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debate winner

that Trump was just "being dramatic" when horrified people called police to report their pets were being eaten by the Haitains etc

I was just at the supermarket and a bunch of old people were talking about that, the lady working the checkout stand was talking about it too, watch that will be the one thing he said during the debate that actually sticks lol.
I was just at the supermarket and a bunch of old people were talking about that, the lady working the checkout stand was talking about it too, watch that will be the one thing he said during the debate that actually sticks lol.
look at this cunt lying...

oh the "officials" that got paid to bring in the migrants are denying it. i'm fucking shocked!

51 "officials" said hunter's laptop was fake.

Did you even watch the video? They are clearly different earrings. You guys sound desperate and ignorant when you post stupid shit like this. It’s a bad look for us. I don’t get it.

The reason I posted that video of the guy in front of the kiosk was if you look on the table, you can clearly see exact model she had used @3:23, that has the two posts instead of one post from the pearl, two posts just like she was wearing with white or black pearl options. That large pearl itself is used to hide the mechanism. The company even said it looked identical to one of their products, but couldn't confirm whether it was theirs because there have been knock offs of the tech.
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i remember similar issues with pets being eaten back in the 70s, when many vietnamese refugees immigrated legally.
those were real refugees, who had to survive hell to make it here.

these are not "stories" i heard or read...i lived there.
i remember similar issues with pets being eaten back in the 70s, when many vietnamese refugees immigrated legally.
these are not "stories" i heard or read...i lived there.

Pets get eaten every year.

A while back someone down in Houston-ish around Dairy Ashford IIRC found one of his horses on his property field dressed like a deer with all the "choice" parts missing.

They shouldn't be here at all for many reasons.
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Pets get eaten every year.

A while back someone down in Houston-ish around Dairy Ashford IIRC found one of his horses on his property field dressed like a deer with all the "choice" parts missing.

They shouldn't be here at all for many reasons.
eating something because you're nucking futs or just hungry is one thing...but this is part of their culture and religion.
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Yes, and the leftists are going to cry about their rights for "freedom of religion" with their voodoo ceremony sacrifices.
still doesn't justify eating animals that don't belong to them.
Saying "Haitians eat cat" is no different than saying "Japanese eat raw fish" or "Ecuadorians eat guinea pig."

As manipulated and politicized as the media, search engines and everything else is these days, you have to try pretty hard to find information that isn't censored.

My go-to is to search the less censored search engines like duckduckgo, and look for articles that predate the current thing that they are trying to hide from us. Kinda like how there were lots of nazis in Ukraine until 2022, then suddenly no more nazis in Ukraine. Using Google, this page will not come up in the search results.

Here, from 2019:


From a few years ago. You won't find it with Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. But Duckduckgo found it:
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eating something because you're nucking futs or just hungry is one thing...but this is part of their culture and religion.

Meh ... I grew up with tales about Marie Laveau and Bayou John. If you couldn't find a voodoo priestess to gut a chicken or a cat for you then you weren't looking hard enough.

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I guess I just don't see a problem with Haitian immigrants/refugees/illegals/whatthefuckever eating/sacrificing cats.

Invasive as fuck species. Feel free to fact check.

I once took care of a real nice house in Coeur d'Alene. I lived in the pool house for free as payment and had a nice big garage/shop pretty much to myself. Full use of the big house if they weren't home but generally just went and opened it up and aired it out and flushed the toilets once a week. I paid a cleaning gal if the owners were going to come home. The folks were snowbirds and traveled all over the place. They only ever stayed at that house maybe 2 weeks in a row at a long stretch and only a few weekends a year.

The neighbor had a huge Rot named Roscoe Pea Coal Train. Just a big ol' friendly and loving dog and I do mean big. He would get loose and get taken to jail. Quite a few times, I'd come home and he'd be up on the porch just hanging out. He was not ever a problem that I ever heard of.

Thing is, all over the neighborhood were fucking cats roaming freely. Shitting in the flowers, killing quail...I have other tales from which I will refrain...

Don't want your cat to become primary protein or some weird sacrifice? Keep that fucker locked up.
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Any one have said document? I believe it but want to get a copy before it’s a permanently removed / disappeared

The numbers match, not exactly the "DOJ" so expect it to be fact checked into oblivion.

New Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Just Released: Violent crime (Rape, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault) Soaring Under Biden-Harris.​

Sep 12, 2024

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Doesn't mention 320,000 missing kids either.

In 2022, there were 359,094 reports of missing persons, involving youth, entered into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center (NCIC). A total of 546,568 missing person reports were submitted to NCIC, of those 97,127 records remained active as of December 31, 2022. Youth accounted for 31 percent of those active missing persons records.


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Screenshot 2024-09-13 074236.png

Screenshot 2024-09-13 074059.png
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So what I want to know is, who checks the fact checkers? Where do you get real info now? You really can’t because both sides are biased, both spit out BS, then you got AI BS to factor into the equation now and so on.

All I know is, I know what I witnessed in 2020. I remember the summer of love and J6 was anything but that. I remember the killings in 2020. I remember staying up on election night and watching some magic bullshit happen. I remember mail in ballots being found in the trash. I remember the windows being covered in PA so people outside couldn’t witness the recount. I remember seeing video of ballot stuffing. I remember the magic water main break BS in GA. Now, could all of that be bullshit? Sure. I have no way of proving any of that. The video of the ballots being ran multiple times through machines could have been from a totally different election or some testing phase of the machines or anything really. But I seen what appears to be some cheating going on. Add in the social media posts found by the woman and the daughter that were supposedly on the video and well it’s easy to see how people would come to those conclusions. Given the info I have, I don’t see how anybody could argue that doesn’t come across as election interference. I really don’t.

I expect the games to be no different this time. All I can say is, stick around your local voting booths. Record that video. If people can do what they did in 2020 then I don’t see why people can’t stick around to make sure stuff is in the up and up. But then again, I still have no way of knowing the machine itself didn’t flip a vote after it was cast either. There is no checks and balances. And if the gov, the courts, the investigators and so on are all in on it then good luck proving it. And even if you could they have the media to spin it. No, the gov is already gone. Based off of Trumps last two debates I don’t believe either candidates deserve the position. But I also don’t believe not that it even matters. The entire thing is rigged and until the people decide to do something about it then it’s probably gonna stay that way. We are in dark times but make no mistake, this isn’t the America it was 30 years ago. We are well on our way to those shitholes people used to talk about and avoid.
Trump blew it. All he needed to say after Kamala's response to the first questions concerning her economic plan was:

You just listened to VP Harris speak for 2 full minutes...does anyone know what her economic plan is? Nobody does...not even Kamala cuz she doesn't actually have one. It's referenced in four sentences on her website. She talks a lot but never actually says anything. Now here's my economic plan. We drill, reinstate the pipeline the Democrats shut down and return to my policies of energy independence. Gas prices and energy prices drop like a plutonium balloon and everything that is moved by truck, plane, ship drops in price too cuz fuel pricing influences everything! Food prices drop and once we start exporting oil again, we begin paying down our national debt. My old policies that the Democrats cancelled will eliminate the flood of cash going to Russia and Iran and the wars will end cuz they cost a lot of money. I will make sure US citizens are not paying for illegal aliens receiving Social Security, free healthcare, free education, and free housing. We will identify and remove all the criminals and suspected terrorist and get control over places that are currently overrun and under siege by all those millions Harris let in. Then I will negotiate honest and reasonable trade deals with the other countries, get the prime interest rate back to where it was and you can all consider buying homes, refi or tap some of the equity in your home so you can pay off your credit card debt and breathe easy once again. Basically I'll do what I did before and undo everything the Democrats did to us in the past 4 years.

Trump could and should have squashed Harris right off the bat. Everytime she took a shot at him for being a "convicted felon, a liar, and everything else she called him his answer should have been:

Harris calls me names because she cannot run on her history and has no plan to replace it. So she does what all argument losers do...reverts to name calling but ya know what Kamala...hating Trump is not a campaign platform that sways voters. You have no plan and in fact, never had one. You did buttkiss as Border Czar and that's why you were the worse rated Vice President in our nation's entire history. Americans are not stupid...they see you for what you are. A failure. It was a coup that got you here...not votes from Americans in a primary. Your handlers appointed you after kicking Joe out when the lie you stuck to about his cognitive skills was displayed as a complete lie publicly for all to see. Call me a liar all you want...America knows the truth.

Trump should have dominated that debate, instead he took the bait time after time and looked like a pissed off old man. Very disappointed in him but hey, being a narcissist ain't easy. I am still on the Trump train.
not bringing up the argument here, just proof that late term abortions for no medical reason is not that rare.
another lie from the left.


Explain to me why abortion is even an issue nowadays. It’s not the 40s anymore…now we have endless choices in contraceptives, the day-after (RU486) pill. Unless you lack any sense of personal responsibility, are in the business of selling infant baby organs and/or have an agenda to prevent the growth of the African-American population, (like Planned Parenthood) abortion is avoidable and unnecessary. Don’t take my word for it…listen to the DIRECTOR who revealed the truth about Planned Parenthood. If you think abortion is a right and Planned Parenthood is a good thing after watching this video…congratulations, you are a racist idiot.

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