I like hope and it has carried me through. Again, like others have said, this is the pit but that does not really mean this is only place you get salty repartee. I see it in the technical section.
So, this monkey fling shit thing will always be there.
I take victories big and small. Yesterday, as we sometimes do on Sundays, I take my wife to the house to look at stuff, get some fresh air, see the scenery. She lives in a skilled nursing facility. It started with a broken femur July 4, 2021. Leading to discovery that her electrolytes were out of whack (as they have been at other times in her life.) But this led to demylenation, which led to bad seizure and she was comatose through most of July and most of August 2021. Subsequent seizures and adjustment of meds is the big reason we keep her in the facility, on Medicaid and Medicare A & B. Now, she can from bed to wheelchair and then to the commode. And they have her walk sometimes, with a walker.
Anyway, yesterday, she slides out of the truck to a standing position. I go around back to get the wheelchair and set up. By that time, she is already up the few steps and standing at the front door. This is absolutely huge. Something most here and at large would take for granted was a cause for celebration.
I know, soon enough, someone is going to shit all over that. Which only proves that between me and the shitter, I am a better human being. Granted, that is not saying a lot in some cases but, again, taking victories where I can.