Decided on a collapsible (carbine) stock for this new Aero 6.5 gas gun build and the bolt won't go all the way back to lock open; it's about a quarter inch short. The buffer springs bottoming out and I can not figure out why. I know the whole "there's no single spec for ar308s/ar10s" thing, but finding out what's compatible and what's not seems to be pretty challenging. I keep seeing that the buffer tubes and buffer springs are compatible, but buffers are not. So, then how does this carrier tail bottom out? The tube's Strike Industries, the buffer's an adjustable Expo Arms, and the springs a no name AR15.
So during my research, the only thing I found was that on Aero's website, their 308 carbine spring has a different part number than their AR15 carbine spring... but when shopping on all the ar parts websites, they all list (except for aero) all the same springs for the 308s and 556s...
Called Brownells and they list the OAL's for the springs in their notes, and the 308 springs thicker and longer lol. Would Im imagining would exacerbate my issue (if those measurements are correct) or does the 308 spring have so fewer coils that it maintains a shorter compressed OAL...
Has anyone built one from the ground up on an Aero set and run into this same problem?
So during my research, the only thing I found was that on Aero's website, their 308 carbine spring has a different part number than their AR15 carbine spring... but when shopping on all the ar parts websites, they all list (except for aero) all the same springs for the 308s and 556s...
Called Brownells and they list the OAL's for the springs in their notes, and the 308 springs thicker and longer lol. Would Im imagining would exacerbate my issue (if those measurements are correct) or does the 308 spring have so fewer coils that it maintains a shorter compressed OAL...
Has anyone built one from the ground up on an Aero set and run into this same problem?