
You’re a fucking clown with a room temperature IQ. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but that ship has sailed now. Cram it up your arse and maybe worry about the enemy within instead of fantasizing about fighting Englishmen who will out run, out drink and out fight you anyway.
A room temp IQ is still twice yours you cum guzzling, snaggle toothed, inbred fuck. You are to god damn stupid to understand what a meme is and want to argue about it. Way too much inbreeding with you island apes. My best wish to you is that you don't get anally raped with a machette. NOW you can fuck off and die.
Just in case monkey pox doesn't get people scared enough here is a another one. This virus is popping up in Brazil and Cuba:

It is transmitted by mosquitos or other bug bites
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A room temp IQ is still twice yours you cum guzzling, snaggle toothed, inbred fuck. You are to god damn stupid to understand what a meme is and want to argue about it. Way too much inbreeding with you island apes. My best wish to you is that you don't get anally raped with a machette. NOW you can fuck off and die.
*too gd stupid…
I don’t disagree, but they’re not the Military and the majority of those in the teeth arms are white working class lads.
Sarcasm? Have you been living in a cave? Even in the USA the military will follow orders and do as they are told. Just ask the residents of Louisiana that were disarmed by the military during Katrina. There's multiple examples but somehow I feel it would be a waste of time.

And it was just a meme. A joke. Something to get a laugh. Humor. Not to be taken seriously.