This is what will get Harris elected

Postmodern solipsism masquerading as libertarianism.
Yes, there need to be restrictions on killing another human being. Un-personing should have scorn heaped upon it, or violently resisted if people are stupid enough to codify it into law.
I answered your “questions” before you asked them. So educate us. On who qualifies for rights and under what circumstances? I can’t wait to hear.
But you already heard. Rights are universal. And we already have laws against murder, whether on purpose or accident. The fact that you think there are circumstances to rights says volumes about how you want to push your views on everyone else.
Sadly, that is true. Can't tell you how many so-called Christians will vote for abortion/Democrat party.
Ah, the “No true Scotsman fallacy”.

Abortion is a moral issue, not a religious issue. The god character in the bible had no issues drowning children born and unborn when he flooded the earth because he was unsatisfied with his work. He also commanded genocide which included the murder of children both born and unborn.

Opposing sides of damn near any issue can pick and choose scripture from one of many holy books to defend their position. Morality doesn’t come from a book.
lol. Your Biblical understanding is quite a bit below just ignorant. You just ignore the entire Testament of Jesus Christ? New covenant? Anyone? Place yourself above God?
Even so, God handed laws directly to the Israelites so they could understand right from wrong. Man has a very bad track record of inventing his own morality.

But you already heard. Rights are universal. And we already have laws against murder, whether on purpose or accident. The fact that you think there are circumstances to rights says volumes about how you want to push your views on everyone else.
You have to be pretending to be this big of a moron.

It is you who pretends that it’s not a human being being murdered. You won’t answer because you’ll get evicerated.
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lol. Your Biblical understanding is quite a bit below just ignorant. You just ignore the entire Testament of Jesus Christ? New covenant? Anyone? Place yourself above God?
Even so, God handed laws directly to the Israelites so they could understand right from wrong. Man has a very bad track record of inventing his own morality.

You have to be pretending to be this big of a moron.

It is you who pretends that it’s not a human being being murdered. You won’t answer because you’ll get evicerated.
I don’t believe any god of any religion actually exists so I don’t have to justify all the nonsense in any number of the holy books out there. I’m just pointing out a few obvious things.
I don’t believe any god of any religion actually exists so I don’t have to justify all the nonsense in any number of the holy books out there. I’m just pointing out a few obvious things.
Belief is not a requirement at all. You just have to see the utility of received morality as a set of guard rails that increases liberty, absent authoritarian laws, rather than decreasing it. No morality and all of a sudden people are screaming for more laws, not less.
Hate Jews much?

Jesus (HAY-zeus) was perhaps a prophet not a messiah.
He was the messiah. You need to refresh yourself on the actual meaning of the word. It means priest king. Jesus was a rabbi (Essene tradition) and was heir to the throne of Jerusalem because his lineage goes back to David.

But anyway, here is a funny take on the name, Jesus.

You decided Jesus isn’t the Messiah. That’s exactly like Islam and democrats.

I haven't decided anything about him. Other than he did not send his disciples into the world to be enforcers but as messengers to bring the word. It is not the job of his followers to judge and fix the world. It's very clear that god's law is for god's people and not the unbelievers. Corinthians.

If you need a dictionary perhaps I can help you locate one.

Also Matthew 6:1
I haven't decided anything about him. Other than he did not send his disciples into the world to be enforcers but as messengers to bring the word. It is not the job of his followers to judge and fix the world. It's very clear that god's law is for god's people and not the unbelievers. Corinthians.

If you need a dictionary perhaps I can help you locate one.

Also Matthew 6:1

Okay. Someone told you He wasn't the Messiah.
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lol. Your Biblical understanding is quite a bit below just ignorant. You just ignore the entire Testament of Jesus Christ? New covenant? Anyone? Place yourself above God?
Even so, God handed laws directly to the Israelites so they could understand right from wrong. Man has a very bad track record of inventing his own morality.

You have to be pretending to be this big of a moron.

It is you who pretends that it’s not a human being being murdered. You won’t answer because you’ll get evicerated.
Sorry, been out of the loop since Sunday night. But you can take your bible and shove it. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of the God you say gave rules that thou shall not kill. Hypocrite much? Your God doesn't exist. And even the old testament told of a vengeful God. You can't have it both ways. new Testament is a bunch of bullshit made up about a peaceful guy. Quite a departure from the first chapters wouldn't you say? But please, eviscerate away. And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
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And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
My daughter is twenty months old and she can’t support herself. She needs us to feed her, change her diapers, help her get around, etc. Your logic is silly because I guess people in coma or life support are not people according to you?

PS: Jesus loves you. 😁
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My daughter is twenty months old and she can’t support herself. She needs us to feed her, change her diapers, help her get around, etc. Your logic is silly because I guess people in coma or life support are not people according to you?

PS: Jesus loves you. 😁
She can breathe? He bodily functions work? She can support herself. Don't be a dolt. And Jesus can love me, but I'd rather he mow my lawn.

And people on life support aren't living, they are being kept alive for selfish reasons.
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what a maroon ...

trying to equate the number of votes to the number of eligible voters is like trying to say one farmer has more chickens than another farmer based solely on the number of eggs he sells at market

a 1-ply thinker at best

Intelligence has been chasing you, but you are too fast
She can breathe? He bodily functions work? She can support herself. Don't be a dolt. And Jesus can love me, but I'd rather he mow my lawn.

And people on life support aren't living, they are being kept alive for selfish reasons.
You’re something else. Just because she can breathe and bodily functions work, doesn’t mean she can support herself. - this brilliant pos thought just like you and took a vacation leaving her baby at home alone. The baby died because she couldn’t survive after a certain point without the help and care needed.

I will agree with you on life support in most cases but I see that you excluded people in coma. There’s bed ridden old people, paralyzed folks, and many cases. Life begins in the womb and you can have your opinions since it’s still a free country but you’re WRONG. Abortion is murder and it’s not my opinion, it’s a fact. Now some people think miscarriage and removing the dead child is abortion too… no it’s not. All the woman that I know who’ve gotten an abortion are selfish miserable cunts.
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Sorry, been out of the loop since Sunday night. But you can take your bible and shove it. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of the God you say gave rules that thou shall not kill. Hypocrite much? Your God doesn't exist. And even the old testament told of a vengeful God. You can't have it both ways. new Testament is a bunch of bullshit made up about a peaceful guy. Quite a departure from the first chapters wouldn't you say? But please, eviscerate away. And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
I don’t care if you are oblivious to the the spiritual warfare raging all around us. I don’t care that you’re blind. I don’t care that you are trapped and powerless. I don’t want you to die, but I’m not going to do a whole lot to try and stop it. I’m a bad Christian, or maybe just more of a Calvinist…
It is YOU who hates religion and hates Jesus Christ, exactly as it is written you would. I think you’re an idiot who can’t defend his beliefs so you attack others without being able to defend you own, and if you believe certain human beings have no rights and you can murder them at your pleasure, then you are definitely going forward on faith alone.

Nothing I’ve said requires belief. Or Christianity. It just so happens, randomly if you prefer, that without advanced understanding of human reproduction and advanced biology the Bible gets it exactly right. I can prove the human being growing inside a woman is a unique in all the world human being. I can prove that he/she is alive. I can even prove vital functions and thought at early stages of development.

You literally can’t answer under what circumstances a human being has rights. All I say is they are intrinsic to a human being, period. You got nothing but hate, which I’m sure doesn’t surprise many people.
Harris clearly won the debate because she didnt give any reason to dissuade her gullible and stupid supporters. To them, it was 100% vindication of their support for her

100 Percent.

The whole thing is a setup for a steal and full on socialism.
Sorry, been out of the loop since Sunday night. But you can take your bible and shove it. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of the God you say gave rules that thou shall not kill. Hypocrite much? Your God doesn't exist. And even the old testament told of a vengeful God. You can't have it both ways. new Testament is a bunch of bullshit made up about a peaceful guy. Quite a departure from the first chapters wouldn't you say? But please, eviscerate away. And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
Pointing out sin and immorality is not a sign of hatred. It's just a very touchy thing with the plank in our own eye and all. Stoning someone for sin is certainly a sign of hatred, which is why we're told not to do it. You are right about God's Law, and you are right about redemption for failure to follow it. It's for believers, and not for unbelievers. So to is turning the other cheek between believers.

We get pretty caught up thinking of Jesus as this sinless Prince of Peace, and forget that he came to bring the sword and division. You can see that division in this very thread. You can see how his very name became a curse word, and that the redemption he offers is a rock of offense exactly as it is written. You can no more convince someone they are in need of salvation than you can convince an alcoholic to stop drinking. You can only guide people to discovering the truth, and I am not good at it at all, so I don't play. I was a very arrogant young man. I wasn't a nihilist, but rather believed we would have to answer for the way we lived our lives. I did not come to see myself as a sinner and in need of redemption till I witnessed the physical manifestation of the power of Christ. It took that to reach me, and to realize what I was and that there was no way out.

Maxduty seems to think we're all enslaved to our beliefs, and he's not wrong. It's just that he thinks he's "free", and he isn't. He thinks it all comes from inside him, and that outside of his mind there is no actual good and evil, but that it's all just a point of view, and for each person to decide on his own. Ergo, anyone pointing out the immorality of the act of another is a charlatan. Hypocrisy defines the human animal. We know right from wrong and we still choose wrong. Fundamentally that's what sin is. If we couldn't obey the only rule, how are we going to obey a bunch of them? Being forgiven for what we are, and seeking to be free of being a slave to our wants and desires (our sin) just isn't possible. We are trapped in what we are, and there seems to be no way out. We thirst, and we hunger, and we want, and having faith doesn't stop those things either. Absent that faith, and the "why" we try to be good, why should it matter from whence it came? Because saying murder is wrong, and you want to murder that makes us bad? I'm trying to tell you what to do with your life and how to live it by saying you can't go around killing innocent human beings? Go ahead. Revel in it and think you're free and we are in some sort of prison in our own minds. As I said, you're not wrong. We all serve something greater than ourselves even if we don't know it. We are all slaves. It is just that we consciously decided what to serve instead of being tricked into it and believing we are free.

Obviously you will go to any length to keep believing your are free, including murdering your own son or daughter, a human being that is literally half of yourself. I can't imagine what that feels like. Honestly, it would probably ruin my life unless I found a way out and was forgiven for it.

So, yea, I'm a hypocrite, which is to say I know right from wrong and sometimes choose wrong. My wrong is no better or worse than your wrong. I just acknowledge my wrong, and I repent. Practically, in this shared reality, you don't see the utility in knowing yourself and admitting how flawed and imperfect you are? This somehow makes me less qualified to point out evil rather than more qualified? If me telling you not to murder innocent human beings is "telling you what to do", and "how to live" then the ramifications of me being wrong and you being right really do make this whole existence and consciousness meaningless and pointless. I cannot imagine being that alone in a sunless place where despair is my only company.

You don't need religion to know that murdering human beings (especially babies) is wrong...or maybe you actually do? People who molest children justify it to themselves and others and seek out places where others will praise them for it, not as an evil, but as a good. Are they wrong? Is that different? If so, how. Or is there no wrong and right? Honest questions, because I did not bring religion into this except as a tangential issue, and it is tangential from someone who not only doesn't believe, but scoffs at it. I think it's very important to determine right and wrong from a Socratic point of view rather than a received religious one, because it's pretty obvious that the religious point of view is not only in the minority but shrinking fast.
So, what’s your angle here? I mean, you’ve never heard of chromosomes? You’re unfamiliar with the two very different sets of reproductive organs, and the requisite hormonal differences? Yea, pretty fucking easy if believe we live in a single reality that we all share. Clearly you don’t so it must not be really simple for you. Most truths are simple. It’s the lies that have to get ever more complex.

You should first learn to read, and actually comprehend my clear sentences before you try to play in the retard playground of personhood with the rest of the retards and communists.

I said a human being deserves personhood by virtue of what he or she is, and for no other reason, because that’s where we can prove it scientifically, and that is the only bright line where it isn’t the fucking opinion of someone who thinks they’re smarter than everyone else.

If not all human beings deserve rights, which is what I say, simply, because that’s the only point I can prove that HE or SHE IS in fact, and indisputably a human being, then it isn’t upon me to defend the statement that all human beings deserve rights. It’s on you to educate all us simpletons on why that’s a false statement, and why your OPINION of at what stage or under what circumstances any human being is worthy of rights and why that opinion trumps our shared reality and accumulated science.

Honestly, I take your comments as some sort of hostile invitation to argue with you, because you don’t like the idea that all human beings ought to have rights, but I stated it very clearly. So if you don’t like my simple maxim and think it’s really complex then it’s incumbent on you to actually make a different argument, justify your personal criteria for when a human being deserves rights, or at a minimum attack my premise as false or incorrect in some manner.

Hell, attack the science if you want, but it’s not like any of it is new or revolutionary. Probably the biggest thing recently that science and technology has done in terms of abortion is now the imaging is so good you can see the face of the fetus and how much it resembles the parents very early on…or do you still buy that he or she is “a clump of cells”?

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Sorry, been out of the loop since Sunday night. But you can take your bible and shove it. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of the God you say gave rules that thou shall not kill. Hypocrite much? Your God doesn't exist. And even the old testament told of a vengeful God. You can't have it both ways. new Testament is a bunch of bullshit made up about a peaceful guy. Quite a departure from the first chapters wouldn't you say? But please, eviscerate away. And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
As babies can't support themselves for years at what age would you say they are a person?

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Sorry, been out of the loop since Sunday night. But you can take your bible and shove it. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of the God you say gave rules that thou shall not kill. Hypocrite much? Your God doesn't exist. And even the old testament told of a vengeful God. You can't have it both ways. new Testament is a bunch of bullshit made up about a peaceful guy. Quite a departure from the first chapters wouldn't you say? But please, eviscerate away. And I'll go on record saying until a life can support itself, it is not a person. So outside of the womb if you need a definite timeline.
Oh, Maxipad, you've been out of the loop for much longer than since Sunday night. Many would be correct if they said that you are still out of the loop. You come across as a sad, pathetic, hate filled, little man, who believes in nothing but thinks he has all the answers. Enjoy your useless and senseless existence.