Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

In a winter war, Area 4 would be tough to beat as long as their supplies held out and the weather stayed forever in their favor. They have the knowledge and gear to fight in winter.

Giving the fact that so much REAL Industry has moved south, leaving the northeast basically a rust belt, and the population influx, and the natural ability of so much of the population to survive and attack in Asymmetric Warfare, Region 3 would be tough to beat. Don’t give me this crap about the defeat of the 1861-1865 War of Northern Aggression. That was then, it’s an entirely different nation now.

As Chief of Staff, my first goal would be to eliminate Illinois. That is a dagger aimed at the heart of Region 3. Next, blockade the Chesapeake and New York harbor. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. Then, invite West Virginia to join. With West Virginia, I have a dagger pointed at the middle of Region 5. If they were smart, they would then capitulate. That leaves the population burdened Region 1, lots of people, little else. Same with Region 2, excepting Alaska, lots of mountains and scenery, except for Seattle with Boeing and Portland with Leupold, we can easily duplicate anything they have to offer. Especially considering the Aircraft production in the Wichita, Kansas.

So, fellas, ready to commit? We’re gonna win.

Picture reproduced for your reference

View attachment 8479825
Boeing production facility in Charleston, SC also. 787s
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Actually the all mighty Texas starved in the dark when the grid went down for a bit, their own doing by the way

District 5 had 2 years of back to back hurricanes that dropped power for over a week in heavily populated areas…like it never happened
We,I didn't starve . we broke out propane cooker and made up all the meat from fridge as it was needed then moved to deep freezer. Feed neighbours and made pot luck meals as needed. We then moved to wood burning fire place. Was tough but no one on my watch died. Was a Boy Scout and remembered what my dad taught me as well.
I have definitely did that a few times, but I will one up you. Back in the day I blew my clutch up in the next town over from where I lived in my 67 Chevell. So I killed the motor put it in 1st gear fired it up and off I go. You don’t need a clutch to shift gears. Oh stop sign you say, just throw it in neutral come to a stop and repeat lol, back in my 20’s I did not have the cash or the time to get it towed home. Miss that car, had a factory 3 speed Saginaw transmission that would wind out to about 60 in first gear, loved racing 4 speeds.
Not a one up but a similar story.
Clutch went out of the Pete as I pulled under the load rack.
Jerked it out of gear and got stopped.
Threw on 8500 gallons of gas and like you said, put it in first gear (18sp) and start the motor.
I was able to make the rest of my 406 mile trip, timing stop lights and rolling stop signs, got unloaded, truck refueled and parked all without a clutch.
So yeah it can be done but would I want to do it every trip?
Not really 😄