Here's a wild idea- how about we start a thread, of all topics, on... hope?

The democrats used the slogan "hope and change" back in 2008 and apparently have soured an entire populace on the concept of hope. Look at how the responses here have misconstrued the concept as hope as being inconsequential and confused the relationship hope has with action. Hope by itself is not action, but it is the fuel/the sustainment for why we pursue those actions to achieve goals. After all why would anyone work hard if they didn't hope it'd lead to accomplishing their own personal goals.

Hope is not a cancer treatment plan but is THE fuel for family members and friends sustaining them through months if not years of the actual treatment plan and the absolute life altering future that ensues during that period of time. Without hope, why bother pursuing the emotional and financial commitment if there's no evident reason for pursuing it.

Hope is not a retirement plan- but it is the foundation of why folks invest every paycheck so that when they come to retirement age so they can retire with dignity when they can no longer work.

Hope is not a wellness plan- but it's the cornerstone of why we make lifestyle changes to quit smoking, eat healthier, exercise more with the belief that those changes will yield to a longer & healthier life.

Hope won't save your four legged family members- but while you're racing to the emergency vet after your pup gets into a quarrel with whatever aggressive local wildlife you have in your backyard and you have them wrapped in your bath towel on the backseat of your newly purchased car you'd better believe that's going to be a core element (whether you recognize it or not) driving your actions in the haze of that night. Otherwise, why not just shrug your shoulders and mentally say "sucks to be my dog of 7 years"?

Hope is not action but it is the bedrock of all positive pursuits and I don't know about you, and won't speak for you, but I strongly hold the opinion that the absence of just hope will unravel societies faster than any bombs or natural disaster ever could. When you lose hope, you've lost everything. That's the point I'm trying to illustrate.

im not reading all that
The democrats used the slogan "hope and change" back in 2008 and apparently have soured an entire populace on the concept of hope. Look at how the responses here have misconstrued the concept as hope as being inconsequential and confused the relationship hope has with action. Hope by itself is not action, but it is the fuel/the sustainment for why we pursue those actions to achieve goals. After all why would anyone work hard if they didn't hope it'd lead to accomplishing their own personal goals.

Hope is not a cancer treatment plan but is THE fuel for family members and friends sustaining them through months if not years of the actual treatment plan and the absolute life altering future that ensues during that period of time. Without hope, why bother pursuing the emotional and financial commitment if there's no evident reason for pursuing it.

Hope is not a retirement plan- but it is the foundation of why folks invest every paycheck so that when they come to retirement age so they can retire with dignity when they can no longer work.

Hope is not a wellness plan- but it's the cornerstone of why we make lifestyle changes to quit smoking, eat healthier, exercise more with the belief that those changes will yield to a longer & healthier life.

Hope won't save your four legged family members- but while you're racing to the emergency vet after your pup gets into a quarrel with whatever aggressive local wildlife you have in your backyard and you have them wrapped in your bath towel on the backseat of your newly purchased car you'd better believe that's going to be a core element (whether you recognize it or not) driving your actions in the haze of that night. Otherwise, why not just shrug your shoulders and mentally say "sucks to be my dog of 7 years"?

Hope is not action but it is the bedrock of all positive pursuits and I don't know about you, and won't speak for you, but I strongly hold the opinion that the absence of just hope will unravel societies faster than any bombs or natural disaster ever could. When you lose hope, you've lost everything. That's the point I'm trying to illustrate.


im not reading all that

TLDR version: vaginas are scary
Dude, you ever read Dante’s Divine Comedy? How about listened to a lecturer walk you through an interpretation and critical analysis? I know, no one but libtards and commies have time for higher learning or Zeus forbid, a university, but you are missing the point.

Short summary: Hell is a state of hopelessness as defined by a separation from the hope of God, among other things. Sinners are without hope. The condemned are united in hopelessness at every level of hell, regardless of their sin, as that is the stated nature and rationale of hell itself.

The responses to the premise of this thread are the reason I pulled my subscription to this festering septic tank of humanity.
I think our man @OREGUN here is spot on as far as Dante/Hell/hope, and probably how the wider western Christian-influenced culture views hope as well. But my memory of my Dante studies is fading, lo’ these many years…I defer to others.

However, there is a different way to think about hope. It comes from the East (and probably other regions). I learned about it from a book named the Tao te Ching. There are many, many different translations of the Tao, but I find Steven Mitchell’s version uniquely approachable for English speakers.

First read the foreword here if you’ve never heard of the text.

Here’s just the chapters in HTML:

I suggest buying the book as it includes very helpful explanations of each chapter in the index. These explanations are left out of the web versions that I’ve so far run across.

The chapters are very short.

Here’s a chapter about hope.

Chapter 13
(I’ve bolded the bits about hope)

Success is as dangerous as failure.
Hope is as hollow as fear.
What does it mean that success is a dangerous as failure?
Whether you go up the ladder or down it,
you position is shaky.
When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep your balance.
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don't see the self as self,
what do we have to fear?
See the world as your self.​
Have faith in the way things are.​
Love the world as your self;​
then you can care for all things.​
If you’ve never read anything about the Tao, this is probably going to be confusing.
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No, I believe in myself so I don't have to seek comfort in a concept or aspiration. Grow the fuck up.
So your entire basis is that the concept of hope doesn't exist then? Go home- bow out of this conversation because it's clearly above your mental comprehension. You likely don't understand what's being discussed here but your participation in this conversation serves only as an embarrassment to yourself. Come back another day a little bit smarter and wiser.

That speaks more for your character than it does for mine...

You write something and I have t read it or I have poor character? Fucking communist.

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The responses to the premise of this thread are the reason I pulled my subscription to this festering septic tank of humanity.
I HOPE this means youre leaving us. Gather up the other "hurt feelings" and whinny bitches, and take them too!

Do ever wonder why some topics by some members go certain ways? Probably not.........huh?
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So your entire basis is that the concept of hope doesn't exist then? Go home- bow out of this conversation because it's clearly above your mental comprehension. You likely don't understand what's being discussed here but your participation in this conversation serves only as an embarrassment to yourself. Come back another day a little bit smarter and wiser.

Come back another day when you're a man.
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I HOPE this means youre leaving us. Gather up the other "hurt feelings" and whinny bitches, and take them too!

Do ever wonder why some topics by some members go certain ways? Probably not.........huh?
Ever wonder why some topics that would otherwise be an interesting conversation seems to attract the worst of the Pit like flies on shit?
Anyone but a whiney nacissist like yourself.
Excuse me if I continue to not be offended. You'd rather participate in a thread about hope and better days by playing the role of a flying monkey and swooping and shitting all over the place. I can't speak for the other half dozen or so but for myself- frankly I'm not impressed. Honestly I'd like to lower myself to your position, but, and that's a big but, I can't do so if for no other reason I can't help but feeling sorry for you. Think about that for a second- rather than engage with you... you solicited sympathy from "the duck" of all posters" here. Better start rethinking your life choices chief.

No they do it because they’ve been told they are a pussy if they ask for help. It’s not commercialized society it’s other men.

You’re saying the soft version of that “they just cat handle life”, definitely wouldn’t recommend anyone who has issues reaching out to you.

Your post demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the issue in which you're commenting on. That being said- that's likely a good thing (for you) and I don't mean for the comment to come across as an insult towards you.


But... There's hope for you
Excuse me if I continue to not be offended. You'd rather participate in a thread about hope and better days by playing the role of a flying monkey and swooping and shitting all over the place. I can't speak for the other half dozen or so but for myself- frankly I'm not impressed. Honestly I'd like to lower myself to your position, but, and that's a big but, I can't do so if for no other reason I can't help but feeling sorry for you. Think about that for a second- rather than engage with you... you solicited sympathy from "the duck" of all posters" here. Better start rethinking your life choices chief.

Yup, whiney nacissist.
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So, I’ll say that I can see the point of the OP. I will also say that in the short time I’ve been a member I’ve learned that a topic like this one is not going to get a lot of warm fuzzies going on in here. I’m all for hope. I believe in hope, but I’m not going to get into theology or religious beliefs in here. I make plans and do things and HOPE it works. I will also say that this thread, while exposing what people feel about hope, has also provided me with a lot of laughs. One last bit of wisdom that my dad used to share with @Makinchips208 and myself “Life’s tough, then you die.” Hope someone gets something out of this rambling post
View attachment 8495598
Bought a couple of these. No hope for them suckers (yellow jackets and wasps - 2 different nests) I killed today. This stuff works great!
Hey! On that note-as a truck driver and equipment operator I can tell you that starting fluid takes them right out of the air. Kind of an expensive way to kill the beggars, but it works
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