
Dear me...

Biggest issue I have with polls is the people responding to polls. Who in their right mind responds to polls? Who responds to random texts about political stuff? Who can tell which of them is actually legitimate? Even if you respond, the questions they ask are not written well.
Fox is controlled opposition. 4 years ago, mid-summer, they turned on the Don to assist the swamp in stealing the election by helping the left in throwing just enough shade on Trump to hurt him as bad as they could without totally disenfranchising their conservative viewership up to and after the election. They are simply repeating that cycle after attempting to give the appearance of conservative media for the meantime. Remember that these fucksticks were right in on the January 6th train with the left. I have in some ways more despise of them than of CNN due to this ruse. Fox is NOT a reliable news source. CNN does not pretend to be.
Fox is controlled opposition. 4 years ago, mid-summer, they turned on the Don to assist the swamp in stealing the election by helping the left in throwing just enough shade on Trump to hurt him as bad as they could without totally disenfranchising their conservative viewership up to and after the election. They are simply repeating that cycle after attempting to give the appearance of conservative media for the meantime. Remember that these fucksticks were right in on the January 6th train with the left. I have in some ways more despise of them than of CNN due to this ruse. Fox is NOT a reliable news source. CNN does not pretend to be.
Fox = RINO reservation
Biggest issue I have with polls is the people responding to polls. Who in their right mind responds to polls? Who responds to random texts about political stuff? Who can tell which of them is actually legitimate? Even if you respond, the questions they ask are not written well.
I've responded to polls... Them: "Hi, we'd like to ask you a few questions." BytorJr: "Yeah, well, goodbye, don't call again, and you're blocked." Same goes for GOP and any other politcal organziation asking for money.

Answer, as I said not long ago here...Freedom of Speech (as the Founders wrote it) is super powerful. I still say #2 should have been #1 and maybe should have been written so dumbasses of the future could understand it without the militia part (though that was super important at that time). But #1 and #2 are truly what make the US of A GREAT and one-of-a-kind.

Founders didn't care it was "misleading" or "hateful" - one is free to dig their own hole if they choose to do so.
That mofo is also the leader of a massive purse snatching ring in Manhattan. They ride around on motor scooters, two to a bike, and yank purses and phones out of the hands of anyone who is even slightly distracted. The lower Midtown area had over 20 purse snatchings a day.
C4 + Remote detonator. Live webcam for bonus points. In Roblox.

It's a reminder that we can't believe everything we are told, even if it sounds like something we want to believe. I will set the record straight where I see the opportunity.

EDIT to add: You are not guilty of jumping to a conclusion, you were simply lied to

So, fucking police shooting people sitting on their porch just needs "proper context"? WTF? "Their just marking them for later...".
Yeah, let them mark the police right back with something a little more permanent.

Actually it is. Pyramid schemes ALWAYS end up collapsing, and this one will too. Interestingly, the defense of the left and the SS Administration in defending the pyramid scheme of the Social Security system is that it is not a "Ponzie" scheme, because in a fraudulent pyramid scheme the participants are not aware that it's a pyramid scheme, and think they are actually getting real returns as if it were a pension or an actual investment plan. They say it is perfectly legal because everyone knows it's a pyramid scheme that is fundamentally unsustainable.

It has been thus so that the government can raid all the payments and spend them on whatever it wanted, just like the criminals running a Ponzie scheme spend all the funds on mink coats, mansions, and cars. Unfortunately for us it will not end till it collapses, because the criminals are in charge and everyone wunts muh SS dat I pade into. Fucking ridiculous!
I was arguing the prior poster was saying fewer kids/lower birthrate is good for SS... Bullshit, for it NOT to collapse, they need more and more suckers paying into the scam. Or, they need to kill the older people off that are collecting. Covid + Mrna was a huge boon to SS. Problem with the illegal immigrants flooding in, attempting to boost birthrates, is they are more than twice as likely to be on welfare their entire life. Nice move Kumala.
It's bad enough that he ordered what appears more like a military operation than a police action. But what is worse is that nobody from the PoPo called Bullshit. Just following orders sir/madam...that's how all those shoes, bracelets, gold teeth, etc got there...just following orders. I did as I was told without questioning the morality...just following orders. Not a leader to be found in that group...not a single one.
Outside the big cities very few people followed any of walz's bullshit orders! In my area we did everything like usual.
They put a bunch of businesses under. The thug AG sent goons to spy on all small businesses and prosecuted many.
Walz has been and continues to be a sledge hammer for private businesses in Minnesota.
His policies have only expanded government jobs at the expense of the taxpayers and the private sector!
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I don't consider it a curve ball.
He and some others dressed in drag for a Halloween party a few years ago. That wasn't that uncommon and certainly didn't brand any of the guys as "crossdressers" or trans. While probably not the most flattering photo when viewed through today's norms, it isn't considered a negative or curveball by most which is precisely why the MSM will run with it and narrate to any advantage they can squeeze out of it.

One thing the media creeps need to understand: I don't give a fuck even if Donald Trump and JD Vance had rode with Genghis Khan and personally razed the cities of Kaifeng and Luoyang to the ground in the early 1200s. DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK. My vote and my allegiance has been set in stone a long time ago and it is going to be with MAGA. The more they try to make anybody in the MAGA camp look remotely "bad", the more I am confident that this person is a perfect pick.