Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

"Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone" John 8:7

Is that not a poor analogy for a father of five (Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, Summer Zervos, Jessica Drake, Temple Taggart McDowell, Bridget Sullivan, Tasha Dixon, Samantha Holvey, Ninni Laaksonen, Jennifer Murphy, Cassandra Searles, Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Cathy Heller, Mindy McGillivray, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth)

"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless." John 1:26

Yea, because no one has use the apparatus of the totalitarian state to attack trump for any of his dirty laundry/sin. It's one thing to have forgiveness for your brothers and sisters and turn the other cheek. It is quite another to be in an existential battle and refuse to fight. I seem to also remember something about turning your cloak in for a sword.

I would also caution using the Bible to justify your own personal opinions. It doesn't have too great a track record. I seem to remember a certain king that also had a problem with beautiful women who was God's instrument on earth.

Planks in the eye aside, with Kamala it wasn't some tryst. She literally slept her way into politics riding the Willy Brown train.
Shamelessly stolen from the snitch

After mag dumping in the face John Wick style, what exactly is the point of pistol whipping the corpse for another ten seconds? It the bullets didn't work the love taps with the piece certainly won't either. Is this for some sort of blood spatter look the shooters are going for?
Outlaw gospel is coming back with a vengeance.

Is it worth staying on the clock for an extra 30 minutes or so to take one of the Freightliners off to the gas station to top up the diesel in the tank just so I can rock out to this with the crosswind blasting through the cab? HELL YEAH.

Roughneck Hand - Bubba Reeves. Newly released this week.

…what exactly is the point of pistol whipping the corpse for another ten seconds?


Rules: Found the ring my wife dropped down into the passenger seat of her car, after she took her rings up to put lotion on her hands. Pretty awesome.


…of course, unplugging the seat generated a code, complete with a warning light we couldn’t clear until I bought a scanner/2-way reader for $150, plus a $40 subscription for this specific vehicle. 🫤

Code now cleared, and at least I now have the option to do the oil changes, etc. and reset the service reminders myself:


…and no, I have no idea why the report is indicating km, LoL. Likely because it’s a German car, and the baseline code measurements are all in metric units. It does make me chuckle to read “mileage” and then see the reading displayed in KM, LoL.

And the $190 investment is still better than a single trip to the stealership with labor tracking at $250/hour these days.
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New age, "spiritual", vegan, essential oil dabbing, positive energy channeling Gen Z women: Getting sick and dying at less than 40 years old at alarming rates.

Meanwhile, an 86 year old Texas rancher, roughneck, Ram 2500 driving good old boy: "This batch of .45-70 is recoiling less than they should. Did moisture get into my powder?"...
Be talkin shit until you need something from these bad mammajammas. You need to look somewhere else if you need some chapstick or a piece of gum or have a hangnail or need an Amazon package opened or a breath mint or need something dug out of one of your disgusting-ass toenails or need a Kleenex or any manner of shit that can be done with my multitool