years ago, but tell a woman she doesn't have the right to make a decision about her own body and it's game over. They will come out of the woodwork to tell you where to go.

I'm praying someone will remind me of this post and how wrong I was on November 6th.