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Calling all poors, what is the most poorish shooting sports thing you've ever done?

Mr. Wolf

Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Let me be the first to say that I am a poor. And poors do shit that makes them even poorer by not following the well established rule of "buy once, cry once."
So what project/modification/rabbit hole have you personally chased that embodies the poors ethos?

Some of my examples:

I poored (pun intended) close to $1200 on a Ruger 10/22 by slapping various Kidd upgrades on it when in fact it would have been easier and more time efficient to just shell out $$ for a Kidd Supergrade.

I made a mirage shield for my "ELR Savage rifle" out of venetian blind slats and Velcro. The turd-a-riffic concoction messed with my barrel harmonics and after the barrel heated up, the glue from the Velcro melted onto my barrel discoloring and branding it with a tenacious residue akin to the Scarlet Letter, but instead of an "A," it is a "P," a tell-tale mark of a poor.

I contemplated purchasing a Pelican case to protect my "precious," a Garmin Xero C1 and wanted to buy a Leofoto arca rail attachment to mount it to my rifle for getting reloading data, but saw the folly of this overly complex, bulky, and heavy set up when the tripod deployment is so simple and flexible in application. An overly protective case or covering is another tell-tale sign of a poor. Yes, I'm looking at you poors with OtterBox 30 megaton protection case for your phones.

What example of poor behavior are you guilty of? Bonus points for photos.

The Poors Commander-in-Chief
I shoot a Tikka with a Burris XTR on top. That's a solid clue.

But the ringer is the Accu-Tac bipod hanging off a Caldwell bipod stud to pic rail adapter.
Best suited case I've seen for the Garmin is the Seahorse 56. It fits the unit, tripod, charging cable and Arca mount all perfectly and provides good protection in the range bag. I made my own Arca mount arm because the 419 were on B/O at the time. I've still never used the arm but I might soon.

My biggest mistake was buying the cheap scopes but honestly that was before I knew better, I sold a few at a huge loss and upgraded. I've still got one or 2 left but they serve their purpose. Might get replaced in the future.
I’m no longer a poor, well, not until inflation smokes my investments now that I’m retired again anyway… But I grew up extremely poor by US standards, and still catch myself making short-sighted stupid purchases to save a few bucks.

Like buying Harbor Freight tools for daily use (ironically stored alongside Mac and Snapon tools in my rollaway tool chest), and especially by buying cheap optics.

Just bought a couple more Primary Arms red dots for a couple uppers, and again, the irony is that I’ll have nice Eotech or Aimpoint magnifiers behind them when in use (swap the magnifiers between uppers)…and right beside them in the safe will be a similar upper with a S&B scope and Trijicon red dot on an offset mount.

To be fair, a $179 PA red dot actually holds up pretty well against a $950 Aimpoint, or $650 Eotech, but yeah…you can see the difference when you run them back-to-back.

I keep reminding myself to “buy once, cry once”, but being a cheapskate is a hard habit to break.
Gluing excess closed cell foam into an Apache case for my Garmin Xero C1.

Going down the rabbit hole of weighing, and rim thickness sorting cheap(er) rimfire ammo trying to make it something it's never going to be.

When I was younger, and didn't know any better (grew up in Fuddville), buying decent guns and putting shit scopes on them.

When I first got into long range, taking decent guns, and feeding them shit ammo and wondering why past 200yds I couldn't hit shit.
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In my undergrad in poor-canomics, I would shoot 22 LR in my CMMG 22 converted AR-15 for practice when Federal 36gr bulk were <$10 for 550 rounds (averaged out to $0.018 per round).
When there was a misfeed and the bullets were all chewed up and seated crooked in the casing, I would straighten them out and load them in the magazine for the next string of fire... and expect to hit targets out to 200 with an AR-15 conversion shooting mangled up bulk ammo.

Poor delusions: belief that poor actions could overcome the laws of physics .
I bought a shitty cheap TC Compass II in .308 W (a shit round) and using Hornday 150 SST (which is not even the best ammo after further testing of that rifle) and a shitty Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24X50 FFP in the factory synthetic stock (aluminum pillar bedding.)

Out of the box and only having pulled a snake through, It shot a shitty .54 inches on the first two shots.

At first, I didn't think it was shitty but others who know more than I know told me it was shitty.

So, that's what I get for being poor.

And now I am poor again thanks to medical bills and homeowner's insurance going up drastically and Bidenomics.
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Back in 08 I bought a PSS for $800 then sunk $1300 in blue printing, threading the barrel and $200 for a crap out of speck bottom metal. Still have it! Still my favorite gun and go to for hunting.
For that money could have had a nice custom.
But a Poors gonna Poor.
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About thirty years ago I spent the summer shooting High Power Rifle with an 03-A3. I couldn't afford decent ammo so I would segregate ball ammo by year so that in each stage I was at least shooting stuff made in the same twelve months.

Shooting against guys with AR's I never came in first - but I never came in last!

I'm still a poor. Just not that poor.
Phhhhssssssss ya'll are a bunch of rich fuckers. Loaded copper clad bullets in a 300 rum. Took it out to zero. After 5 rounds at 100 yards and no holes (carefully boresighting between shots and cursing each time) moved the target to 50 yards. Same thing. Got so pissed moved the target to 10 feet (getting some strange looks at the public range) and then there was light as the first shot made the target a sieve.
I loved being poor so much, I joined the Marine Corps to be even more poor. We used old socks as scope covers on those coveted Unertls folks are shelling out several thousands of dollars for, sprayed Krylon all over them and drug them on the ground behind us across every LZ on base.
Yes sir we did!!!!!

Remember the MULE ?

Also I bought a PSA dagger - and shot an entire season of IDPA with it - about 3000 rounds of various ball and HP- topped it with a Holosun but wait there is more - I got a Faxon shit stick threaded barrel . And it’s still running - and it fucking shoots .

But my all time Poorest of the Poors - and an epic shit stick in late 1990’s I bought a set of Lorcin 9mm and shot one until the frame cracked - about 200 rounds - and shot the other until the grips were so splayed out that the mag wouldn’t lock up - about 400 rounds . BUT I paid $90 each and $5 each for 2 extra mags and never had the common firing pin break or the full catastrophic hand grenade.

And this was on a Marine LCP budget - got 600 rounds of training $190. Ammo was free , don’t ask it just was
Christmas of '92, my dad gave me a Marlin M60. I promptly put the best 4x15 scope on it that $10 could buy, set in a fantastic set of $5 rings. With not a cloud in the sky, I could almost see a squirrels head at about 50 yards, but I did manage to put a round thru it!

Keeping those same fantastic rings, I upgraded the scope a couple times. The last being a Simmons Blazer 3-9x50. It took me a while to figure out why I couldn't get it to zero while the obj. bell was pressing against the barrel!! :ROFLMAO:

That same rifle is still in my safe, now in a Boyd's Varmint Thumbhole stock, and wearing a Tango6 3-18 in Warne rings.
I made “Mexican Match” ammo from xm855 and 55 gr bullets I inherited from a deceased uncle. Turned 4 moa ammo into 1.5-2 moa ammo. Bought a collet die to resize the necks, so not THAT cheapo.

Bought a 17 Design lr308 receiver set. They’re out of business, and I think I know why. But, the set was something like 70% off. Put a BA barrel in it, and a chinesium handguard. There’s some kludges in that rifle that I’m ashamed to be proud of, but proud I am. It’s not “life and death reliable” but it’s good to go so long as you don’t monopod the mag. The G trigger was the most expensive single component…
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I used to cut up used Shoot'n'c targets that I pulled out of the trash at the range. I'd use all the usable parts to make Frank'n'c targets
I hardly ever take paper targets to the range. Whatever is left hanging will have at least one untouched bullseye and if not, the waste bin will be overflowing with either new or mostly new targets of every variety. This is associates degree level. My real poor moment came when I bought a red dot off Amazon to go on a Kel-Tec PCC.
I hardly ever take paper targets to the range. Whatever is left hanging will have at least one untouched bullseye and if not, the waste bin will be overflowing with either new or mostly new targets of every variety. This is associates degree level. My real poor moment came when I bought a red dot off Amazon to go on a Kel-Tec PCC.
That has to be one of the winners of this thread.
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I bought a Chote Major Plaster stock for my savage rifle
I bought a Savage rifle already in a Choate/Plaster ultimate sniper stock from a local pawn shop in the late 90's pretty cheap.
Stock was kinda flimsy so it was replaced a couple years later with a McMillan A1 stock.
Rubber butt pad deteriorated on the Mcmillan over the years so it got replaced with a factory Savage VLP laminated stock a couple years ago.
Still have the McMillan and the Choate stocks collecting dust.
I hardly ever take paper targets to the range. Whatever is left hanging will have at least one untouched bullseye and if not, the waste bin will be overflowing with either new or mostly new targets of every variety. This is associates degree level. My real poor moment came when I bought a red dot off Amazon to go on a Kel-Tec PCC.
I always put target dots on the remains of 6" bullseye targets on the 100 yard mark to check zero.........
Just to see what was up I shopped for a scope at Big5. $120 later I had a compact 3-9 with a RD on top of it to put on my crappy PSA 350 Legend upper. Ha, neither the scope or the RD worked right, it was hilarious! I took them back later in the week for a refund. Also the PSA upper didn't work that great either. Got most of my money out of the upper as well.

When the Gock22 40S&W came out decades ago I decided I'd shoot cheap cast bullets out of it. It blew up one day when practicing. A month later a article in a magazine was headlining "Glock22's blowing up from lead build up" in the leade. I remember right before it blew up thinking to myself, man why does this load feel so hot??!! Glock gave me cost price on a new one. Nope I didn't get hurt much thankfully.

35 years ago I had a chance at buying a custom 6mm PPC bench rifle which included dies, brass, loaded rounds, bullets, ,load data, and many targets that were in the .1's and .2's at 100Y and .4's at 200Y. I hesitated because it $600 and walked out of the GS. It was gone when I called back a few days later. So for many years after that I bought and traded in, at a loss of course, all kinds of $200 to $500 1-2 moa varmint rifles. Man I regret this most of any gun buying decision I ever made.
Is this like AA except for dumbasses? If so, I found my home

My $2200 pit Tikka 223, not counting glass


My $2000ish Browning X-Bolt 6.5 Creedmoor Target Max Competition Lite


My sub $500 6.5 PRC X-Bolt mountain rifle turned into a $1900ish mountain rifle


Sadly, there is a ton more
My first "precision" rifle was a Savage 110. Put a Harris bipod and a Simmons scope on it. Spent more on tacticool SKS upgrades than what a Norinco AK cost at the time. I've also bought a knock off G3 and a knock off MP5 when they first hit the market in the early 90's. Shortly after, I quit trying to be cheap and moved onto making poor financial decisions. Lessons learnt!
Ah, my 1st 'precision' rifle, Rem XR-100 in .308. Bought it on clearance at Gander Mountain for $600. IIRC, 308 was a GM exclusive for these. Bought my 1st 'good scope' to put on it, Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40 in I think Leupold PRS rings. :D Had to cut down an R700 rail to use on it, since it only has 3 mounting holes for the rail for some reason.

Anyway, the damn thing just plain shoots! A buddy of mine, who's a better shot than me, says 2 of his 3 best groups ever were with it. I've printed more than a few 1/2 MOA groups with it. It currently wears a Leica PRS in Hawkins rings on the same rail, and is on my do not sell list. Only thing I'd like to change is the trigger. Nothing at all wrong with the factory trigger, I just prefer 2-stage. 1 of these days I'll get around to seeing if a TT Diamond will fit.