Israel/ Iran/ Hezbolah

And, we were "involved" a long, long time ago. Once you get involved, you're always involved.

Doesn't matter how or why we may want to argue the point, the Arab/Muslim world will always see it that way.

And our involvement in these types of matters makes us less safe, not more.

If we weren't so involved in the ME, terrorists wouldn't give a flying fuck about us. We are targets to them because we spend a considerable amount of resources fucking around in the region, creating all sorts of instability for our own gain (whatever that is).
And our involvement in these types of matters makes us less safe, not more.

If we weren't so involved in the ME, terrorists wouldn't give a flying fuck about us. We are targets to them because we spend a considerable amount of resources fucking around in the region, creating all sorts of instability for our own gain (whatever that is).
Prezactly. ;):)
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I'm honestly not surprised. They'll keep this on the downlow so there's plausible deniability if things go bad.

Can't really do that with regular forces.

I should also point out that we already lost two Navy Seals because of our involvement in Israel's clusterfuck, it seems like our nation has already forgotten about this:

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Genesis 12:3
Numbers 24:9

Cursing Israel is a very bad idea. You can see the political boundary when flying in because Israel is green, and everything around it looks…cursed.

It’s a tiny green spot in a sea of Islam.

How many Israel haters have ever been there?

I’ve been a bunch, trained with the IDF, and in the ‘90s they treated American servicemen better than we were treated at home before all the obligatory “Thank you for your service” BS. In uniform I couldn’t pay for a drink or a meal. People would invite me right into their homes who didn’t know me from Adam. Israel is the closest to American there is, and maybe our ONLY “ally” in the world.

The rest are just friends who ally with our interests, but they’re unreliable.

We probably get more intel from them, on the worst people in the world, than from anyone else. If the Arabs wanted peace we would have it tomorrow. They don’t.
Well, every knockoff 1970s Russian unguided rocket and slightly-larger-than-a-cat-sized drone that Hezbollah shoots over their border takes a big, wet bite out of the free money and Iron Dome/Arrow subsidies that Israel gets.

Iran is certainly embarrassed as is Hezbollah given that Israel can just walk UCAVs, cruises missiles, suitcase bombs in vents, UGVs, Mossad trained Kurdish assassins, and F15s into their territories and smoke them. Not to mention the physical ELINT work that happens, getting backdoored emulations of WhatsApp into their phones in Qatar.

This is a continuation of what's gone on in the region ever since the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Egyptians decided the coastline was worth fighting over, and several dozen other maritime empires.

Ironically enough if America did what America always did when our assets are attacked, like when the Liberty was hit, none of the Islamic extremism we see would exist and the Middle East. They would be more than happy to buy our coal and grain and lumber as well as accept Stringers to kill enemy tribes.

It's good for Rafael and Elbit and their servants here in the US, so, wars continue.
No doubt all true, but it's only in the last generation that Europe hasn't been the same cauldron of strife and warfare. If the Pax Americana is coming to an end my guess is that the end will be a very big end, just as anomalous as the post WWII "peace" has been. The fact we haven't been in a war of survival for longer than just about anyone has been alive is part of the reason we've had ascendant, woke, leftism and all manner of cultural retardation and circular logic.
It was Hamas who attacked Israel, not the other way round.
Name the war/wars Israel allegedly started the US actively fought.
The same people Israel are fighting hate us just as much as they do Israel.
They are our enemies too.

So this is Israel's fault too....
Our country is turning to crap because as a nation we have rebelled against God and turned our backs on Him.

Out of all the "conflicts" between Israel and it's Arab neighbors since becoming a sovereign nation again in 1948 name one where Israel was the aggressor.
In fact if you look back on the history of the Israelites you'll not find one example of them starting a single war just for $h!t$ and giggles.
Any aggression on the Israelites part was commanded of God.

You need to get the plank out of your own eye so you can see straight first...

First off, both Israel and Palestine have lied so badly about October 7th, it might as well not even have happened. Do I trust either side? Fuck no, but I do know there's only one side that has been up for negotiations on a ceasefire agreement and it sure as fuck ain't Israel that wants to negotiate. Nuttinyahoo is a fucking war monger. He's pretty much the Israeli version of Lindsay Graham. When he made the statement about how Israel can defend itself even without US help, we should've withdrew ourselves and our equipment and let them handle it.

Also, I never said it's Israel's fault that our country has become a Globalist shithole that just let's the world's worst people in our country with open arms. I know Nationalism is the new N-word we're suppose to be scared of and never use, but myself and many others here at the Hide will choose the Nationalistic approach. Hopefully we can get Thomas Massie and others like him into the senate. I support Trump in 2024, but the sad truth is 2024 Trump is pretty drastically different than the 2016 Trump we all loved. He's no longer the Nationalist and Populist who wanted to put America first, but rather has become a typical Republican who is putting Israel first. When I seen videos of our AMERICAN congress waving Israel, Palestine, or Ukrainian flags, it made me sick! Our Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew that treason has been normalized.

Finally, I'll end on the religious note. Our country is a Christian country, NOT a Judaeo-Christian country like so many like to say. Christianity and Judaism are not compatible with eachother and if Jews could get away with it, they'd exterminate all Christians. Islam at least recognizes Jesus as the prophet that preceded Muhammad after Jesus went to meet God in Heaven. Want to know how Jews portray Jesus? They portray him as some street rat who boils for all eternity in a river of semen in Hell. I don't trust Jews or Muslims, but if I had to, I'd trust Muslims because unlike Jews, you know where you stand with Muslims.
First off, both Israel and Palestine have lied so badly about October 7th, it might as well not even have happened. Do I trust either side? Fuck no, but I do know there's only one side that has been up for negotiations on a ceasefire agreement and it sure as fuck ain't Israel that wants to negotiate. Nuttinyahoo is a fucking war monger. He's pretty much the Israeli version of Lindsay Graham. When he made the statement about how Israel can defend itself even without US help, we should've withdrew ourselves and our equipment and let them handle it.

Also, I never said it's Israel's fault that our country has become a Globalist shithole that just let's the world's worst people in our country with open arms. I know Nationalism is the new N-word we're suppose to be scared of and never use, but myself and many others here at the Hide will choose the Nationalistic approach. Hopefully we can get Thomas Massie and others like him into the senate. I support Trump in 2024, but the sad truth is 2024 Trump is pretty drastically different than the 2016 Trump we all loved. He's no longer the Nationalist and Populist who wanted to put America first, but rather has become a typical Republican who is putting Israel first. When I seen videos of our AMERICAN congress waving Israel, Palestine, or Ukrainian flags, it made me sick! Our Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew that treason has been normalized.

Finally, I'll end on the religious note. Our country is a Christian country, NOT a Judaeo-Christian country like so many like to say. Christianity and Judaism are not compatible with eachother and if Jews could get away with it, they'd exterminate all Christians. Islam at least recognizes Jesus as the prophet that preceded Muhammad after Jesus went to meet God in Heaven. Want to know how Jews portray Jesus? They portray him as some street rat who boils for all eternity in a river of semen in Hell. I don't trust Jews or Muslims, but if I had to, I'd trust Muslims because unlike Jews, you know where you stand with Muslims.
Do you reject the Old Testament?

Because that’s ALL Jewish.

Judao-Christian is accurate as part of the Christian Bible is Jewish. Christ was a Jew.

The current Jewish state is the remnants that refused to accept Christ as the Messiah.

Christ- I have come to fulfill the (Jewish) law, not replace it.

The irony is that all of us gun owners celebrate the 2A and it's original intention of allowing an armed populace to keep it's government in check.

And yet many of the same group of people denounce an oppressed population from using violence to get themselves out of situation that clearly can't be resolved with peace.

I guarantee that if any of us were placed in conditions even remotely similar to that of the Palestinians, we would be resorting to violence as well. However our constant propaganda that creates this narrative that Israel is some incredibly moral force that's in a battle with animals prevents us from understanding the other perspective.
she can be an idiot and stumble onto the truth. i believe "they" do want a big war.

I think the MIC wants a big war.

I think those in charge of the white house don't want a big war, at least not right now. As much as I hate to give them credit, they've seemed to be very hesitant to let this expand into a broader war. But they also aren't reigning in Israel near enough either to mitigate one.
If we weren't so involved in the ME, terrorists wouldn't give a flying fuck about us.

There is both No and yes in that answer.

At the start of our country the terrible scourge of evil, vile, horrific Muslim slave traders, raiders, pirates, kidnappers and their governments was so terrible our country was forced to raise money, build a world class navy and go sail over to North Africa and show the Muslims good and hard what happens when you attack Americans. We did the entire western world, as well as the Middle East and Africa a favour by destroying the power of those despicable Muslim scum and crushing their power forever.

Now our helping meddle in the middle east in a big way after WWII is a very different story and has caused much trouble.
Our going in and having the CIA overthrow the democratic government of Iran to replace them with a dictator set the stage for today

Our becoming best buddies and friends with the evil Saudi Arabian government and empowering them, funding them, arming them and helping their brand of extreme hateful Islam to become dominant in much of the world, contributed directly to our problems with terrorism.
Not to mention their constant incursions into Europe since the beginning of their religion.

Iran would have been a fucken pain in the ass regardless of our meddling in their shit.
The irony is that all of us gun owners celebrate the 2A and it's original intention of allowing an armed populace to keep it's government in check.

And yet many of the same group of people denounce an oppressed population from using violence to get themselves out of situation that clearly can't be resolved with peace.

I guarantee that if any of us were placed in conditions even remotely similar to that of the Palestinians, we would be resorting to violence as well. However our constant propaganda that creates this narrative that Israel is some incredibly moral force that's in a battle with animals prevents us from understanding the other perspective.
Have you visited Israel? Have you visited other countries in the Middle East? It gives you a different perspective.
The irony is that all of us gun owners celebrate the 2A and it's original intention of allowing an armed populace to keep it's government in check.

And yet many of the same group of people denounce an oppressed population from using violence to get themselves out of situation that clearly can't be resolved with peace.

I guarantee that if any of us were placed in conditions even remotely similar to that of the Palestinians, we would be resorting to violence as well. However our constant propaganda that creates this narrative that Israel is some incredibly moral force that's in a battle with animals prevents us from understanding the other perspective.
if the migrant muslim invaders in america complain about poor food at tax funded housing i should put myself in their position and support them?

pals or muslims have no claim to israel. islam didn't exist until 600 years after christ died.
their claims are bullshit and their suffering is of their own making.
/of course it is hard to blame children.
//they fled willingly, expecting the jews to be slaughtered by the combined might of the muslim armies. btfo.
Have you visited Israel? Have you visited other countries in the Middle East? It gives you a different perspective.

It's a complex issue, there's lots of perspectives on the subject. I think many perspectives have merit. And no, I haven't been to Israel, though I hear the country (politics aside) is lovely and the people are generally pretty awesome.

However I do know that if I lived in an area that was controlled by another government that didn't represent me, that controlled the borders and everything that went in and out of my region, that counted the # of calories that went in to keep the population just above starvation levels, that shot protestors, that shot harmless people at border crossings, shot journalists, that uses rape and torture as a weapon, and techniques like indiscriminate bombing, I would probably resort to violence as well.

For the record, I'm not pro Palestine or pro Israel. But I can totally see how a population takes up violence when they are extremely oppressed. That's not rocket science.
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Have you visited Israel? Have you visited other countries in the Middle East? It gives you a different perspective.

Lebanon & Syria before McStain and the CIA decided to try to collapse everything for cheap oil and pipelines were actually a nice place to hang out in.
Apart from the crazy government and mad mullahs and enforcers, I hear Tehran is actually not a bad place to hang out.

Lots of very good places and good people to hang out with in Israel so long as you don't run into the crazies and oppressors.

I hear Jordan can be decent as well.

The Muslims not of the insane Saudi Arabian sect actually in a modern country with a decent government, often get along well with Christians as long as everyone understands their places.
if the migrant muslim invaders in america complain about poor food at tax funded housing i should put myself in their position and support them?

pals or muslims have no claim to israel. islam didn't exist until 600 years after christ died.
their claims are bullshit and their suffering is of their own making.
/of course it is hard to blame children.
//they fled willingly, expecting the jews to be slaughtered by the combined might of the muslim armies.

That analogy is not very apt, IMO.

The Palestinians were there for over 1,000 years before being displaced by the zionists. I don't think its fair to say that they deserved to get their land stolen, and have to live under the rule of an oppressive apartheid regime.

I also recognize that Israel is now a country, and has a right to exist and defend itself. But subjugating, dehumanizing and oppressing an entire group of people is clearly going to lead to violence. That should be completely unsurprising. I think if anyone here was placed in the position of the Palestinians, they would take up violence too. Anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.
That analogy is not very apt, IMO.

The Palestinians were there for over 1,000 years before being displaced by the zionists. I don't think its fair to say that they deserved to get their land stolen, and have to live under the rule of an oppressive apartheid regime.

I also recognize that Israel is now a country, and has a right to exist and defend itself. But subjugating, dehumanizing and oppressing an entire group of people is clearly going to lead to violence. That should be completely unsurprising. I think if anyone here was placed in the position of the Palestinians, they would take up violence too. Anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.
was it the palestinians that revolted and was it their armies that fought the romans a few times?
no, it was the jews because there has never been a palestine and "palestinians" didn't exist back then.
was it the palestinians that revolted and was it their armies that fought the romans a few times?
no, it was the jews because there has never been a palestine and "palestinians" didn't exist back then.

My understanding is that the area has always been occupied by many different ethnicities and cultures. It wasn't just one monolithic group like the jews.


Regardless, that doesn't really matter anymore. Other people occupied the lands pre-1948. You can't just subjugate and oppress a group of people, committing a plethora of war crimes in the process, because you feel like you have a rightful claim on the land.

I'm not going to defend war crimes, no matter who commits them. Immoral and unethical acts are exactly that, no matter who commits them. And yes, that includes Hamas as well.
My understanding is that the area has always been occupied by many different ethnicities and cultures. It wasn't just one monolithic group like the jews.
much like russia, syria iran, and lots of places. eventually one group takes control.
the plight of the palestinians has been theater, orchestrated by p.eople that don't give a shit about the "palestinians". jmo
explain why they have been kept in camps for 70 years by their muslim brothers. that is a starting point.
pals or muslims have no claim to israel. islam didn't exist until 600 years after christ died.
their claims are bullshit and their suffering is of their own making.

Actually that's not exactly correct.

So "Israel" or "Palestine" or whatever was the home of a bunch of various tribes, kind of roughly an ancient version of Arabs and others.

The Israelites came in and genocided most of them, and made slaves out of the rest of them and established the land of Israel.

Around like 600BC other empires came in and over a period of time killed off many of the Israelites and made slaves of just about all the rest.

Other folks were brought in / forced over etc and started making a home there.

Eventually some 100 years or so later some of the Jews returned and started making parts of the former land back to Israel, but the others that were there also stayed.

Eventually Romans (who were once friends to Israel when helping them fight the Greek empire) decided to take over and rule

Eventually the Israelites rebelled against Roman rule.

Rome came and slaughtered most of them and took almost all the rest of them away as slaves.

After that, the area was settled for the next 2000 years by a collection of other Arabs and various other folks who had been chased out of other countries and Christians and various refugees.

some 600 ish years later Islam was founded and by force took over most of the middle east and north africa and well tried to take over Europe. Islam at one time controlled most of Spain for example.

Some almost 1300 ish years later the Jews who were rather comfortable living nicely all over Europe up until 15 to 20 years prior to that time (after having survived you know 1500 years of the Catholics oppressing them) decided after Europe pretty much unitedly going on a rampage and trying to Genocide them and the USA pretty much just doing nothing but letting it happen until the very end, that they had best all get to a country of their own and it just so happened the British had several decades ago promised them a spot (next to the Arabs) in their ancient religious homeland.

As usual the British made a huge mess.
Usual backstabbing British pretty much made a plan to disarm the Jews, arm the Arabs and then let the Arabs wipe out the Jews.

The Jews were like, sorry but everybody is trying to genocide us, screw them all we are taking this place over and making it our own land where we will be safe from genocidal governments and oppression and if we have to wipe out a bunch of those that wanted to wipe us out, well so be it.

A bunch of the Arab powers decided to use the excuse to go show the Europeans that the Arabs could get the job done.
Once they realized they'd actually have to die over it, they got back to their places as quick as possible and told the other folks, "You know about those promises to come help you genocide the Jews, well good luck you know.. have fun, we don't like you anyways".

Essentially over the past like 5000 years so many groups back and forth have had legitimate claim to the land being theirs that it's impossible to pick one as being the best.

It's a history of might makes right in that area for thousands of years.
Peace in that area was only ever a brief interlude between fighting.

But you cannot deny how the Jews returned to essentially a desert with the landscape and structures not much changed from 2000 years ago and in 80 years built up a world class country rivalling many places in western Europe, with a military that is better that almost any other western European military and amazing agriculture and such.

Meanwhile the surrounding Arabs have struggled to stay modern as various of their religious factions keep them oppressed and from progressing, especially after the USA started funding the evil Saudis and helping them become dominant.

So the area currently belongs to Israel and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
much like russia, syria iran, and lots of places. eventually one group takes control.
the plight of the palestinians has been theater, orchestrated by p.eople that don't give a shit about the "palestinians". jmo
explain why they have been kept in camps for 70 years by their muslim brothers. that is a starting point.

Immoral and unethical acts are still exactly that.

Dehumanizing an entire population is not an answer. If Israel wants to act like barbarians, especially when they are in a position of power, then that's exactly how I will view them.
was it the palestinians that revolted and was it their armies that fought the romans a few times?
no, it was the jews because there has never been a palestine and "palestinians" didn't exist back then.
To be fair the entire area from the Sinai to Damascus to borth of Tyre up in southeastern Anatolia was known as Syria. The Romans did have 6 provinces there two of which were Samara and Judea. They of course knew of Judaism but also recognized many other tribes

Hadrian didn't pull a random name out of his ass when he carved out modern day Israel and Lebanon (Phonecia, Judea, Samara, Idumae and Galilee) into Syria Palastinae after The Great Jewish Revolt (1st Romano-Jewish War) end in 66BC. The Palestinians are just one of many semi nomadic Semetic peoples and the modern ones are more or less the same and distinct from the Bedouins/Arabs that become the various Caliphates some 600 years later.

That's the folly of going over who's land is who's, at some point you go far back enough and see it's conquered tribes, systemic rape and genocide or in this case you find out you actually shared the current borders you're in and well...go back to murdering the fuck out of everyone.

Ive worked for two Israeli companies now, most of my time was in Tel Aviv which may as well be San Fran with how gay it is. I've broke bread with folks from Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and wherever else. The people and even the religion isn't the issue - most Israelis, over half really, aren't even Jewish - it's the State(s) getting usurped and intermixed.

America wasn't much different at one point, hell at various points, the colonial era especially after the 7 Years War, loyalist reprisals of the 1790s, Bleeding Kansas, Antebellum South, the Western frontier, and maybe soon enough we will see localized "ultra violence" come back much like there is in Israel and Gaza.
Ive worked for two Israeli companies now, most of my time was in Tel Aviv which may as well be San Fran with how gay it is. I've broke bread with folks from Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and wherever else. The people and even the religion isn't the issue - most Israelis, over half really, aren't even Jewish - it's the State(s) getting usurped and intermixed.

This is my understanding as well. The issues between the different parties isn't over religion - in fact, Arabs considered the early zionist's to be allies.

It wasn't until land was being taken by the zionist's that it became an issue. It's an issue of politics, not religion.
I think the MIC wants a big war.
I think the MIC wants a big war.
You're wrong. What the MIC wants is a prolonged low key war like Vietnam, our presence in Afghanistan for 20 years, etc. as that will help the MIC make billions and billions. A true large war could end the world, as in the nukes start flying.
As I've stated before , Eisenhower said ; beware the MIC.
Immoral and unethical acts are still exactly that.

Dehumanizing an entire population is not an answer. If Israel wants to act like barbarians, especially when they are in a position of power, then that's exactly how I will view them.
i feel like i cannot cast stones, knowing the death toll of my own government.
i feel like i cannot cast stones, knowing the death toll of my own government.

I feel you. I have a LOT of critiques over our foreign policy.

Our neocon/'Project for a New American Century' foreign policy has been absolutely devastating. We've killed millions, spent trillions, and have made the world a worse and less safe place.
It's a complex issue, there's lots of perspectives on the subject. I think many perspectives have merit. And no, I haven't been to Israel, though I hear the country (politics aside) is lovely and the people are generally pretty awesome.

However I do know that if I lived in an area that was controlled by another government that didn't represent me, that controlled the borders and everything that went in and out of my region, that counted the # of calories that went in to keep the population just above starvation levels, that shot protestors, that shot harmless people at border crossings, shot journalists, that uses rape and torture as a weapon, and techniques like indiscriminate bombing, I would probably resort to violence as well.

For the record, I'm not pro Palestine or pro Israel. But I can totally see how a population takes up violence when they are extremely oppressed. That's not rocket science.
So, you have strong opinions on the Israel vs Palestine issues. If king for day, how would you solve the issue?
It's a complex issue, there's lots of perspectives on the subject. I think many perspectives have merit. And no, I haven't been to Israel, though I hear the country (politics aside) is lovely and the people are generally pretty awesome.

However I do know that if I lived in an area that was controlled by another government that didn't represent me, that controlled the borders and everything that went in and out of my region, that counted the # of calories that went in to keep the population just above starvation levels, that shot protestors, that shot harmless people at border crossings, shot journalists, that uses rape and torture as a weapon, and techniques like indiscriminate bombing, I would probably resort to violence as well.

For the record, I'm not pro Palestine or pro Israel. But I can totally see how a population takes up violence when they are extremely oppressed. That's not rocket science.
This sounds like the twin city area.
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That analogy is not very apt, IMO.

The Palestinians were there for over 1,000 years before being displaced by the zionists.
The Palestinians of 1000 years ago are not the same as the Palestinians of today.
1000 years ago the term Palestinian was regional term used to describe the inhabitants of the area, much like some residents of the U.S. are called southerners.
Today's Palestinians are a mixture of local Muslim inhabitants and other groups of Muslims brought in from Bosnia, the Balkans and the Caucasus by the Turks in the 16th century and from Sudan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon by the Brits in the 20th century.
There is no evidence that shows modern day Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites or the Philistines and since the term Palestinian didn't take on its current popular meaning until the mid 20th century their claim of ownership of the land is completely unfounded.
I don't think its fair to say that they deserved to get their land stolen, and have to live under the rule of an oppressive apartheid regime.
You can't have something stolen that was never yours in the first place.
The land belonged to God, He created it so rightfully it was His to do with as He pleased and He promised it to His chosen people, the Israelites.
And another thing to consider is Israel only occupies a small portion of the promised land God gave them.
I also recognize that Israel is now a country, and has a right to exist and defend itself. But subjugating, dehumanizing and oppressing an entire group of people is clearly going to lead to violence. That should be completely unsurprising. I think if anyone here was placed in the position of the Palestinians, they would take up violence too. Anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.
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This is my understanding as well. The issues between the different parties isn't over religion - in fact, Arabs considered the early zionist's to be allies.

It wasn't until land was being taken by the zionist's that it became an issue. It's an issue of politics, not religion.
It's a complicated topic, as most things are.

The mainstream - or more well known - Zionism movement was started in the 1890s in Britain and America (via immigration). The father of the modern project was Theodore Hertzel [sic?] That led it from 1897 to 1948 when the Zionist Congress got what it wanted via the Balfour Decision, a bit of Sykes-Picot, and then the Partition of Palestine as it was known into modern day Israel.

There were more popular movements in both Russia which had a large Turkic-Jewish-Cossack population and also in America all over New York State with some of those encampments and land grants still existing in NY.

Really the concept was sound - have a country or Jewish people's in their historical homeland that the historical record supports for over 6000 years. What happened afterwards sort of at the behest of the British the The Nakba was horrific but Zionism never started as overly violent or even violent at all.

There are of course a lot of emotional ties around it. The Rothschild family donated heavily, there was a large multi generational anti Jewish sentiment in Europe for over 900 years given that they were not subjected to Church or usury laws, and you throw in the Holocaust, Weimar diasporas, Pogroms, and pre 1948 Jewish reprisal campaigns across Arabia and Syria and I get *why* they wanted to run like fuck.

Then, the rest is history, they used their money and influence to deaden a lot of the atrocities committed and beat the shit out of disorganized Muslim armies who all hate each other, got backed by many Jewish Americans in Congress right after the Liberty was sunk and were allowed to buy a lot of assets of the MIC after L3 and Harris merged and get carte blanche. Plus they win the information war

Every Israeli I worked with was from Haifa or Tel Aviv, they all wanted a two state solution, most of them were not even Jewish, but they all activated after Oct 7 and some of them died for this shit.

I don't have a solution nor know all the history. I'm an Orthodox Christian and don't recognize the hersey of Islam nor the fact that Judaism isn't compatible with Christianity so while I won't be gaslit with politics I do grieve for my friends and all of the innocent people killed over there for whatever reason. In both sides.

The world is in a fallen state and it's not my place to judge it nor to have wrathful or vengeful thoughts. I once did and all that happened was I saw 100s of dead in Syria and elsewhere, lots of good friends died or came back worse than dead, cost me dearly and well it's tragic no matter what
While I don't particularly agree with your view, my policy is I won't help a country that disarms its own people, then asks for others help to fund the war that was only allowed to start because of their own weakness.

If every Israeli house had a rifle and a combat load in it, the terrorists would be far less bold when it comes to starting some shit.
then write off UK,NZ,AUS and several others as we should
Have zero love for the Muslems and the palestinians, but blind faith into Israel 'origin story' is mindbogling. Even more so the PR that makes folk think Israel is anyone's ally or worth supporting.

Well they were nowhere to be seen as an element of any importance for past 1900+ years ,that makes history prior of no relevance most of them can't trace two generations to the land of Israel,most being eastern european and soviet jews that took on fake names and language they never heard of before, about as authentic as Disney world , many of them don't even speak the newly reinvented language of theirs, they literally have political adds in Hebrew and Russian.

Interestingly enough Christians and Jews survived 1400+y of mostly Muslim overlords in Palestine , might not survive 80y of zionist rule ,as they have been uprooting ancient Christian communities with the same intensity as Muslim communities.

Besides, last i checked Judaism is a religion , jews are not an ethnicity even tough they are kinda anal on not mixing .Kinda hard to claim right to anything based on your religion.

correct jews are east euro,russian,semitc (arab originally),some ethiopian,many latin (mostly from europe to start). same with muslims mostly arab,a lot of persians,some indonesian,phillipino. so calling a religion an ethnicity or a race is all wrong. nazis did that in error. and since it is 2 dif religions they will keep killing and trying to conquer each other. that is is usually the goal of religions all thru history. christians have been pretty good at that right from the start. hindus and buddists have too.
The Palestinians of 1000 years ago are not the same as the Palestinians of today.
1000 years ago the term Palestinian was regional term used to describe the inhabitants of the area, much like some residents of the U.S. are called southerners.
Today's Palestinians are a mixture of local Muslim inhabitants and other groups of Muslims brought in from Bosnia, the Balkans and the Caucasus by the Turks in the 16th century and from Sudan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon by the Brits in the 20th century.
There is no evidence that shows modern day Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites or the Philistines and since the term Palestinian didn't take on its current popular meaning until the mid 20th century their claim of ownership of the land is completely unfounded.

You can't have something stolen that was never yours in the first place.
The land belonged to God, He created it so rightfully it was His to do with as He pleased and He promised it to His chosen people, the Israelites.
And another thing to consider is Israel only occupies a small portion of the promised land God gave them.
And according to christians, this same god that supposedly gave this land to them will be sending every jew and any other non christian to hell for all eternity for not accepting jesus as their savior. Interesting that you brought it up.
amazing. have to wonder how irrational or paid off these sorts are. maybe an indirect poke as russia? pretty well know that russia isn;t gonna let iran take a big hit unanswered. i would bet that hezbollah has as an effective ground presence here and in mexico as the US does.
iran has it's own internal problems and saber rattling by others is usually a way to defer those,eg ukraine and russia,israel,china,the us. we stayed out of places their rulers wouldn't have an external threat to try and make their pop cohesive against it.
Considering apparently the airspace isn't shuttered like previously, makes me believe this is just foreplay... what I am amazed about is they're wasting the rockets right now, I would have more expected an emptying of the arsenal in one consolidated attack.
If and when Iran actually tries to be bold, I would expect them to use their proxies to drain down some of the IDF defensive intercept resources first.

Let Lebonon and other Hezbollah take some of the retaliatory heat, then Iran tries to go from zero to hero with some direct action of their own.