UK Police Commissioner wants round 3 with US Citizenry

This same massad ayoob?

Yeah no.

During qualification for a CCL, I had a cop instructor drop the slide while inspecting my $3K 1911 that Virgil Tripp did a 3lb. trigger on. I couldn't contain the noise I made.

It's like you see their thumb going for the slide release in slow motion and you can't move fast as you think 'NNO-O-o-shit.'
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She better Prozac up,... and stay home.

They are lucky that almost everybody is still playing by the rules at the moment. Unarmed cops arresting unarmed peaceful dissidents. But they are making the worst mistake of cornering their opponents now. Northern Ireland police are arresting anybody who were even near the protests without having participated in them. If these are the stakes and that now you may be rounded up just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, some people will say "guess what, might as well go in for murdering one of these state mooks".
Are these the cops the UK is going to send after us?

A great percentage of them on both sides of the dichotomy have no appetite for real violence other than the usual shoving and occasional fisticuffs. What will REALLY likely end up happening as this situation worsens and regular Britons are fed up over all other things wrong with their country, is that a general strike and walkoff of skilled trades and infrastructure workers will take place. A lot of Youtubers are already calling it and most are unanimously agreeing. A massive walkoff of power grid workers, garbage collection, water treatment, and possible trucking and food transport workers, leading to a paralysis of all essential services and Labour possibly being ousted in disgrace. The Reform Party is not sitting still through all of this. They are hard at work campaigning in the northern England and Scottish countryside and getting a lot of new support.
UK police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley thinks he's coming to get US citizens for their online posts. The conservative US citizens invite you to come get some sir! We can give you a much better welcome than our ancestors! 100% of US military aid that goes to defend the UK and maybe the EU needs to be stopped until they clarify!
Corrected to round 3 as I was reminded of 1812.
Bring it, limey bitches. We need another 4th of July type holiday.
Putin could have taken whatever he wanted of Ukraine at any time. But why do that when he can weaken the USA and NATO in the process? He has us in a proxy war thats very unpopular and wrecks the biolabs the US setup and he gets to buy our ordinance when Zelinsky sells it to iran.... Russia benefits immensely from a long, drawn out land war with us as a proxy. So does China. \

Ukraine is not our friend. they are nothing but a money laundering, back room dealing, most corrupt country in Eur-Asia and Obama set it up that way. its why the CIA overthrew their government in 2014. its why Biden had to threaten them publically with witholding money, because he couldnt have prosecutors sniffing around that werent on the payroll.

all the propaganda the media feeds you about Ukraine is nothing but lies. Putin is a cat, playing with a half dead mouse. if he kills it, he doesnt get to play with it anymore.
A great percentage of them on both sides of the dichotomy have no appetite for real violence other than the usual shoving and occasional fisticuffs. What will REALLY likely end up happening as this situation worsens and regular Britons are fed up over all other things wrong with their country, is that a general strike and walkoff of skilled trades and infrastructure workers will take place. A lot of Youtubers are already calling it and most are unanimously agreeing. A massive walkoff of power grid workers, garbage collection, water treatment, and possible trucking and food transport workers, leading to a paralysis of all essential services and Labour possibly being ousted in disgrace. The Reform Party is not sitting still through all of this. They are hard at work campaigning in the northern England and Scottish countryside and getting a lot of new support.
This. Modern society had no idea how quickly all the infrastructure would grind to a halt if a few key blue collar workers decide to stay home for a week. Water, sewage, trash, food, electricity, internet, cell, etc. could all "turn off" without the skilled workers. If the truck drivers ever decide to seriously boycott, then how fast would grocery stores run out of food?
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This. Modern society had no idea who quickly all the infrastructure would grind to a halt if a few key blue collar workers decide to stay home for a week. Water, sewage, trash, food, electricity, internet, cell, etc. could all "turn off" without the skilled workers. If the truck drivers ever decide to seriously boycott, then how fast would grocery stores run out of food?
Yep, when the slaves stop working, tyrants and their hired oppressors rule over a kingdom of nothing.
During qualification for a CCL, I had a cop instructor drop the slide while inspecting my $3K 1911 that Virgil Tripp did a 3lb. trigger on. I couldn't contain the noise I made.

It's like you see their thumb going for the slide release in slow motion and you can't move fast as you think 'NNO-O-o-shit.'
I'm in need of some education please. What's wrong with dropping the slide?

Is it just because you're not racking to release it? The video was tabulating lost value
Yep, when the slaves stop working, tyrants and their hired oppressors rule over a kingdom of nothing.

Kind of the whole point behind Atlas Shrugged
The evil could exist because the good folks were supporting, working for and enabling their own oppression.

The moment they all just walked away, the FSA turned on itself and collapsed.
Yep, when the slaves stop working, tyrants and their hired oppressors rule over a kingdom of nothing.

No disagreement ,self employed here and have been " on strike" for quite awhile . Doesn't mean I don't work ,but I'm not gonna work my ass off just to feed the system.

Most ? slaves can't afford to stop working ( national strike) to effect change because they're too deep in debt.

Seems I remember it written " the borrower is the slave to the lender " paraphrasing maybe.

I can remember my parents ( mom a school teacher, dad coast to coast truck driver and other various jobs) working and saving and paying cash for everything ( new cars ,appliances ect. along with spoiling my little ass ) I've followed their example the best I could to present day( except the spoiling my children part ) and am debt free and in the process of contributing the least I can / have to, to the beast system we now find ourselves in.

Moral of story: Love and trust God our Father and seek His wisdom, try to be pleasing to Him ,ask forgiveness for fuck ups and Blessing will/ do come. Doesn't mean there will not be hard times, they show up too. However, a lot of hard times are self inflicted by not disguising between " wants and needs ".

Coming to full circle ....people's "wants " are a lot of the reasons they find themselves being a slave to the lender ,and therefore unable to say "fuck this shit ,I ain't playin this game anymore"
Coming to full circle ....people's "wants " are a lot of the reasons they find themselves being a slave to the lender ,and therefore unable to say "fuck this shit ,I ain't playin this game anymore"
This is how they pushed/forced many to take the jab. They knew/know how deep in debt or on the edge most are. Those of us who have lived our lives w/o being a slave to the system, is what irks their ass the most. One of the reasons they call us, none system controllable.
You should go to YouTube and watch any of the myriad of videos about this... And Grandmas being arrested for "inaccurate" social media posts.

Then take a stroll through the comments.

Lots of folks over there with buyer's remorse right now.

Fuck. Them. In. The. Neck.

They voted for the fucking clowns who enacted this tyrannical bullshit. And now they're upset that they got what they voted for.

Some talk about how they're considering leaving the country... And I responded to several that they can stay right the fuck where they're at. We don't need them importing their brain rot here... We have enough democrats as it is.

Those dipshits built that boat. They can sink with it.

You should go to YouTube and watch any of the myriad of videos about this... And Grandmas being arrested for "inaccurate" social media posts.

Then take a stroll through the comments.

Lots of folks over there with buyer's remorse right now.

Fuck. Them. In. The. Neck.

They voted for the fucking clowns who enacted this tyrannical bullshit. And now they're upset that they got what they voted for.

Some talk about how they're considering leaving the country... And I responded to several that they can stay right the fuck where they're at. We don't need them importing their brain rot here... We have enough democrats as it is.

Those dipshits built that boat. They can sink with it.


Unfortunately it’s a case of the majority of retards ruining the country for everyone else. After your last elections I’m sure you can sympathise with that, although the mouth breathers and cucks have turned the UK into an almost unrecognisable Orwellian hellscape now.
Unfortunately it’s a case of the majority of retards ruining the country for everyone else. After your last elections I’m sure you can sympathise with that, although the mouth breathers and cucks have turned the UK into an almost unrecognisable Orwellian hellscape now.
Fair point.

You should go to YouTube and watch any of the myriad of videos about this... And Grandmas being arrested for "inaccurate" social media posts.

Then take a stroll through the comments.

Lots of folks over there with buyer's remorse right now.

Fuck. Them. In. The. Neck.

They voted for the fucking clowns who enacted this tyrannical bullshit. And now they're upset that they got what they voted for.

Some talk about how they're considering leaving the country... And I responded to several that they can stay right the fuck where they're at. We don't need them importing their brain rot here... We have enough democrats as it is.

Those dipshits built that boat. They can sink with it.

good point mike, but i am not convinced "they" voted for any of this shit (like we didn't vote for pedo joe).
polling shows 70% have been against migration for years...and yet globalist cucks get elected anyway.
Not in a million fucking years. Cunt.

(Sorry, no disrespect intended towards you)
All good, and understand… It was actually a bit of a joke.

And yeah, it wouldn’t be pleasant I think; one of those “please don’t speak, just look pretty” grudge fucks would probably be in order. Like hooking up with a hot ex-girlfriend that you broke up with for a damn good reason; instant regerts and more baggage in your life.

Can you imagine what hell actually living with her or someone like her would be like? She may be a perfectly nice person, but the ease with which she just goes along with actually arresting someone for a literal thought crime/wrong speak tells me everything I need to know about her character…and honestly, kinda scares the crap out of me.

Evil doesn’t always look…well, evil. It’s very often disguised as something pleasant; attractive even.

Man… How fast are we going over this cliff?

Fuck. Now I gotta go do the Army Jerry thing again; second time this week, LoL. Gotta replace the stuff I shot practicing Bill drills last week…and again mañana I suppose.
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All good, and understand… It was actually a bit of a joke.

And yeah, it wouldn’t be pleasant I think; one of those “please don’t speak, just look pretty” grudge fucks like hooking up with an ex-girlfriend would probably be in order.

Can you imagine what hell actually living with her or someone like her would be like? She may be a perfectly nice person, but the ease with which she just goes along with actually arresting someone for a literal thought crime/wrong speak tells me everything I need to know about her character…and honestly, kinda scares the crap out of me.

How fast are we going over this cliff?

Fuck. Now I gotta go do the Army Jerry thing again; second time this week, LoL. Gotta replace the stuff I shot practicing Bill drills last week…and again mañana I suppose.
Exactly 😉👍