

What if they are willing to sacrifice her and the 47th presidency and keep the seats in Congress while putting in legislation between now and the inauguration to tie the hands of Trump? Nobody seems to talk about this as a possibility. And there doesn't seem to be anyone else seems to want to go up against DJT with such an abbreviated campaign. It allows her to run and then go away like past vice presents. It makes some sense in that CNN and the others have put out some pretty rough reports on her and Walz.

Its damage control via sleight of hand. Admittedly, it is a crazy thought, but I'm not sure it's 100% wrong at this point. All of these illegals have bum rushed the border, they aren't going back and they WILL vote democrat. It's just a matter of time. So they can afford to lose a presidency or two as it won't change the voting trajectory. The democrats push when they are in power while the republicans do nothing to counteract it while they are in, so what's the rush? One more pro-American president won't stop what won't be reversed by the legislative branch.
What if they are willing to sacrifice her and the 47th presidency and keep the seats in Congress while putting in legislation between now and the inauguration to tie the hands of Trump? Nobody seems to talk about this as a possibility. And there doesn't seem to be anyone else seems to want to go up against DJT with such an abbreviated campaign. It allows her to run and then go away like past vice presents. It makes some sense in that CNN and the others have put out some pretty rough reports on her and Walz.

Its damage control via sleight of hand. Admittedly, it is a crazy thought, but I'm not sure it's 100% wrong at this point. All of these illegals have bum rushed the border, they aren't going back and they WILL vote democrat. It's just a matter of time. So they can afford to lose a presidency or two as it won't change the voting trajectory. The democrats push when they are in power while the republicans do nothing to counteract it while they are in, so what's the rush? One more pro-American president won't stop what won't be reversed by the legislative branch.
I have said this to several people. They will use this as a chance to get rid of her and then they will scream about how badly things need to be changed. They know he can’t run again, and only so much can be done in four years.
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Dude is a moron

A gold standard means you can redeem your worthless fiat for gold, that's called price discovery and market action......oh, and about those much vaunted Stress Tests....

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OK - so, a pop quizz 'periodically' or every other year on a single topic? Got it. Cuz none of the other crap on the books is gonna burn down at the same time....

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The minimum capital reserve for banks of scale is 4.5% - does that sound like a big enough fire extinguisher if you are loaning out at 12x?

Reserves were set to Zero in 2020 by the Fed.
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A lifelong liberal fool.

Immigrants under report crime for fear of deportation and retaliation from these gangs.
This is a known fact by anyone who will listen vs lying and trying to block the truth like Johnston and Polis.
in a university study, over 40% of legal latino residents said they would not report crimes to the police.
that number was over 70% for undocumented immigrants.
What if they are willing to sacrifice her and the 47th presidency and keep the seats in Congress while putting in legislation between now and the inauguration to tie the hands of Trump? Nobody seems to talk about this as a possibility. And there doesn't seem to be anyone else seems to want to go up against DJT with such an abbreviated campaign. It allows her to run and then go away like past vice presents. It makes some sense in that CNN and the others have put out some pretty rough reports on her and Walz.

Its damage control via sleight of hand. Admittedly, it is a crazy thought, but I'm not sure it's 100% wrong at this point. All of these illegals have bum rushed the border, they aren't going back and they WILL vote democrat. It's just a matter of time. So they can afford to lose a presidency or two as it won't change the voting trajectory. The democrats push when they are in power while the republicans do nothing to counteract it while they are in, so what's the rush? One more pro-American president won't stop what won't be reversed by the legislative branch.
Do not waste time and resources firing them - find the American version of Siberia and assign them there with no remote work options. Assign them meaningless duties. I like FT Irwin CA as an assignment.
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RE: Brazil / Telegram / DARPA / Ukraine / Post 2016 Russiagate and the like

Firstly, this is Mike Benz who just did an interview with Tucker. I have not watched it yet.

However, here he is by himself and it is fairly detailed. Here is part two.

If you have ever read Zbigniew Brzezinski The Grand Chessboard - you've seen this movie before.

Part One Highlights (screen shot)

- Day before Trump is inaugurated The Atlantic Council - with 7 former CIA directors on the BoD - signs a deal with Burisma 12/19/17
-- Precedent to this, circa 2011: Shell / Halliburton / Exxon / Chevron made gas and oil rights deals with the Ukraine. (Their) goal was to corner the Euro Energy market and deny Russia income, thereby minimizing hegemony. Now, on the eve of inauguration Russia is backing the break away Donbas region & has taken over Crimea, each representing @ 50% of the physical areas associated with these oil and gas rights.
-- 12/13/13 Vicki Nuland holds her now famous press conference from behind a podium flanked with Chevron and Exxon logos wherein she states that the US has pumped almost $5B into the Ukraine to destabilize the county. The US was working toward a privatized pipeline and they were encountering resistance. Couple months after Nuland's speech, shots rang out at the Maidan.

- ALL end to end encryption / TOR / the internet itself are the result of millions and millions of US MIL $$. The cell phone was developed and first used by the US Army. Social Media was a project requirement - be able to overtly and covertly communicate with (sponsored) dissident groups so as to foment uprisings. (Remember DARPA's Lifelog closed up shop and Face Book opened the next day). These things (and many other things) were purposely developed for dual use and sold out to the highest bidder (often to be used against you, and either back end sold or collected to TPTB).

- US involvement with Telegram goes back to the 1990s

- 2022 Brazil S Court Report on the 2018 election of Bolsonaro wherein WhatsApp (owned by Zuckerberg) and Telegram prohibited free speech and were funded by US Dept State and USAID for doing so / training of JournoSchills / Glowies / The Atlantic Council (your tax dollars / the MIL) sponsored these training sessions just a month before the start of the Mueller Hearings.

Part 2 - important point at the stated time mark: US Dept of State was paying Brazilians to censor based on rhetoric that mimicked Trump and 2020 results. The stated goal (to quote the chief Brazilian censor) was part of an international effort to stop the exchange of ideas that harms democracy. The State Dept is funding an international movement to prevent the free exchange of ideas if those ideas are subversive to the dominant paradigm. Literally - they use that particular reason as the catch all for anything they want censored.

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* For more info see quote

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Hey wait a minute you mean to tell me that Mr IwannaPutaChipInPeoples'Heads is refusing to ban accounts that are accused of insurrection - exactly as per the findings of a 2022 Brazilian S Court Report - who found that the principal funding sources were the US State Dept and USAID, and through WhatsApp - Zuck / Telegram (US involved since 1990s) - and he has the guile to sell it under the guise of free speech?

Telegram and WhatsApp / Zuck in the news - limited hangouts - telling you a part of the story so as not to burn down the whole house - 'let that sink in'.
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