Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

boomer not X but same complaint. records to reel to reel to 8 track to cassette to CD. FUCK mp3 and subscriptions

As much as I would love to have vinyl for all the stuff I love, it would be too expensive for me. I have too many CDs to duplicate my collection. I just stuck with my old collection and still enjoy them very much every day. Never got into the streaming services and never listen to the radio. I still have a decent CD system in my truck and am content with that.

Pic of my ghetto set up. Also have another 200 or so in a dedicated listening area that I don't keep in the same cabinet with these (SACDs, Gold Masters, etc).

I am far from a literary genius but I thought the quote was so obvious that it would be silly to point out where it came from :LOL:

Meh... you know how many people think Wagner composed Ride of the Valkyries for an Elmer Fudd Cartoon?

This would have been a fun concert to attend at the Hollywood Bowl.

In 1991, I saw the NC Symphony Orchestra play at Duke Chapel... they performed the Prokofiev score from Alexendar Nevsky with the movie playing on a huge screen over the orchestra. That and Beethovens 9th also at Duke Chapel were two of the best musical 'things' I ever saw.

Would love to see Fantasia done with a full orchestra doing the score! Someone must have done it!



PS. I think the Alexendar Nevsky was in Raleigh... not Duke Chapel. But the 9th was definitely in the Chapel.
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Go to about 3:40 to see the pop

Good shoot. Officer did what he had to do. Clearly something he had never hoped to have to do. Adrenaline is a funny drug, never know how someone will react the first time.

Hope the officer is doing well and not second guessing himself.
Sad but true. Do not understand people with communist signs, protests. Haven't seen the flotilla of boats from Miami to Cuba, or buses crossing the border towards North Korea.

Well, real socialism has never been tried yet.

It’s always being spoiled by the reactionary forces of capitalism so until they get rid of capitalism and the proletariat “wreckers” they always have an excuse for why socialism is not working.

Their little utopian dreamland is perfect. Just that regressive thinkers always mess it up.

(Note sarcasm font… though that is how the idiots explain the repeated failures of socialism.)


And the rest of the monkeys will make fun of you, and the special 3nforcer monkeys will put you in jail, and the special judgy monkeys will make sure you spend all your bananas on def3nder monkeys. Then eventually you will be let go back to your tree...thats only your tree if you pay them royalties.....and you now have no bananas to pay thos3 royalties.