
im going to Paris in a month. luckily im a pugilist. but maybe i can find a bootleg knife to carry
Hardware store. Tent stakes, gutter spikes and all kinds of other cool things that do the job.
Ever seen the imagination those behind bars use?
These can be had for a few pennies.
Hardware store. Tent stakes, gutter spikes and all kinds of other cool things that do the job.
Ever seen the imagination those behind bars use?
These can be had for a few pennies.
View attachment 8479334

Yep, that is a very effective modern day poniard or misericorde. Historically carried by Italian knights and noblemen and spread northward into France in the 1400s and were carried by nobles, peasants, assassins, infantrymen, and bishops alike. The name misericorde translates into "mercy of God", because a soldier on a battlefield would use the slim and strong blade of a poniard to pierce straight through the plate armor of an unhorsed knight, or slip it between the joints on the armor into a vital area then scramble it around back and forth and "put the enemy out of his misery" as the euphemism goes... Someone who knows how to use a knife in defense don't need a wide or sharp blade to be effective when the real mechanism for threat neutralizing is penetration followed by circular and left-right top-down scrambling. A sharp point hardwood chopstick would be more than sufficient too...

This is the Dick Pick, push dagger variant of the same style blade:

Yep, that is a very effective modern day poniard or misericorde. Historically carried by Italian knights and noblemen and spread northward into France in the 1400s and were carried by nobles, peasants, assassins, infantrymen, and bishops alike. The name misericorde translates into "mercy of God", because a soldier on a battlefield would use the slim and strong blade of a poniard to pierce straight through the plate armor of an unhorsed knight, or slip it between the joints on the armor into a vital area then scramble it around back and forth and "put the enemy out of his misery" as the euphemism goes...

This is the Dick Pick, push dagger variant of the same style blade:

I just call it my JB Weld mixing tool. 😁
Buckstop...........cruse set at 75MPH............problem solved

The only problem with that is if there are 50 cars in front of you that do not have the testicle fortitude to have this same attitude and they stop, you are blocked in.

I'm all for calling people out on what they did wrong but lying is not the way. That clip of the state troopers shooting a paintball gun was during the riot, not covid lockdowns. Also, they were not ordered to do it. As much as that sounds good for headlines, the POS governor did not order them to do that. From what I heard it was pretty much one trooper doing it.

I'm not defending the actions of that trooper, just setting the record straight. During that riot, antifa/blm squads were going through that very neighborhood and burning houses and businesses down and sometimes shooting at homeowners and definitely shooting at police and fire. Police were hunting down those terror squads and that is the real story which is way worse than a cop shooting a paintball gun at someone. Sure, that was disrespectful but let's not resort to flat out lying to get headlines.

Be better. (not you Mwalex, the media)
Really depends on what part of Texas, I assure you.
…and to piggyback on this, it’s a far cry from a no-knock raid in the middle of the night, or a force (military or otherwise) showing up with armor and what’s essentially a support platoon + infantry.

It’d be foolish to engage when outgunned, and they have the drop on you to boot.

But cops (or anyone…protestors?) walking down the street yelling, and then they point what looks like a long arm at you and your family, including kids for fucks sake, and begin to open fire?

Yeah, that’s not gonna end well around here. And yes, whoever engages them would likely die, and certainly go to jail, but if you start shooting at kids, all bets are off.

Uvalde cowards notwithstanding. And gotta say, that incident likely put almost all of Texas on alert re: the idea that the cops aren’t gonna save you. Everyone I know, including some liberals, are spring loaded to engage any threat’s nowadays.

Take it for what it’s worth, but yeah, going back to my original comment…pulling out a weapon and pointing it at kids is a good way to get deaded around here.
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In Northern Ireland, same thing going on. Families on council home waitlists denied and slots given to illegal newcomers. Hotels told to accept no more paying guests because they are being requisitioned for migrant housing. These are not coincidences. Keir Starmer and our Democrats are merely the second tier messengers of the real shot callers, which is the same global cabal that told us that we will be eating bugs, own nothing and be happy with it. Mass destabilization of western countries and destruction of western culture is the stage they are at right now, just faster and more aggressive in the UK and Australia where they managed to complete their first step, the 1997 gun bans in both places. Tony Blair becoming prime minister marked the beginning of the 'experiment' in the UK.
Yep, that is a very effective modern day poniard or misericorde. Historically carried by Italian knights and noblemen and spread northward into France in the 1400s and were carried by nobles, peasants, assassins, infantrymen, and bishops alike. The name misericorde translates into "mercy of God", because a soldier on a battlefield would use the slim and strong blade of a poniard to pierce straight through the plate armor of an unhorsed knight, or slip it between the joints on the armor into a vital area then scramble it around back and forth and "put the enemy out of his misery" as the euphemism goes... Someone who knows how to use a knife in defense don't need a wide or sharp blade to be effective when the real mechanism for threat neutralizing is penetration followed by circular and left-right top-down scrambling. A sharp point hardwood chopstick would be more than sufficient too...

This is the Dick Pick, push dagger variant of the same style blade:

Just wait till those Anglo-Saxon Christians get fed up. Biblical prophecies abound.

View attachment 8479439
with all that is going on in europe,maybe we should ask putin to take it over. might decrease the # of assaults,murders and rapes. i think the russkies deal with that in a more appropriate fashion than the UK does. i expect suria law would not be implemented.
with all that is going on in europe,maybe we should ask putin to take it over. might decrease the # of assaults,murders and rapes. i think the russkies deal with that in a more appropriate fashion than the UK does. i expect suria law would not be implemented.
I see no lies.
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I'm all for calling people out on what they did wrong but lying is not the way. That clip of the state troopers shooting a paintball gun was during the riot, not covid lockdowns. Also, they were not ordered to do it. As much as that sounds good for headlines, the POS governor did not order them to do that. From what I heard it was pretty much one trooper doing it.

I'm not defending the actions of that trooper, just setting the record straight. During that riot, antifa/blm squads were going through that very neighborhood and burning houses and businesses down and sometimes shooting at homeowners and definitely shooting at police and fire. Police were hunting down those terror squads and that is the real story which is way worse than a cop shooting a paintball gun at someone. Sure, that was disrespectful but let's not resort to flat out lying to get headlines.

Be better. (not you Mwalex, the media)
ahhh, I was wondering why they were telling people to get back into their houses.... the terror squads were sitting on their porches wondering WTF was going on!!

it all makes sense now, thank you for clarifying it for us!
Here's a curve ball.

I don't consider it a curve ball.
He and some others dressed in drag for a Halloween party a few years ago. That wasn't that uncommon and certainly didn't brand any of the guys as "crossdressers" or trans. While probably not the most flattering photo when viewed through today's norms, it isn't considered a negative or curveball by most which is precisely why the MSM will run with it and narrate to any advantage they can squeeze out of it.
ahhh, I was wondering why they were telling people to get back into their houses.... the terror squads were sitting on their porches wondering WTF was going on!!

it all makes sense now, thank you for clarifying it for us!

This is not at all what I said nor implied.

Shooting paintballs at people refusing to go into their house was one of two possibilities. One being the police didn't have time to walk over and argue with them about going inside so they just pepper the porch up with paintballs to make them go in. Or they were marking them. This is done during riots. When someone in the mob is causing trouble but can't be snatched up at that moment, they get marked with a paintball.

For those like yourself with poor reading comprehension, I'm not saying those people on that porch were trouble makers. Argue all you want about how it was a dick move...IDGAF. But I used to live near there and knew many people stuck in their homes during that riot and they were afraid their house would be the next to be burned down or have bullets rip through. It was a fucking warzone. I was in contact with people stuck behind the lines and know what they went through. Many fled with their families to stay at a safer place, not knowing if their house would be there when they returned.

Those cops were hunting down terror squads and they were on the move with no time to walk up to people on their porch and ask politely to go inside. They gave a verbal warning and if people wanted to argue back, they got tagged. Does that suck? Sure does. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe not but shit was happening fast and there were antifa/blm gangs rolling around burning houses down with people inside. Then when fire showed up, they were shot at. It was a fucking war zone and not everything was perfect and feelings were hurt. The amount of full gas cans found in people's yards later was terrifying, but an abandoned gas can was likely because those cops got close and before the terror squad could burn down a house, they had to run.

I'm not defending paint marking people on their porch. What I am doing is better reporting than the fucking media professionals that won't tell you what really happened or completely lie about it such as that video clip floating around right now saying the governor told police to shoot paintballs during covid lockdowns. That is a flat out lie.

The riots were the fault of the governor. The 3rd precinct was ordered to be abandoned by the governor. The people killed, homes burned, buildings burned, rioters bused in, all the chaos was the fault of the governor. There is plenty to call him out on, lies are not even needed. Of all the shit to actually report on that happened, someone getting hit with a paintball somehow rises to the top. El Oh El
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This is not at all what I said nor implied.

Shooting paintballs at people refusing to go into their house was one of two possibilities. One being the police didn't have time to walk over and argue with them about going inside so they just pepper the porch up with paintballs to make them go in. Or they were marking them. This is done during riots. When someone in the mob is causing trouble but can't be snatched up at that moment, they get marked with a paintball.

For those like yourself with poor reading comprehension, I'm not saying those people on that porch were trouble makers. Argue all you want about how it was a dick move...IDGAF. But I used to live near there and knew many people stuck in their homes during that riot and they were afraid their house would be the next to be burned down or have bullets rip through. It was a fucking warzone. I was in contact with people stuck behind the lines and know what they went through. Many fled with their families to stay at a safer place, not knowing if their house would be there when they returned.

Those cops were hunting down terror squads and they were on the move with no time to walk up to people on their porch and ask politely to go inside. They gave a verbal warning and if people wanted to argue back, they got tagged. Does that suck? Sure does. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe not but shit was happening fast and there were antifa/blm gangs rolling around burning houses down with people inside. Then when fire showed up, they were shot at. It was a fucking war zone and not everything was perfect and feelings were hurt. The amount of full gas cans found in people's yards later was terrifying, but an abandoned gas can was likely because those cops got close and before the terror squad could burn down a house, they had to run.

I'm not defending paint marking people on their porch. What I am doing is better reporting than the fucking media professionals that won't tell you what really happened or completely lie about it such as that video clip floating around right now saying the governor told police to shoot paintballs during covid lockdowns. That is a flat out lie.

The riots were the fault of the governor. The 3rd precinct was ordered to be abandoned by the governor. The people killed, homes burned, buildings burned, rioters bused in, all the chaos was the fault of the governor. There is plenty to call him out on, lies are not even needed. Of all the shit to actually report on that happened, someone getting hit with a paintball somehow rises to the top. El Oh El
Well, I guess I'm very guilty (in this case) of jumping to a conclusion without proper context; though, it was presented it was for COVID and not riots. Context is everything isn't it....
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Well, I guess I'm very guilty (in this case) of jumping to a conclusion without proper context; though, it was presented it was for COVID and not riots. Context is everything isn't it....

It's a reminder that we can't believe everything we are told, even if it sounds like something we want to believe. I will set the record straight where I see the opportunity.

EDIT to add: You are not guilty of jumping to a conclusion, you were simply lied to
This is not at all what I said nor implied.

Shooting paintballs at people refusing to go into their house was one of two possibilities. One being the police didn't have time to walk over and argue with them about going inside so they just pepper the porch up with paintballs to make them go in. Or they were marking them. This is done during riots. When someone in the mob is causing trouble but can't be snatched up at that moment, they get marked with a paintball.

For those like yourself with poor reading comprehension, I'm not saying those people on that porch were trouble makers. Argue all you want about how it was a dick move...IDGAF. But I used to live near there and knew many people stuck in their homes during that riot and they were afraid their house would be the next to be burned down or have bullets rip through. It was a fucking warzone. I was in contact with people stuck behind the lines and know what they went through. Many fled with their families to stay at a safer place, not knowing if their house would be there when they returned.

Those cops were hunting down terror squads and they were on the move with no time to walk up to people on their porch and ask politely to go inside. They gave a verbal warning and if people wanted to argue back, they got tagged. Does that suck? Sure does. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe not but shit was happening fast and there were antifa/blm gangs rolling around burning houses down with people inside. Then when fire showed up, they were shot at. It was a fucking war zone and not everything was perfect and feelings were hurt. The amount of full gas cans found in people's yards later was terrifying, but an abandoned gas can was likely because those cops got close and before the terror squad could burn down a house, they had to run.

I'm not defending paint marking people on their porch. What I am doing is better reporting than the fucking media professionals that won't tell you what really happened or completely lie about it such as that video clip floating around right now saying the governor told police to shoot paintballs during covid lockdowns. That is a flat out lie.

The riots were the fault of the governor. The 3rd precinct was ordered to be abandoned by the governor. The people killed, homes burned, buildings burned, rioters bused in, all the chaos was the fault of the governor. There is plenty to call him out on, lies are not even needed. Of all the shit to actually report on that happened, someone getting hit with a paintball somehow rises to the top. El Oh El
At this point I don't give a fuck if it's true or false. The Pravda has warped that line with all of the "there's good people on both sides" and a shit load of other false claims. Guess it's time to fight them with their rules.
As a reminder. Harry Reid stood in the Senate and lied about Trump. When he was called on it he replied " we won didn't we".
Well if you want to fight by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. You're going to keep losing.
Was listening to Jeff Taylor on YouTube. The closer the collapse of the Empire the crazier the laws are. Cisero.

Correct. The control that was focused outward turns inward as it has no other place to go. It's not like the Empire is going to reduce the size of the machine, and control is needed to prevent additional loss of power and control. And taxes increase because they have to.

This tells a person where everything is headed in general. The specifics really aren't material as the result is less freedom.
That's not how pyramid schemes work.
Actually it is. Pyramid schemes ALWAYS end up collapsing, and this one will too. Interestingly, the defense of the left and the SS Administration in defending the pyramid scheme of the Social Security system is that it is not a "Ponzie" scheme, because in a fraudulent pyramid scheme the participants are not aware that it's a pyramid scheme, and think they are actually getting real returns as if it were a pension or an actual investment plan. They say it is perfectly legal because everyone knows it's a pyramid scheme that is fundamentally unsustainable.

It has been thus so that the government can raid all the payments and spend them on whatever it wanted, just like the criminals running a Ponzie scheme spend all the funds on mink coats, mansions, and cars. Unfortunately for us it will not end till it collapses, because the criminals are in charge and everyone wunts muh SS dat I pade into. Fucking ridiculous!