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This is what will get Harris elected


I am confused…

If one is anti-Democrat, why do you want them to not have the ability to have abortions?

Seems to me if one is anti-Democrat you would want said Democrats to have as many abortions as possible in the hopes that the Pro-Lifers someday outnumber them.

“Pro-Life for Pro-Lifers” sounds like a possible tee-shirt idea.

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I am confused…

If one is anti-Democrat, why do you want them to not have the ability to have abortions?

Seems to me if one is anti-Democrat you would want said Democrats to have as many abortions as possible in the hopes that the Pro-Lifers someday outnumber them.

“Pro-Life for Pro-Lifers” sounds like a possible tee-shirt idea.

That's absolutely my stance. Sounds like in long game, it's a problem that will solve itself
I am confused…

If one is anti-Democrat, why do you want them to not have the ability to have abortions?

Seems to me if one is anti-Democrat you would want said Democrats to have as many abortions as possible in the hopes that the Pro-Lifers someday outnumber them.

“Pro-Life for Pro-Lifers” sounds like a possible tee-shirt idea.

Degenerate democrats aren’t born, they are made. Leftists could be allowed all the abortions they could ever want and the public fool system would easily make up for those numbers lost by Moloch’s child sacrifice clinics.

And besides, the reeee that comes out of those shitstains when they their child sacrifice rituals are put at risk is music to my ears.
I am confused…

If one is anti-Democrat, why do you want them to not have the ability to have abortions?

Seems to me if one is anti-Democrat you would want said Democrats to have as many abortions as possible in the hopes that the Pro-Lifers someday outnumber them.

“Pro-Life for Pro-Lifers” sounds like a possible tee-shirt idea.

Yea, we’re not pro life because of some eugenics theory of voting. We’re pro life because the human being growing in a woman’s uterus is a he or a she, and ought to be a legal person in fact. Every atrocity in human history starts with a leftist getting away with un-personing someone. If you draw a bright line at “human being” you don’t have that problem.
I am confused…

If one is anti-Democrat, why do you want them to not have the ability to have abortions?

Seems to me if one is anti-Democrat you would want said Democrats to have as many abortions as possible in the hopes that the Pro-Lifers someday outnumber them.

“Pro-Life for Pro-Lifers” sounds like a possible tee-shirt idea.

because (presumably) the person's pro-life or anti-abortion stance is based upon religious or moral principles - that killing any child is wrong.
abortion isn't a political argument, which is why we have both pro-life and pro-choice people in both parties.
Well, we do have sovereignty over our own bodies, and I would never presume to make a medical decision for anyone. The only way to get from there to it’s ok to murder children is to un-person them, and pretend it’s just a medical procedure and that the person doesn’t exist, but it’s kind of useless to argue reality with people who think a man can be a woman by declaring it.
Killing your child is probably the most wicked thing.

Doesn't even slow these MFers down, my body, my choice, my, my, my.
even worse than that...
some are getting pregnant on purpose, just so they can kill the child.

abortion is no longer a difficult solution to a terrible mistake, it is something they take joy in doing.
even worse than that...
some are getting pregnant on purpose, just so they can kill the child.

abortion is no longer a difficult solution to a terrible mistake, it is something they take joy in doing.
Has anyone seen Sharon?

She told me she had an abortion.

Bummer, I hope everythings ok. I didn't know she was pregnant.

She didn't either.

Have her call me. We need go party.
even worse than that...
some are getting pregnant on purpose, just so they can kill the child.

abortion is no longer a difficult solution to a terrible mistake, it is something they take joy in doing.
That's absolutely disturbing - for fun? Take joy??? Unreal. Start looking at Homo Sapien long enough and one wonders...how long will they survive?

I still use the argument...somebody murders pregnant woman and baby dies...they get TWO murder charges...just how is abortion different? I want want of these pro abortion at any stage people to explain that to me.

"Yes, but what you need is actual, hard evidence."

There was a time when that disgusting scumbag would have been drug out into the street, flogged severely and hung. There's your proof hanging in that tree.

Not doing so now is whats wrong with this country.

Instead, that will be the same look on the those people's faces as when they're in the cattle cars.
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I stopped caring about the abortion issue when I looked at the demographics. It's not my family. Not my clan. Not my people. There is no moral high ground for me to do anything about it. It's not my business what disgusting practices people want to partake in.

All the outrage and effort spent on it is misplaced when there are far and away vastly more critical issues.

i wouldn't make it illegal if it was up to me, but i wouldn't call it "healthcare" and force others to pay for them via taxes.
/my opinion is not constrained by religion.


to @Charmingmander 's point, given the current field of candidates and the issues at stake neither pro or anti abortion register on the scale for me at all
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Yeah if you think j the last one was legit youre retarded.

More votes than obama and his rally’s couldn’t fill a McDonald’s.

what a maroon ...

trying to equate the number of votes to the number of eligible voters is like trying to say one farmer has more chickens than another farmer based solely on the number of eggs he sells at market

a 1-ply thinker at best

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That’s the dirty little secret behind planned parenthood, except they applied it to a race.

I miss the days when a couple could have a dozen or two kids to do whatever they want with them and the only government involvement was a census every 10 or so years.

It's amazing how much things can deteriorate in only a couple generations.
I miss the days when a couple could have a dozen or two kids to do whatever they want with them and the only government involvement was a census every 10 or so years.

It's amazing how much things can deteriorate in only a couple generations.
And President Johnson, a democrat, gave the deterioration of society with the ironically named "Great Society) an express lane to get us to this hellscape.

Anyone here who has not read "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell needs to read that. His words are the solution.

This will bring out the brainwashed “I want to kill my baby” women out in droves and they will all gleefully vote to for genocide and socialism. 10 states are going to have massive turnout for fetus killing… and will ignore the economy and civil liberties and corruption and inflation and WW3. For the chimera of “my body my choice.”

A mantra that they all forgot when being told “take the vaxx” when they went full SS on the rest of the population over forced medical experimentation. (That, ironically, has probably sterilized hundreds of thousands of Karens and is killing more people every day.)

Say what You will about the left. They are not stupid!! This is strategic and I dare say brilliant.

Why do you even care? It's their decision, not yours
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Yep I predict this “win to lose” on Roe v Wade. We saw this in Colorado with weed on the ballot.

As a result of so called wins on abortion :
  • More crime
  • More Democrats birth more democrats
  • More children in abject poverty
  • More brutal child abuse
  • More welfare
  • Increasingly stressed health care system
  • Gun rights diminished to unthinkable levels
  • Less Republicans
  • Property rights diminished and removed
  • More Democrat wins
  • Much higher taxes
  • One party rule
  • Democrat controlled SCOTUS
  • Codification of right to abortion into federal law
  • Massive increase in abortions
I applaud the calculated and long term vision that led to stacking the court to overturn Roe v. Wade. It really was a masterclass….save for the post victory unintended consequences.

But hey, the religious zealots tell us that Christ is coming to save us and everything supposed to go to shit anyways so the faster they make it go to shit the better. So I guess this is all just part of their plan.

I’m a Christian but I don’t subscribe to that fallacy. I believe we were given free will to act in a responsible manner. To guide society not with recklessness but instead to win long term. This is just another Afghanistan.

I believe a longer term more nuanced approach could’ve gotten us where we needed to be without throwing in the towel. Since this has been thrown back to the states, we’ve already lost in the blue states on this issue to the point where it’s increasing in abortions.

A good many of the Americans who arevoting for these state laws now, support certain limitations on abortion. I think we could’ve started there and rolled things back to where at least for a time they were safe, legal, and RARE. Practically speaking, I think rare was the best we ever could’ve hoped for, and I think that goal would’ve been attainable without the long-term losses that we’re going to see from overturning Roe v. Wade.
And just who are you to tell anyone what to do? I mean, the .gov would be happy to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. Or you can fawk off and just let everyone make their own decisions without you butting in.
Yea, we’re not pro life because of some eugenics theory of voting. We’re pro life because the human being growing in a woman’s uterus is a he or a she, and ought to be a legal person in fact. Every atrocity in human history starts with a leftist getting away with un-personing someone. If you draw a bright line at “human being” you don’t have that problem.
so you can define the difference between a woman and a man too. I mean, seems simple for you. And lets not forget to define exactly when it becomes a person. Give me that time lime.
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And just who are you to tell anyone what to do? I mean, the .gov would be happy to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. Or you can fawk off and just let everyone make their own decisions without you butting in.

I think you are missing the point…

Personally, I am pro “do whatever the fuck you want.” It’s not my business.

The point of the post is that by loading up the ballots during the 2024 election with single-issue abortion measures… the left wil lure out droves of women who are going to be voting on this… And mindlessly voting for left candidates while they are at it!

I think the issue should be left to states. And if all 50 states want to let women kill their babies, well fine with me.

Merely noting that by putting the issue on the ballot in November, millions of lefty women who would vote for Stalin, Pol Pot or Eichman if they guaranteed the “sanctity of their bodies” will be voting for Kamel Toe after being told Orange Man will force them to be Stepford Wives ( not making that up.)

All while ignoring the fact that the same Karens screamed to jail, encamp or execute people who didn’t take a gummint mandated vaxx. Whose bodies whose choice?

It’s a strategy that interests me… not what the outcome on fetus-killing is. For all I care, kill all your babies if you want to. Especially the one I have to sit next to on planes

so you can define the difference between a woman and a man too. I mean, seems simple for you. And lets not forget to define exactly when it becomes a person. Give me that time lime.
So, what’s your angle here? I mean, you’ve never heard of chromosomes? You’re unfamiliar with the two very different sets of reproductive organs, and the requisite hormonal differences? Yea, pretty fucking easy if believe we live in a single reality that we all share. Clearly you don’t so it must not be really simple for you. Most truths are simple. It’s the lies that have to get ever more complex.

You should first learn to read, and actually comprehend my clear sentences before you try to play in the retard playground of personhood with the rest of the retards and communists.

I said a human being deserves personhood by virtue of what he or she is, and for no other reason, because that’s where we can prove it scientifically, and that is the only bright line where it isn’t the fucking opinion of someone who thinks they’re smarter than everyone else.

If not all human beings deserve rights, which is what I say, simply, because that’s the only point I can prove that HE or SHE IS in fact, and indisputably a human being, then it isn’t upon me to defend the statement that all human beings deserve rights. It’s on you to educate all us simpletons on why that’s a false statement, and why your OPINION of at what stage or under what circumstances any human being is worthy of rights and why that opinion trumps our shared reality and accumulated science.

Honestly, I take your comments as some sort of hostile invitation to argue with you, because you don’t like the idea that all human beings ought to have rights, but I stated it very clearly. So if you don’t like my simple maxim and think it’s really complex then it’s incumbent on you to actually make a different argument, justify your personal criteria for when a human being deserves rights, or at a minimum attack my premise as false or incorrect in some manner.

Hell, attack the science if you want, but it’s not like any of it is new or revolutionary. Probably the biggest thing recently that science and technology has done in terms of abortion is now the imaging is so good you can see the face of the fetus and how much it resembles the parents very early on…or do you still buy that he or she is “a clump of cells”?
so you can define the difference between a woman and a man too. I mean, seems simple for you. And lets not forget to define exactly when it becomes a person. Give me that time lime.
Reading your bullshit in two different threads in the same evening was more than enough to make me hope that someone violently ass rapes you with a cactus. If you ever find yourself around Ardmore, let me know. I may be able to fit you into a nice 55gal drum.
Reading your bullshit in two different threads in the same evening was more than enough to make me hope that someone violently ass rapes you with a cactus. If you ever find yourself around Ardmore, let me know. I may be able to fit you into a nice 55gal drum.
feel free to send me an address, I get down there often. If you actually had an opinion, Id be a little more sympathetic, but you seem to eschew the same bullshit that others opine. Just let people do whatever and stop worrying about them and worry about yourself.
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I think you are missing the point…

Personally, I am pro “do whatever the fuck you want.” It’s not my business.

The point of the post is that by loading up the ballots during the 2024 election with single-issue abortion measures… the left wil lure out droves of women who are going to be voting on this… And mindlessly voting for left candidates while they are at it!

I think the issue should be left to states. And if all 50 states want to let women kill their babies, well fine with me.

Merely noting that by putting the issue on the ballot in November, millions of lefty women who would vote for Stalin, Pol Pot or Eichman if they guaranteed the “sanctity of their bodies” will be voting for Kamel Toe after being told Orange Man will force them to be Stepford Wives ( not making that up.)

All while ignoring the fact that the same Karens screamed to jail, encamp or execute people who didn’t take a gummint mandated vaxx. Whose bodies whose choice?

It’s a strategy that interests me… not what the outcome on fetus-killing is. For all I care, kill all your babies if you want to. Especially the one I have to sit next to on planes

Im not missing the point. The point is that someone wants to put their definition of what is or what isn't on everyone. Let people be. Thats what do whatever the fuck you want to means.
Im not missing the point. The point is that someone wants to put their definition of what is or what isn't on everyone. Let people be. Thats what do whatever the fuck you want to means.

Again… I said it was smart, not illegal or anything else. Observation in this case, not criticism. In fact, I think I called it a smart strategy on their part.

Just because I despise commies doesn’t mean I can’t note they their methods have some real genius behind them.

Oh and… have a Snickers or two! It’s the weekend!

Im not missing the point. The point is that someone wants to put their definition of what is or what isn't on everyone. Let people be. Thats what do whatever the fuck you want to means.
Abortion access or not, for hoes, is absolutely inconsequential in the context of who runs the US. But, most women and many men are stupid and short sighted about “personal rights to kill” a human that cannot yet live on its own. This quandary is like asking a dog whether they want more snacks, and using that decision to choose strategic business goals.
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Im not missing the point. The point is that someone wants to put their definition of what is or what isn't on everyone. Let people be. Thats what do whatever the fuck you want to means.
Postmodern solipsism masquerading as libertarianism.
Yes, there need to be restrictions on killing another human being. Un-personing should have scorn heaped upon it, or violently resisted if people are stupid enough to codify it into law.
I answered your “questions” before you asked them. So educate us. On who qualifies for rights and under what circumstances? I can’t wait to hear.
Postmodern solipsism masquerading as libertarianism.
Yes, there need to be restrictions on killing another human being. Un-personing should have scorn heaped upon it, or violently resisted if people are stupid enough to codify it into law.
I answered your “questions” before you asked them. So educate us. On who qualifies for rights and under what circumstances? I can’t wait to hear.
Said it better than I could.