
One thing obvious, nobody moved over a lane for LE being on road. Heck, I move over anytime I see a vehicle on the side of the road where there are people in/out/around vehicle. Not only for their safety; but for mine.

That said, that POS should be sent back IMMEDIATELY, NO free healthcare...get a C130...
I have to disagree slightly, his BODY should be sent back

Prior to the 1973 Islamic revolution, Iran has purchased dozens of M60 MBTs from the USA and since then, the post-revolution Islamic Republic of Iran has also acquired more M60s from other Islamic allies such as Egypt and Morocco. These countries have also acquired the export versions of US M1A1 and A2 Abrams MBTs and it is not known if Iran has come into possession of these, although what IS known is that they would not hesitate to show them off if they did.

These M60s showed up during military parades in the past couple of years and from the in-depth analysis of their upgrades, they seem to have pieced together a modular armor package from Turkey, an optics and electronic surveillance and rangefinding system using Russian and North Korean and possibly illegally imported Chinese components as China, despite their surface "buddy buddy" status with Iran, also considers them a rogue state and forbids exports of thermal, nightvision, nuclear, and missile technology to them. The M60 main gun is also fitted with a futuristic looking Rheinmetall style gun sleeve giving it a HALO style appearance.

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Evil P*dophile Found Dead in His Prison Cell – Cellmate Whisked Away Following Incident​

By Cullen Linebarger Sep. 21, 2024 10:00 am50 Comments

70-year-old p*dophile Mark Squires was found dead in his prison cell on Tuesday. (Credit: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation)
An evil p*dophile was found dead in his prison cell earlier this week, and his death is being considered a homicide, with his cellmate possibly involved.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) released a statement on Wednesday revealing that 70-year-old Mark Squires was found unconscious at roughly 3:30 pm on Tuesday by San Quentin prison staff after an alarm went off. Squires was serving a prison sentence for lewd acts on a child under the age of 14.
Medical staff transported the child predator to the prison triage area following the discovery. Medical staff declared him dead at 4:04 pm.

Police whisked away 36-year-old Gustavo Lopez following the incident and placed him in restrictive housing. He will remain there while the prison performs an investigation into the death.

ok,i don't know much about all the web wars but it seems the deep state wants to off tik tok because it's "chinese misinformation". i only see it on here in stuff guys post. that stuff has seemed very anti deep state. since our gov labels it's stuff disinformation,i tend to doubt that. it's posts may be chinese origin,may not. deep state would love to ban x and european nwo is doing so and trying to sue and jail elon. so,they want to ban tik tok= another censorship move. as for me,i don't think ANYTHING in books,posts,movies,tv,radio should ever be censored. if you don't like it,ignore it. have kids take responsibility for managing what they are exposed to. don't let the gov do it. they will just manage it for their own empowerment.
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Grassley and Banks both spoke Thursday on the floors of the Senate and House respectively to remind Milley he told members of Congress he would review the allegations in the book and get back to them to say if they are true. Despite repeated requests, he has still not said if they are true.

“Milley allegedly placed military hands — his hands — on controls that belonged exclusively to the president. According to Peril, [he] summoned senior operation officers in the military command center to his office,” Grassley said, adding, “He had them take ‘an oath’ not to ‘act’ on the president’s orders without checking with him first,” Grassley said.