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debate winner

This question alone is proof of the effectiveness of the system.

Truth. It's supposed to be an opportunity for the people, through their 1st amendment journalists, to hear from the candidates' own mouths what they plan to do once elected.

Instead we treat it like some bullshit entertainment event and our 1st amendment protected journalists might as well have sponsorship logos. DNC on the forehead, Pfizer on the back, sleeves that read Disney and Google etc.

Another fun thing: Google for "Biased Moderators" and you get the "Results are changing frequently!" thing. As in, tons of people are saying that it was biased & the propagandists at Google haven't figured out how to silence them yet. I give it about 48hrs before "Biased Moderators" search will yield a bunch of articles about Trump being a sore loser.
From what I've seen, and this is a mega problem for Trump, is that he gets easily riled and everything becomes personal. Yes, this debate was stacked against him...but seriously did anybody think that DISNEY wouldn't stack it? HELLO TEAM TRUMP!!!!!!

I was actaully shocked how well opposing party did last night. NOT from a values standpoint, but from a take down Trump standpoint. And by opposing party...I mean all 3 parties and whoever was talking to the VP during the debate. Trump, IMO, did not do much in the times I was able to watch the replay to sway anybody.

As some have mentioned, he really didn't have anything to come back with about her comment on COTUS...

Not that I think these debates are going to sway anybody but the absolute weakest moraled people there are. That debate truly "set up" the justification for another election cluster F. If they do agree to another debate, it needs to be on a mostly unbiased channel. Thank GOD we didn't have TV and moderators like this back when Washington, Jefferson, etc, etc were in office.
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If you put yourself in Trump's shoes last night and had to deal with all the BS the Democrats put him through since 2015, would you be able to be calm when Hawk Tuah Harris spouted false statements at you? I suspect very few folks here would be able to do that. I think Trump did well against all three of them last night.
I disagree, I didn't think he was riled at all. I think if he had been "calmer" it could have come off as tired, or older, or less energetic than Kamala. Objectively, I think he struck the perfect balance on his energy level, especially when they are tossing lie after lie in his face.

When he debated Biden in 2020, I thought he looked like a bully. I hated that debate. I say that to illustrate that I'm not afraid to call a bad performance when I see one. Last night I liked what I saw. There were things he could have hammered her harder on, but overall he did well. I would have liked to see him body her on Afghanistan withdrawal. She deserves to be fired for that alone.

I absolutely loved his point that nobody ever gets fired in the Biden administration.
I agree. Cumala is a 'ho as Judge Joe Brown said and was Willie Brown's bottom bitch. She has a whore's thick skin. Trump got under it somewhat when he called her and her old man a Marxist.

She's going use the convicted felon card. Trump should counter that she should know all about false felony accusations, bringing up how she prosecuted and railroaded innocent people, mostly black, into prison for marijuana charges while laughing about smoking dope herself.

I think the next debate is going to be a streetfight of personal attacks against Trump. He better be ready to take the gloves off and go Tulsi Gabbard on her and not stand back acting subdued. TRUMP NEEDS TO BE RILED and disgusted by that pos that shouldn't even be up there.
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If you put yourself in Trump's shoes last night and had to deal with all the BS the Democrats put him through since 2015, would you be able to be calm when Hawk Tuah Harris spouted false statements at you? I suspect very few folks here would be able to do that. I think Trump did well against all three of them last night.
No disagreement really; but, I would hope that somebody runnng for POTUS a third time could temper themselves better. I mean, I know I couldn't do it; but then again, I'm not running for POTUS...
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No disagreement really; but, I would hope that somebody runnng for POTUS a third time could temper themselves better. I mean, I know I couldn't do it; but then again, I'm not running for POTUS...
Again, I have no idea what y'all are talking about when you say Trump should temper himself better, be more restrained, presidential etc., etc. when some trash stands there lying, calling him a liar, laughing at him while he talks. You must be watching debates I'm not seeing.

Any more contained and reserved and he'd stand there like Bob, the armless punching bag.

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If you put yourself in Trump's shoes last night and had to deal with all the BS the Democrats put him through since 2015, would you be able to be calm when Hawk Tuah Harris spouted false statements at you? I suspect very few folks here would be able to do that. I think Trump did well against all three of them last night.
It appears that he just didn't really prep and/or he didn't follow what was prepared. He should not have become flustered so easily and that indicates poor preparation. He also didn't attack with facts, as has been said, rather his rambling style that I find very annoying. Get to the fucking point. He is rarely able to actually stay on topic and I figure he must suffer ADHD in the extreme.
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It appears that he just didn't really prep and/or he didn't follow what was prepared. He should not have become flustered so easily and that indicates poor preparation. He also didn't attack with facts, as has been said, rather his rambling style that I find very annoying. Get to the fucking point. He is rarely able to actually stay on topic and I figure he must suffer ADHD in the extreme.

Harris doesn't ramble in your opinion? Got it. I find his style relatable and more down to Earth than a typical politician who only says what they think you want to hear.
Harris doesn't ramble in your opinion? Got it. I find his style relatable and more down to Earth than a typical politician who only says what they think you want to hear.
Where did I say Harris doesn't ramble? In my post, where did I mention Harris at all? I can see you have trouble with reading comprehension, got it.
It appears that he just didn't really prep and/or he didn't follow what was prepared. He should not have become flustered so easily and that indicates poor preparation. He also didn't attack with facts, as has been said, rather his rambling style that I find very annoying. Get to the fucking point. He is rarely able to actually stay on topic and I figure he must suffer ADHD in the extreme.
WTF... is even this.
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Trump absolutely faceplanted , vain fuck fell for every trap Kamala laid out like a 3year old.
Looked like Trump did not prepare much for the debate as he was crashing and burning on realy simple shit. Tulsi would have smoked Kamala raw given same setup. He is really vain as fuck .

Like Rogan said Trump loosing is very real posibility.
I am die-hard MAGA and a Trump supporter. He shouldn't have accepted a debate with ABC News for starters, especially given its ties to Kamala Harris. She probably got the questions in advance. But I don't think he is that great of a debater and have thought that since 2016. I think he could have done much better last night and once again, missed an opportunity to sway the typical low IQ, low info American voter. Especially those "independent" voters (women) who stand for nothing, believe in nothing, and are easily swayed. He went off on some unrelated tangents that had nothing to do with the question at hand. He should not have taken the bait on the race question which may have been written by the DNC. He should have hammered home his economic message which is what matters most to 80% of voters. He should have more forcefully called out her blatant lies and policy position reversals, but he didn't. It just pisses me off that this election should not even be close, but Trump is making it that way.
It just pisses me off that this election should not even be close, but Trump is making it that way.
Same as 4 years ago.
I'll vote for him again.
I'm sure his campaign staff are real disappointed. He can sure fuck up a game plan or just can't be coached at all. He obviously didn't learn a fucking thing 4 years ago nor in the interim.
Oh if only Trump had said such and such he would've "won".

The DOJ trying to jail Trump via several different bullshit trials, jan6 political prisoners with decades long sentences, the Demoncrat party runs on a platform of satanic shit like sex changes for children and half the country will vote for them, we are not in Kansas anymore.
Trump did as well as could be done in a 3 vs 1 confrontation.

He told the truth against a wall of lies and projections.

She wants to do it again because it worked for her. Remember, she's a former prosecutor, a trained, professional liar that will say anything she can get away with to win her case and get a conviction.
Do it again on FOX with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany as moderators!!!! Plus Trump does "better" with an audience or crowd. He just opportunities to nail her feet to the floor.
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Kamala pandered to her commie supporters and they think she is dreamy.

The MSM says Trump "seemed flustered." Which is almost certainly BS.

Kamala created enough BS to make her steal believeable. Which is all that matters. Because all they have to do is create enough FUD to justify the steal.

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Do it again on FOX with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany as moderators!!!!
If anyone wants to complain or cry around about "thinking" Trump didn't win. Maybe they need bitch about the fact that she will never do it, (go on FOX) plain and simple, never. They set the stage we don't. What's the use, I watched and listened the debate close, I think he nailed it. The debate didn't do shit, other than give the left and beta males reason to think they're going to win.
First I wanna say that it was interesting how their physical appearances seemed to flip-flop at the debate. Anyone who's seen Trump's many rallies he holds, he looks like shit at those rallies. And at the DNC Harris actually looked good (yes, I said it). Fast forward to last night's debate and Trump looked 10 years younger and it was Harris instead that looked all ratty looking.

So who won? Hands down Donald J Trump. From the very first question of the debate that was directed at Harris, she prattled on about how she grew up middle class and other bullshit that had nothing to do with the question asked to her. I keep hearing and reading from supposed Trump supporters how awful and unprofessional he acted. How was he suppose to act? Like Mike Pence who's scared of women? My opinion is Trump did the best he could've done given the cards he was dealt last night. She couldn't wait to attack Trump's character with the convicted felon bullshit and the false rape allegations, but did Trump once bring up her and Willie Brown? The only thing that Trump could've done better in my eyes is he should've hammered her more about how she hasn't done shit in 3 1/2 years, but he waited until the closing statement to say it.
Do it again on FOX with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany as moderators!!!!
Problem is, they would be fair. They would ask tough questions but I don't think they would join the debate otherwise, as we saw last night and in other debates where candidates end up debating not just the other candidates. The moderators should give their best effort at being impartial and those 2 women would do exactly that.
I'm not saying the mods should not call bullshit, they should.
They should keep their own opinions to themselves and let the candidates answer the questions. They should ask the question again, if the candidate dodges or strays, bringing to light that the candidate is dodging.
So many people get enamored with or go against the personalities and can't get past that. They vote with their emotions. He's mean or she's fun loving....
I think Trump is a bombastic, narcissistic, asshole that has trouble holding a single thought for more than 30 seconds but I will vote for him a 3rd time because I believe his policies are sound and he truly does want to do what is best for this country and the US taxpayer. If he can't figure out how to listen to his coaches, he is not likely to be elected.
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First I wanna say that it was interesting how their physical appearances seemed to flip-flop at the debate. Anyone who's seen Trump's many rallies he holds, he looks like shit at those rallies. And at the DNC Harris actually looked good (yes, I said it). Fast forward to last night's debate and Trump looked 10 years younger and it was Harris instead that looked all ratty looking.

So who won? Hands down Donald J Trump. From the very first question of the debate that was directed at Harris, she prattled on about how she grew up middle class and other bullshit that had nothing to do with the question asked to her. I keep hearing and reading from supposed Trump supporters how awful and unprofessional he acted. How was he suppose to act? Like Mike Pence who's scared of women? My opinion is Trump did the best he could've done given the cards he was dealt last night. She couldn't wait to attack Trump's character with the convicted felon bullshit and the false rape allegations, but did Trump once bring up her and Willie Brown? The only thing that Trump could've done better in my eyes is he should've hammered her more about how she hasn't done shit in 3 1/2 years, but he waited until the closing statement to say it.
100 percent agree.

Won't matter because the media etc will be condemning Trump and praising the Indian Slave-owning panderer.

First I wanna say that it was interesting how their physical appearances seemed to flip-flop at the debate. Anyone who's seen Trump's many rallies he holds, he looks like shit at those rallies. And at the DNC Harris actually looked good (yes, I said it). Fast forward to last night's debate and Trump looked 10 years younger and it was Harris instead that looked all ratty looking.

So who won? Hands down Donald J Trump. From the very first question of the debate that was directed at Harris, she prattled on about how she grew up middle class and other bullshit that had nothing to do with the question asked to her. I keep hearing and reading from supposed Trump supporters how awful and unprofessional he acted. How was he suppose to act? Like Mike Pence who's scared of women? My opinion is Trump did the best he could've done given the cards he was dealt last night. She couldn't wait to attack Trump's character with the convicted felon bullshit and the false rape allegations, but did Trump once bring up her and Willie Brown? The only thing that Trump could've done better in my eyes is he should've hammered her more about how she hasn't done shit in 3 1/2 years, but he waited until the closing statement to say it.
Yes, he did look a lot younger. It was something with his hair I think. But he looked refreshed. She, well, to be blunt, looked like she may have been using her old "tricks" right before she walked up to Trump and said "Kamala Harris" like first time interviewee. LAME.
Yes, he did look a lot younger. It was something with his hair I think. But he looked refreshed. She, well, to be blunt, looked like she may have been using her old "tricks" right before she walked up to Trump and said "Kamala Harris" like first time interviewee. LAME.
And none of it matters because the commies are going to claim victory long enough to justify a steal in 6 weeks or so.
People got it all wrong. It was clearly a draw....

✔️They both lied

✔️They both embelished.

✔️They both dodged direct answers.

Seems like a draw, IMHO. I doubt it moves the needle in either direction. Not many "undecided", it appears very polarized.

Moderators = fail, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who can muster a tiny bit of objectivity.

My votes goes to who aligns best on the policies that I personally prioritize.

So, the debate changed nothing.
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Yes, he did look a lot younger. It was something with his hair I think. But he looked refreshed. She, well, to be blunt, looked like she may have been using her old "tricks" right before she walked up to Trump and said "Kamala Harris" like first time interviewee. LAME.

I don't feel given how nervous she was it was a good idea for her to go in for a handshake because I guarantee Trump could feel her nervousness in her hand.
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The points people remember, from what i see all over. Kamala used buzzwords, hope, family, and was way out of her element.
Trump is accused of repeating the same thing and bringing it up, Immigration crime and nuclear WWIII... The fact they rip on him for that while repeating the key points he wanted to burn into everyones mind proves he was successful at just that,,.... they remembered the key points as we all should. Trumps key points are WAY more of an issue that any others.. abortion shouldnt even be in politics... its just a subject to get the low IQ and the over-emotional people wound up and vote a certain way.
No one remembers Kamalas points cause she had none.. this the victory goes to the one who drove their message the best.
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Trumps key points are WAY more of an issue that any others.. abortion shouldnt even be in politics... its just a subject to get the low IQ and the over-emotional people wound up and vote a certain way.
No one remembers Kamalas points cause she had none.. this the victory goes to the one who drove their message the best.

And that right there folks should be what every American should have gotten from the debate. Trump argued about things that actually matter to our country and to help it move forward. The abortion issue is over. SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade and invoked the 10th Amendment to leave the issue back to the states as it should be. Jan 6th shouldn't even be an issue either due to there being two very different camera footages that show completely different events unfolding. Wanna know why Trump waited until the Capitol riot was over before making a speech telling people to go home? Because he did NOT cause that riot and if he right away said to go home when it started, it could be construed as him admitting to starting that riot and his 2nd impeachment trial would have gone a lot differently. Just goes to show as @Green461 said above, Harris has no real points to make other than to just follow and repeat the same old talking points we been hearing this whole term. But remember folks according to last night, Harris doesn't wanna live in the past and wants to move forward. The Left's bullshit has gone beyond pathetic and is just downright aggravating and disgraceful.
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I am die-hard MAGA and a Trump supporter. He shouldn't have accepted a debate with ABC News for starters, especially given its ties to Kamala Harris. She probably got the questions in advance. But I don't think he is that great of a debater and have thought that since 2016. I think he could have done much better last night and once again, missed an opportunity to sway the typical low IQ, low info American voter. Especially those "independent" voters (women) who stand for nothing, believe in nothing, and are easily swayed. He went off on some unrelated tangents that had nothing to do with the question at hand. He should not have taken the bait on the race question which may have been written by the DNC. He should have hammered home his economic message which is what matters most to 80% of voters. He should have more forcefully called out her blatant lies and policy position reversals, but he didn't. It just pisses me off that this election should not even be close, but Trump is making it that way.
Indeed ,he should have absolutely wrecked her on economy, immigration and censorship,i would also not be taking that much credit for covid response ,

Kamala was unexpectedly (probably like you said all gamed in advance) leading much of it and he was defending while falling into bouts of vain BS and going off subject, stuff that to liberal public made him look like some loonie uncle while her eyeroling and lauging in his face just cemented that.
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People got it all wrong. It was clearly a draw....

✔️They both lied

✔️They both embelished.

✔️They both dodged direct answers.

Seems like a draw, IMHO. I doubt it moves the needle in either direction. Not many "undecided", it appears very polarized.

Moderators = fail, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who can muster a tiny bit of objectivity.

My votes goes to who aligns best on the policies that I personally prioritize.

So, the debate changed nothing.
Harris openly lied, projected and cheated by wearing an earbud /earring. Trump didn't.

Harris is an evil, Satan worshipping Marxist thats out to destroy America. Trump loves America.

There's a huge difference between the two.
it doesn't really matter since polls have no relation to "mail in ballots".


Speaking of "mail in ballots," where do we stand on that now, especially in the "Swing States?" That is, of the classic Swing States, which of the following require:

1) ID verification (either for mail in or in person voting (as opposed to "mass mail outs"));

2) Hard Stop deadline to receive mail in ballots (ie. must be received by close of election day)

3) "Secured" mail in drop boxes (that get brought inside the office at night to prevent "stuffing" of them)? My county does that. And when outside, an election worker sits outside with it to prevent it from being stuffed.

So yeah they kept Trumps tariffs. Trump was right.


Even Snopes says her dad is a Marxist, Trump was right.

And her on Fracking 4 years ago.

BTW, I think Trump missed biggly when she took credit for the defense of Ukraine, claiming she flew over and personally instructed Ukraine on how to defend its self. Russia literally annexed 20% of the country, then held elections in those Oblasts. Ukraine has canceled elections this year, killed any opposition party, banned religious practice... That is not democracy... Ukraine is not a democracy, Its government is the result of a coup. He should have jumped all over that.

Also making abortion a state issue. Kamala claimed no protection for Rape, if the pregnancy threatens the mothers life... etc. In flordia those exact provisions exist. She is completely full of shit.

1) TERMINATION AFTER GESTATIONAL AGE OF 6 WEEKS; WHEN ALLOWED.—A physician may not knowingly perform or induce a termination of pregnancy if the physician determines the gestational age of the fetus is more than 6 weeks unless one of the following conditions is met:
(a) Two physicians certify in writing that, in reasonable medical judgment, the termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life or avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman other than a psychological condition.
(b) The physician certifies in writing that, in reasonable medical judgment, there is a medical necessity for legitimate emergency medical procedures for termination of the pregnancy to save the pregnant woman’s life or avert a serious risk of imminent substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman other than a psychological condition, and another physician is not available for consultation.
(c) The pregnancy has not progressed to the third trimester and two physicians certify in writing that, in reasonable medical judgment, the fetus has a fatal fetal abnormality.
(d) The pregnancy is the result of rape, incest, or human trafficking and the gestational age of the fetus is not more than 15 weeks as determined by the physician. At the time the woman schedules or arrives for her appointment to obtain the abortion, she must provide a copy of a restraining order, police report, medical record, or other court order or documentation providing evidence that she is obtaining the termination of pregnancy because she is a victim of rape, incest, or human trafficking. If the woman is 18 years of age or older, the physician must report any known or suspected human trafficking to a local law enforcement agency. If the woman is a minor, the physician must report the incident of rape, incest, or human trafficking to the central abuse hotline as required by s. 39.201.
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Speaking of "mail in ballots," where do we stand on that now, especially in the "Swing States?" That is, of the classic Swing States, which of the following require:

1) ID verification (either for mail in or in person voting (as opposed to "mass mail outs"));

2) Hard Stop deadline to receive mail in ballots (ie. must be received by close of election day)

3) "Secured" mail in drop boxes (that get brought inside the office at night to prevent "stuffing" of them)? My county does that. And when outside, an election worker sits outside with it to prevent it from being stuffed.
i don't know, but doubt it matters.
example: az basically disabled signature verification checking, so they can just grab the ballots from the mail and fill them out themselves.
I didnt watch the BS show either. Knew it would be rigged like the last election. Fake news ABC. A Bunch of Cocksucker!! Im old and an early riser 0430 hrs. I need my beauty sleep more than watch that BS. Shes a phony bitch. If she wins we all are in deep shit. Keep your powder dry troops!!! Stay locked and loaded.
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I cant get past her weird neck skin dangling like a turkey gizzar
I cant get past her weird neck skin dangling like a turkey gizzard. She’s probably an alien body snatcher freak

What did you expect her neck skin to look like after all those dicks have been pile driving down her throat for years? Something has to give somewhere.