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Sweden Says To Pay Immigrants Up To $34,000 To Leave​

Other European countries also offer grants as an incentive for migrants to return home.
Denmark pays more than $15,000 per person, compared to around $1,400 in Norway, $2,800 in France and $2,000 in Germany.

*34K$ is for a Family not for a single immigrant

Most Americans have no clue what this is or what it means

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Yeah they didn't exactly work in 2020 either. I hope he has a better plan. The only chance, is if white hats infiltrate the stealers/CISA and beat them at their own game. Otherwise this country is totally gone.
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Yeah they didn't exactly work in 2020 either. I hope he has a better plan. The only chance, is if white hats infiltrate the stealers/CISA and beat them at their own game. Otherwise this country is totally gone.
I was thinking the other day about this. Let's say Trump defies the odds and overcomes all the BS stacked against him in the election and pulls of the win. It took him about 3 years to get us unfucked and start the process of clearing out the swamp the last time he was in office. He himself has said he would probably do it differently the next time around by hiring some different folks to clean out the bureaucracy entrenched in .Gov. Even then, I think people really need to be thinking about the next four years AFTER Trump. That is when we could make some real progress and hopefully get back to some sense of normalcy.

That could all be moot however, I have this impending sense of doom and I feel like the fix is already in. It really just comes down to a few "battleground" states, and realistically it's just the larger metro areas in those states. They can ballot harvest, blatantly cheat, and no one will ever know. Even if they did know, there isn't enough time to change anything after the fact. It's a strange and terrible feeling, the exact same one I had when all the Covid insanity hit us.
Most Americans have no clue what this is or what it means

View attachment 8500645
9.9.24 Renewal of 13848 by Biden

12.18.23 Renewal of 13818 by Biden

The hopium story (the modern version of Operation Trust) has been pointing to these things for 6 yrs now. There are very definitely 'things' happening. There is also no one in a position of power who describes the problems that we face and says - Joe Bob Lee (insert name) is the problem, and specifically Joe Bob, and these other specific 9 people did these specific things.

It's fine to generally discuss the problems, b/c we all know what the problems are. It is even fine to generally indicate that certain figure heads are somehow sort of tangentially responsible. However the full list of people who plan, initiate, fund, and foment the problems are never named (esp those in gov as the order flowed down from the Feds to the state and local level - who specifically was involved), and specific details are never given. 9/10s of everything else that has been discussed since 2017 is to lull people into thinking their problems will be solved for them. Real question - if someone else solves your problems - are you their peer? Think they consider you as such?
I was thinking the other day about this. Let's say Trump defies the odds and overcomes all the BS stacked against him in the election and pulls of the win. It took him about 3 years to get us unfucked and start the process of clearing out the swamp the last time he was in office. He himself has said he would probably do it differently the next time around by hiring some different folks to clean out the bureaucracy entrenched in .Gov. Even then, I think people really need to be thinking about the next four years AFTER Trump. That is when we could make some real progress and hopefully get back to some sense of normalcy.

You are 100% right about the fix- all the signs are there, plus in addition to their old standbys of mail in ballots and manipulating the electronics, we have potential by 25M illegals voting, as well as a new "tricks" they have fine tuned like making sure ballots can't be accepted in Republican or conservative regions like what happen in Arizona for 2022. If you think 2020 was in our face when they cover the windows with newspaper, made poll watchers stand 30+ feet away when they were even allowed in, hundreds of whistleblowers reporting shenanigans with flash drives, boxes of ballots arriving that all looked identical, even the guy that drove the ballots from New York printing to Pennsylvania, etc. you haven't seen anything yet.

There is already an established program, called ironically the "Election Integrity Project", which like the Inflation Reduction Act is the opposite of its title. It is to prevent any peaceful transfer of power should Trump somehow beat the corruption on November 5. This consist of at least 100 lawsuits ready to go to prevent Trump from actually taking office, many at Georgetown University law but with at least one teaching law school participating throughout the country in each state.

Then there is the fact that the sentencing for the 34 felonies in New York that will be done after elections are held. He very well could end up in jail. Don't forget there are still people that want him dead and have that as their primary goal. I'm expecting more assassination attempts. AJ has suggested food poisoning or a truck bomb of "Iranian sympathizers/terrorists".
That could all be moot however, I have this impending sense of doom and I feel like the fix is already in. It really just comes down to a few "battleground" states, and realistically it's just the larger metro areas in those states. They can ballot harvest, blatantly cheat, and no one will ever know. Even if they did know, there isn't enough time to change anything after the fact. It's a strange and terrible feeling, the exact same one I had when all the Covid insanity hit us.

If they think anything can be done after November 5 to fix the steal, they are sadly mistaken. I could imagine Trump ready with a bunch of lawyers (despite the fact that all of the lawyers involved in 2020 have been indicted to scare lawyers) ready to go after November 5, but with the exact same results as 2020, except more patriots in prison. The only hope is an electronics interference to override the combination of all the things they are going to do. Conservatives need to get off their high holy horse and realize that in a dirty fight you need to play dirty or you will get your *ss kicked/die. The entire fate of this country and the world literally depend on this. Everything planned by the UN/WEF to happen by 2030 will be finished by 2025. And I don't think anybody will be protesting peacefully, given the set up last time, and 1400 people including those that didn't enter the capital in horrible prison conditions with long sentences. They still haven't "found" the pipe bomber of J6, they have already destroyed the most important videos of J6 as well as all its email, texts and correspondence - the next fedsurrection willbe 10x worse.

The only thing I can think of besides electronic "adjustments", esp. for the swing states, is what my mother (no longer with us) did for 2016 when HRC was "supposed" to win in a landslide. She prayed and fasted for three days before the election up to and including election day. We have taken God out of our every day life. Maybe, just maybe, a huge request from His people, even including those across the world, begging for forgiveness and requesting this one divine intervention in unison, can change the course of history. We know everything "they" want, will eventually happen - because it is in the Bible with descriptions of the wars and rumors of wars, the one world government with 10 heads, famines, plagues,an army of 200 million, good being perceived as evil and evil being perceived as good, as our destiny; the question is whether we can somehow get it slowed down a bit.
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Well, he did fuck around

And he has already been charged. Prosecutors are going out of their way to make it clear that self-defense is not acceptable. They are literally not prosecuting shootings related to the gangs, burglary, and drugs, but self-defense is unacceptable.

And he has already been charged. Prosecutors are going out of their way to make it clear that self-defense is not acceptable. They are literally not prosecuting shootings related to the gangs, burglary, and drugs, but self-defense is unacceptable.

If this still an active investigation why are they charging him? Oh silly me. I forgot. They already have their minds made up, picked the jury and have him convicted.