
I wish she would whip his ASS!
What's messed up is that if she did win it would actually serve to legitimize this foolishness as it would be used to argue that women can compete against men and that men should continue to do this. By the women continually losing it serves to increase the anger against this movement. Losing sucks for these women and the situation isn't right, but it may serve to help put an end to it all. Maybe. If this doesn't stop women are going to get seriously injured.
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Reactions: Mwalex
No shocker here:

Johnson is a complete RINO, swamp dweller. There was never any question. MGT was 100% correct, and then he was unsuportive of bringing Garland to impeachment. THESE are the people that really need voted out on the same day Trump gets voted in (still hoping the cheat doesn't work).
Every republican speaker is controlled opposition at best! Or the Alphabets planted some kiddie porn or some other blackmail material !

Paging @Bender

Would Mr @Bender please report to the PortaJohn

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Reactions: 10ring'r
1. Zachar, male.

2. Nekevah, female.

3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.

4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.

5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.

6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.

7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.

8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

Rings a bell?? No? Well fuckit then i
guess opening is just a OK and anything goes. It is pretty much binary now you are either on the side of evil or on the side of good there is no more in between.
What's messed up is that if she did win it would actually serve to legitimize this foolishness as it would be used to argue that women can compete against men and that men should continue to do this. By the women continually losing it serves to increase the anger against this movement. Losing sucks for these women and the situation isn't right, but it may serve to help put an end to it all. Maybe. If this doesn't stop women are going to get seriously injured.
Women and cuck men vote for and support these initiatives. FAFO applies.
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