Idaho chem trails, WTF?

A secret government program to disperse chemicals via high-altitude jet aircraft would require tens of thousands of pilots and mechanics keeping a conspiracy a secret...and those are two groups that have no idea how to shut the fuck up and not discuss their work.
Kamala wears headphones to avoid the press and the media makes that seem normal. Lots of voters do too. Biden campaigned from his basement and “won”. The clot shot is a killer. Ivermectin is a wonder drug. And yet, “stop with your silliness” is your idea of reality.
And yet, “stop with your silliness” is your idea of reality.


My reality is this: 1. airline pilots/mechanics can't keep a secret, 2. airline pilots/mechanics don't do anything additional unless they're getting paid to do it, and 3. if pilots are getting paid to disperse chemicals at altitude I never got an invite into the Cool Kids Conspiracy club.
They are not keeping it a secret, except maybe from you. The US, Spain and others have admitted to doing it. There are pictures and videos of the airplanes. Tennessee has banned them and their sky no longer has them.

Anyone who doest think chemtrails exist, show us your photos of a checkerboard sky from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. Not of a single vapor trail, but a crisscrossed sky like is common all over today.
Tennessee has banned them and their sky no longer has them.
Contrails (or your chem trails) usually only exist in the 35,000 to 45,000 ft. altitude range. This same layer is moving at 150 to 250 mph because it is in or close to the jet stream. The entire layer is moving at that speed and carrying the contrails with them.

My point being that they do not just hover over an area. They move and dissipate over a LARGE amount of geography. There would be no precision to a chem trail having an effect on specific areas. If chem trails exist, the TN ban would have to cover most of the hemisphere or at least most of North America starting with the west coast.

Anyone who doest think chemtrails exist, show us your photos of a checkerboard sky from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. Not of a single vapor trail, but a crisscrossed sky like is common all over today.
Until the 60's most air traffic resided in the 10 to 15K ft altitudes. Contrails can't exist in those atmospheric conditions. The average service ceiling of commercial aircraft slowly increased to the 35K to 45K altitudes where contrails can exist only as jet engines and pressurized passenger cabins became more mainstream.

So....... of course there wouldn't have been a lot of images from those years because the only contrails being generated were from a handful of military aircraft that were cruising high enough to get into that part of the atmosphere.
Contrails (or your chem trails) usually only exist in the 35,000 to 45,000 ft. altitude range. This same layer is moving at 150 to 250 mph because it is in or close to the jet stream. The entire layer is moving at that speed and carrying the contrails with them.

My point being that they do not just hover over an area. They move and dissipate over a LARGE amount of geography. There would be no precision to a chem trail having an effect on specific areas. If chem trails exist, the TN ban would have to cover most of the hemisphere or at least most of North America starting with the west coast.

Until the 60's most air traffic resided in the 10 to 15K ft altitudes. Contrails can't exist in those atmospheric conditions. The average service ceiling of commercial aircraft slowly increased to the 35K to 45K altitudes where contrails can exist only as jet engines and pressurized passenger cabins became more mainstream.

So....... of course there wouldn't have been a lot of images from those years because the only contrails being generated were from a handful of military aircraft that were cruising high enough to get into that part of the atmosphere.
Our government has admitted to it. They are not hiding it. I know what vapor trails are.
The problem with this specific conspiracy is that it's not physically possible for an airplane to carry enough liquid to make those "chem trails" as seen in the picture.

"our government admitted it" Yes, you're right. But what they are admitting to is not what you're seeing in the OP photo.
Damn another soft head.. you people are ridiculous and don't live in the real world.. You people make give the rest of us Republicans a bad image.. it's no wonder they think every republican is a quack or extreamist..

I have never and will never vote for a dem.. " omg he doesn't believe conspiracies and believes in science, so he must be voting for the opposition"

Ffs you people would never make it if actual fighting broke out or if you were sent to a 3rd world country.

Hmm flat earth is false, people not understanding physics and science thinking every trail in the sky is a Chem trail and gov is trying to poision them or destroy the crops..

It must really suck not being able to understand logic and always being afraid of everything..
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I say, "Bring it on, NOAA and NIH and New World Order...I protect muhsef." View attachment 8493311
Ivermectin has had a long and safe history as a human medication, for decades prior to Covid. In fact, using Mg/Kg, which is the proper means of dosing, most meds used in humans can be bought over the counter at the feed store. Same drug. Period. Scoffing at Ivermectin as “Horse Dewormer” as if it was part of a generalized scam perpetrated by the Government or conspiracy theorists, merely shows your ignorance, and lack of research.
The feed store is a great source of meds at cheaper prices, without the need for a prescription.
Ivermectin has had a long and safe history as a human medication, for decades prior to Covid. In fact, using Mg/Kg, which is the proper means of dosing, most meds used in humans can be bought over the counter at the feed store. Same drug. Period. Scoffing at Ivermectin as “Horse Dewormer” as if it was part of a generalized scam perpetrated by the Government or conspiracy theorists, merely shows your ignorance, and lack of research.
The feed store is a great source of meds at cheaper prices, without the need for a prescription.
  • Haha
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My reality is this: 1. airline pilots/mechanics can't keep a secret, 2. airline pilots/mechanics don't do anything additional unless they're getting paid to do it, and 3. if pilots are getting paid to disperse chemicals at altitude I never got an invite into the Cool Kids Conspiracy club.
And why would it have to be comercial airline pilots and not private or military aircraft?
Contrails (or your chem trails) usually only exist in the 35,000 to 45,000 ft. altitude range. This same layer is moving at 150 to 250 mph because it is in or close to the jet stream. The entire layer is moving at that speed and carrying the contrails with them.

My point being that they do not just hover over an area. They move and dissipate over a LARGE amount of geography. There would be no precision to a chem trail having an effect on specific areas. If chem trails exist, the TN ban would have to cover most of the hemisphere or at least most of North America starting with the west coast.

Until the 60's most air traffic resided in the 10 to 15K ft altitudes. Contrails can't exist in those atmospheric conditions. The average service ceiling of commercial aircraft slowly increased to the 35K to 45K altitudes where contrails can exist only as jet engines and pressurized passenger cabins became more mainstream.

So....... of course there wouldn't have been a lot of images from those years because the only contrails being generated were from a handful of military aircraft that were cruising high enough to get into that part of the atmosphere.
So, clearly these cross hatch trails that we have seen that hang over the same area all day, are not regular contrails.
And why would it have to be comercial airline pilots and not private or military aircraft?
Because there's a HELL of a lot more airliners operating above FL300 any given day than bizav or military probably 5x as many flight segments, if not more. Also things like altitude capability, payload capability, aversion of rich MFers to caustic chemicals, propensity of E-3s to run their mouth to strippers, shit like that.

Prior to my current airline gig I was a corporate flight department Chief Pilot for 7 years and spent 90% of cruise flight in the mid-40s...can confirm that I have never been approached with pieces of silver to disperse chemicals while flying. Perhaps others were luckier than me and grabbed the bag, or are just DOING THEIR PART for the lizard people - who knows.
So, clearly these cross hatch trails that we have seen that hang over the same area all day, are not regular contrails.
No clue.
I wouldn't think that defining them by their ground speed should be used to classify whether something is a contrail or not.

From what Al Gore's internet can edumacate me on, those air layers can have a speed of 20mph to 250mph. Figuring that most days are somewhere in between, I would guess there are some days that they do have a low ground speed. Something that is almost 8 miles high would certainly seem to hang around if moving slow.

I have seen some trails that do take a while to seemingly move while on other days, they are hauling ass.

Even if I subscribe to the chem trails ideas, whatever they are supposedly "spraying" would still have to be atomized into an aerosol or close to it and would have to go wherever the air currents take them. Most of the high altitude air currents are in constant motion so whether moving slow or moving fast, they would have to be moving.
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Because there's a HELL of a lot more airliners operating above FL300 any given day than bizav or military probably 5x as many flight segments, if not more. Also things like altitude capability, payload capability, aversion of rich MFers to caustic chemicals, propensity of E-3s to run their mouth to strippers, shit like that.

Prior to my current airline gig I was a corporate flight department Chief Pilot for 7 years and spent 90% of cruise flight in the mid-40s...can confirm that I have never been approached with pieces of silver to disperse chemicals while flying. Perhaps others were luckier than me and grabbed the bag, or are just DOING THEIR PART for the lizard people - who knows.
That is not a reason why it would have to be commercial airlines.
No clue.
I wouldn't think that defining them by their ground speed should be used to classify whether something is a contrail or not.

From what Al Gore's internet can edumacate me on, those air layers can have a speed of 20mph to 250mph. Figuring that most days are somewhere in between, I would guess there are some days that they do have a low ground speed. Something that is almost 8 miles high would certainly seem to hang around if moving slow.

I have seen some trails that do take a while to seemingly move while on other days, they are hauling ass.

Even if I subscribe to the chem trails ideas, whatever they are supposedly "spraying" would still have to be atomized into an aerosol or close to it and would have to go wherever the air currents take them. Most of the high altitude air currents are in constant motion so whether moving slow or moving fast, they would have to be moving.

The troposphere is where weather happens moving 20 mph clouds and contrails are out of sight by the next day.


The stratosphere is the next level up. There is much less wind in the upper layers of the stratosphere and the mesosphere. Thus things in this layer dispersing more slowly.

I would guess that is why Al Gore's internet says we can reverse global warming with stratospheric particle spraying.


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"Chem Trails" ... brought to you by the same geniuses that prescribe "Horse Wormer" for Covid. Seriously though ... anybody that knows the first thing about aviation engines flying at altitude, and the atmospherics that cause these exhaust trails, can't help but laugh at the idea that somehow the government is poisoning us from the air. Oh ... by the way ... there are designated "Airways" in the sky between fixed ground references and aviation nav-aides where lots of flights converge and cross as ATC manages the progress of flights in assigned air space. I have to chuckle when this whole issue comes up as a conspiracy theory ... interesting how it never comes up as an issue discussed among the pilots of those commercial airliners. Wonder why that is ... I'm sure they're being paid by the government to stay silent as that government rains down "Gay-Inducing-Chemicals" on our children (and some species of frogs).
Rusty Bend loves the the gay report button. Because only gays use it.

If members here want to do a image search for: "water tanks used as adjustable ballast in airplane tests"
they will see all of the previously posted images plus a bunch more. These adjustable setups are used by the aircraft companies to refine CG for controls and software.
That's the technical term. They are trying to figure out what seats to put the fat people in

If members here want to do a image search for: "water tanks used as adjustable ballast in airplane tests"
they will see all of the previously posted images plus a bunch more. These adjustable setups are used by the aircraft companies to refine CG for controls and software.
Sure, they COULD use the tanks for adjustable ballast.

THEN they fill them up with fag frog fog and chem trail that shit all over the places that don’t like to follow the rules.

Have you noticed the pitch of the frogs has changed in the last 20 years? The fruitcakes are croaking with a lisp.

Write it up as R&D, sell your water-headed kids painting for a few million $ worth of bitcoin to an anonymous buyer, Bobs your uncle.
I haven't seen anyone explain the science of why some regular contrails would still be hanging in the same place the next day. In fact I have only seen soft confirmation regular contrails should not still be hanging over the same area. Even at 20 mph they should be 200 miles away in 10 hours.
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I haven't seen anyone explain the science of why some regular contrails would still be hanging in the same place the next day. In fact I have only seen soft confirmation regular contrails should not still be hanging over the same area. Even at 20 mph they should be 200 miles away in 10 hours.
The simplest explanation is that it is not the same contrail, but one left by another plan on a similar route. I mean, you didn’t watch that patch of sky all day and night, right?
I haven't seen anyone explain the science of why some regular contrails would still be hanging in the same place the next day. In fact I have only seen soft confirmation regular contrails should not still be hanging over the same area. Even at 20 mph they should be 200 miles away in 10 hours.

I don’t know why I’m even going to bother, but…


Behold, a teensy, tiny, itty-bitty snapshot of an IFR route chart. When people joke about “highways in the sky,” it’s not a joke, we actually use established routes. So it’s HIGHLY unlikely you’re seeing the exact same contrail, but rather another one left by another plane that followed the same route. Literally dozens and dozens of planes may be using the same route on any given day, especially for contracted routes that run (wait for it) the same route, every day, day after day. Given similar meteorological conditions, it may look like the same trail, but it’s HIGHLY unlikely it would be.

These threads always show just how little most people know about subjects they’re not highly trained in. Aviation is dark magic to most of the world’s population, and it shows… 🤣
The simplest explanation is that it is not the same contrail, but one left by another plan on a similar route. I mean, you didn’t watch that patch of sky all day and night, right?
No. I watched the patch of sky all day. As I said. I heard the unusually load aircraft before sunrise. Sun came up around 4:30am and twilight lasted until about 9:30. Trails dispersed but didn't move away at any point during the day. I definitely noticed that we didn't see many clear blue sky's like we normally do that summer but never though much about it. Beyond the obvious likeyhood someone is geoengeneering.

Certainly the everyone who has noticed something is an idiot explanation is a little broad.
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I don’t know why I’m even going to bother, but…

View attachment 8494166

Behold, a teensy, tiny, itty-bitty snapshot of an IFR route chart. When people joke about “highways in the sky,” it’s not a joke, we actually use established routes. So it’s HIGHLY unlikely you’re seeing the exact same contrail, but rather another one left by another plane that followed the same route. Literally dozens and dozens of planes may be using the same route on any given day, especially for contracted routes that run (wait for it) the same route, every day, day after day. Given similar meteorological conditions, it may look like the same trail, but it’s HIGHLY unlikely it would be.

These threads always show just how little most people know about subjects they’re not highly trained in. Aviation is dark magic to most of the world’s population, and it shows… 🤣
Oh the irony of the last paragraph.

I don’t know why I’m even going to bother, but…

View attachment 8494166

Behold, a teensy, tiny, itty-bitty snapshot of an IFR route chart. When people joke about “highways in the sky,” it’s not a joke, we actually use established routes. So it’s HIGHLY unlikely you’re seeing the exact same contrail, but rather another one left by another plane that followed the same route. Literally dozens and dozens of planes may be using the same route on any given day, especially for contracted routes that run (wait for it) the same route, every day, day after day. Given similar meteorological conditions, it may look like the same trail, but it’s HIGHLY unlikely it would be.

These threads always show just how little most people know about subjects they’re not highly trained in. Aviation is dark magic to most of the world’s population, and it shows… 🤣
Hey now, we’re not suppose to talk about this stuff. I don’t want to lose my premium pay for seeding the sky with the knowledge spray
No. I watched the patch of sky all day. As I said. I heard the unusually load aircraft before sunrise. Sun came up around 4:30am and twilight lasted until about 9:30.

Certainly the everyone who has noticed something is an idiot explanation is a little broad.
Ever seen one of those “customer states” compilations on the tube?

Observation bias is a thing…
No. I watched the patch of sky all day. As I said. I heard the unusually load aircraft before sunrise. Sun came up around 4:30am and twilight lasted until about 9:30.

Certainly the everyone who has noticed something is an idiot explanation is a little broad.
Check the winds aloft forecast. It’s not often, but I have seen calm winds at altitude. Light, single digit, wind speeds under certain extremely stable atmospheric conditions would hold a contrail, seemingly, in place for awhile.
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The simplest explanation is that it is not the same contrail, but one left by another plan on a similar route. I mean, you didn’t watch that patch of sky all day and night, right?
It’s almost as though planes fly on specific paths(gasp) All day and night they fly the same direction over the right side of my house at about the same altitude(less than 1000) never the left side and never the other direction.
It’s almost as though planes fly on specific paths(gasp) All day and night they fly the same direction over the right side of my house at about the same altitude(less than 1000) never the left side and never the other direction.
You’d think they’d eventually run out of planes on that side of the house… 🤣
Oh the irony of the last paragraph.

I’m not saying it isn’t possible that they’re spraying things up there, but I *AM* saying the alarmist attitude that “tHeY’rE aLl ChEmTrAiLs” or they they’ve unlocked a secret voodoo trick to suspend a cloud in place despite jet streams is absolute insanity lol.

People saying they remember the days “before contrails/chemtrails” are totally full of shit. Nobody’s THAT old and still alive. Why? Because the scientific principle behind the formation of contrails has always existed. As soon as we figured out how to fly that high, we started making contrails given the right atmospheric conditions. Here’s a few from WWII:



But believe what you want, I guess. Just know all us pilots laugh about folks like you as we switch the chemtrails on… 🤣 🤣 🤣

From the looks of that switch, it appears that chemtrails are always on…

That’s the joke isn’t it? I missed the joke? “Chemtrails are always on” because there is no chemtrails switch. Right? That’s the joke.

Oh, crap. I just explained the joke, didn’t I? Sorry I ruined your atmospheric chemistry joke.
I’m not saying it isn’t possible that they’re spraying things up there, but I *AM* saying the alarmist attitude that “tHeY’rE aLl ChEmTrAiLs” or they they’ve unlocked a secret voodoo trick to suspend a cloud in place despite jet streams is absolute insanity lol.

People saying they remember the days “before contrails/chemtrails” are totally full of shit. Nobody’s THAT old and still alive. Why? Because the scientific principle behind the formation of contrails has always existed. As soon as we figured out how to fly that high, we started making contrails given the right atmospheric conditions. Here’s a few from WWII:

View attachment 8494186

View attachment 8494187

But believe what you want, I guess. Just know all us pilots laugh about folks like you as we switch the chemtrails on… 🤣 🤣 🤣

View attachment 8494189
Things don't dispereas in upper stratosphere and mesosphere like they do in the troposphere. But I already said that and posted the reasons why.
I haven't seen anyone explain the science of why some regular contrails would still be hanging in the same place the next day. In fact I have only seen soft confirmation regular contrails should not still be hanging over the same area. Even at 20 mph they should be 200 miles away in 10 hours.
I certainly don't have the expertise to throw any science out but what about this:

We (ok, Me) usually think of those contrails drifting across horizontally or 90 degrees to the line of travel.

What if the aircraft happens to stream the contrail in the same direction or path as the wind direction (tailwind or headwind). It that were true and the contrail could easily be a hundred or hundreds of mile long in the right conditions, the contrail would appear to be fairly stationary due to it slowly moving lengthways across the sky.

I'm throwing ideas out that may or may not have any merit at all. Just trying to think of variables that would stack up to produce a fairly static looking contrail.
I certainly don't have the expertise to throw any science out but what about this:

We (ok, Me) usually think of those contrails drifting across horizontally or 90 degrees to the line of travel.

What if the aircraft happens to stream the contrail in the same direction or path as the wind direction (tailwind or headwind). It that were true and the contrail could easily be a hundred or hundreds of mile long in the right conditions, the contrail would appear to be fairly stationary due to it slowly moving lengthways across the sky.

I'm throwing ideas out that may or may not have any merit at all. Just trying to think of variables that would stack up to produce a fairly static looking contrail.
But he and I were both looking at a grid of contrails. Contrails crossed by other contrails. Usually when there is as much bullshit being spread around something as there around chemtrails. It seems people are onto something that someone doesn't want to be common knowledge. Time and time again. I don't know what's going on either. I am not about to shout down someone else who noticed something odd. I am.more interested in what it is they noticed. Contrails don't explain the crust I see forming around all of our waterways. The river grows a white crust all over the sand bars and banks when it goes down in the winter now. Extremely rural water ways seem to be doing the same. They did not used to in my lifetime anyway. Some fairly static creeks with lots of runoff from farm land did.