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If You’re Going To Own Pit Bulls

A neighbours pitbull almost killed our puppy that we had for a week. After a week of getting to know the piece of shit through a fence, it took all of 5 seconds for it to attack once they were both together. Probably close to $8k in vet bills between my neighbour and myself. They don’t let go once they latch onto anything, I don’t pitty the dogs owner when cops shoot pitbulls.
Had one as a kid. It was a stray we took in as a very young puppy because it seemed like the right thing to do. The dog was loved, cared for, never abused or mistreated. We trained him, etc. When he got older, he mauled my friend while we were playing basketball in the driveway and we had to put the dog down.

I will never own another one.
And all I hear when it comes to those pits that attack or are aggressive is because of how they were raised and it’s the owners fault. Sounds like BS to me. You just proved with your story, that just isn’t the case. I won’t ever trust a pit. I’ve seen way too many posts of them attacking. Just the other day on my IG feed showed a pit latched on to a kids leg in some city playground. That thing would not let go of that kids leg. Just terrible. Also a local woman riding her mountain bike in a back road got attacked by 3 pits. She lost her leg after the ordeal. All dogs were put down and the owners were prosecuted. But the laws are weak for pet owners that do damage.
pits, chows, shar-pei. german shepards, malinois. most australian shepards (i think this is an owner problem). 60% of border collies. fucking dalmations. had one 1/2 pit, 1/2 dane come after me with another dog i think was a bull mastiff if i remember (that owner was a fucking moron cunt so i 100% lay the blame on her), but that one was close.

we have sketchy dogs of all kinds come into the clinic. a lot of times it's owners that are morons; but that doesnt make the threat any less. there are some dogs that just should be put down. i blame the owners on those, too. what kind of a fucking moron allows that kind of menace to exist? fuck them.

i always have the noisy cricket on me and one of them gets fucky with me, i'll dump it with zero hesitation. had one come in a bit ago that had bit a kid, and someone else. finally after it bit the cunt that owned it, she decided to have it put down. too bad that cocksucker didnt bite her first. few things piss me off as much as people allowing their dogs to be a menace.
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pits, chows, shar-pei. german shepards, malinois. most australian shepards (i think this is an owner problem). 60% of border collies. fucking dalmations. had one 1/2 pit, 1/2 dane come after me with another dog i think was a bull mastiff if i remember (that owner was a fucking moron cunt so i 100% lay the blame on her), but that one was close.

we have sketchy dogs of all kinds come into the clinic. a lot of times it's owners that are morons; but that doesnt make the threat any less. there are some dogs that just should be put down. i blame the owners on those, too. what kind of a fucking moron allows that kind of menace to exist? fuck them.

i always have the noisy cricket on me and one of them gets fucky with me, i'll dump it with zero hesitation. had one come in a bit ago that had bit a kid, and someone else. finally after it bit the cunt that owned it, she decided to have it put down. too bad that cocksucker didnt bite her first. few things piss me off as much as people allowing their dogs to be a menace.
Kid I grew up with down a few houses had a chow named Bear. Poor kid who’s parents owned the dog about ripped his arm off when trying to get a pork chop bone from it. High school buddy of mine had a chow named princess. This dog was no princess. They always had to put it in its cage anytime anyone was over at their house.
It's hard owning a breed that gets lots of bad press, especially when you try to do everything right and nobody will give it a chance. I try to take my rescue to the dog park to socialize with other dogs and even the pit bull owners take one look, pack up their shit, and leave. So much for "It's the owner, not the breed". I've trained her right and she has never shown aggression once.
It's sad since buttercup has been the light of my life. She always sleeps at the foot of my bed and waits for me to get home from work. How can someone not give this face a chance?

Sometimes I like to think she rescued me.

This post brought to you by elijah craig 94 proof toasted barrel bourbon. 🤣
Apparently this pit tried to enter a neighbor’s house and it did not end well for the pit.

omg.... that "girl" would have had her teeth knocked out if that had been my home. her dad probably would have been fucked up, too. i'll be damned if i would tolerate any of that bullshit. not from the dog, not from her dad, not from that nimrod female.

just listening to the video made me want to beat her ass
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I’m not here to say they are all bad, but there is too many of them that are. I’ve known people that had some really good pits. I have personally had more issues with Rottweilers especially around my neck of the woods. Seems the tweakers like them a little more around here due to their size. Knew some very nice trailer trash lowlife dopers that had a couple of them. One weighed about 180 lbs and his favorite play toy was a 16 lb bowling ball. He could wedge his teeth in the finger holes and sling that ball across the yard.
No shit!!!! When we ventured (around noon) to 6th street close to I-35, meth-heads, druggies, ragged out ho's, and pitbulls. Quite a few LE too; but Austin has gone to the loonies. I guess you have to go up towards Cedar Park/Leander maybe??? That area seemed fairly clean.
I grewup in Austin in the 60's early 70's , it was a great place to raise a family back then , then they embraced the weirdos and its gone to shit now , I never go there anymore unless I absolutely have to, I'm out by lake buchanan and believe I went far enough away to live out the rest of my life without all the big city nonsense, I HOPE.

best dog i ever had was a rottwieler.

the difference, my man, is that IF the day ever comes where you see that dog behave in a manner that you KNOW is a possible threat to those children, or your neighbors....you'd do the right thing and put that dog down. just like i did with my rottwieler.

how many fuckwits have dogs they don't do that with? how many of those fuckwits are breeding those dogs and selling the offspring of those unstable dogs? you know as well as i do, for every one good owner like you, there are a shitpile of fuckwits. whether it's an owner problem, or a problem with dogs bred by unscrupulous fuckwits, you have to admit that's a problem.

i ain't for banning. but i AM for holding owners extremely accountable for what their dogs do. if you decide to own and create a threat to the community, and your animal hurts someone, or gets out and terrorizes the neighborhood with their behavior, your feet get held to the fire. and i don't mean the pussyfooting bullshit we currently see. your dog mauls someone? cool. not only do you have to pay their bills, you should have a police dog sic-ed on you. two of your animals maul someone? two police dogs maul you.

these fuckwits knowingly keep dangerous animals that should have been put down, and then when someone gets hurt they sit there and make fucking excuses. makes me want to bear-jew their ass.

i think that is MORE than fair.
#1 among all things is that "pitbulls" are so cross-bred that there is virtually no genetic similarities between dogs that even look alike. The hell if you know what you're going to get...especially if you get a puppy from the toothless people handing them out at Walmart. The pit is the 'mostly peaceful' breed just like the BLM protesters were mostly peaceful too.

We do though have some fantastic pits that come to the clinic as far as demeanor one-on-one is concerned. But that changes when other dogs are involved, and especially when the owner brings in more than one pit. Those dogs feed off of the negative energy of each other and it just fuels aggression...just like urbanites on the street corner.

I have a bunch of big aggressive breeds that come into my wife's clinic just so I can play with them. The owners are doing their best to socialize the dog, but it takes a grown-ass man to be big enough to keep the dog in check. No way thats happening with a poor little kid. Kids are prey-size and do things like run at the first sign of aggression - triggering that prey drive.

Here is one of my best friends.


I've got 4-5 more just like him. Cane Corso, Doberman x2, GSD, and a pit. To be honest, the number of potentially aggressive dogs out there that can't be controlled scares me. It is why I make sure I'm at the wife's clinic when I know that a bigun' is coming in. What you don't see on my right hip in the photo is my M&P 40 (yeah, I'm a Fudd with a .40, but it does great euthanizing cows and horses). I hope to never use it on a dog.

I love dogs, but there are breeds that were bred for "combat", and those genes still exist even if the dog is a softy. Genetics are a thing...it's why you don't see labs as guard dogs. Add in pack mentality and you're flirting with disaster. That frequently happens here in the country, as much as I hate to say it. It is also why my 'coyote burial grounds' very frequently have large canine corpses there too.
I grewup in Austin in the 60's early 70's , it was a great place to raise a family back then , then they embraced the weirdos and its gone to shit now , I never go there anymore unless I absolutely have to, I'm out by lake buchanan and believe I went far enough away to live out the rest of my life without all the big city nonsense, I HOPE.
Lake Buchanon has it's share of homegrown lake trash, believe me. From methbillies, which are some crazy, unpredictable fuckers, to middle-aged pedophiles. We're not even talking about the females or drunken, drug dealing wetbacks in Granite Shoal and Kingsland.

Look at the Marble Falls Tribune and go to the Burnet Co. Jail Bookings.

But it's still not a liberal, commie, shithole like Austin. I won't go furher east than Westlake.
Still not sure about this. I had a pitbull/mastiff, huge mean looking dog but never had any trouble without provocation. Also have 2 Presa Canario, which are supposed to be much worse than the others. No trouble at all. Of course you wouldn't come in the house uninvited! But, that's the whole point...
One of the sweetest, most classiest dogs I've ever met was an old pitbull/Rottweiler mix that had crippling arthriris from an earlier case of lyme disease. He showed no characteristics of either breed but was a dignified, gentlemanly old guy. I would have taken him in a minute to live out the rest of his life if he were to suddenly become ownerless.

Having said that, I've seen some pits that I wouldn't get my face near, I don't care how much they grinned and wagged their tail. I've seen them get triggered, either playing in the ocean waves or when another dog comes around and the first thing they go after if they're on a leash is their owner's bare legs.
A neighbours pitbull almost killed our puppy that we had for a week. After a week of getting to know the piece of shit through a fence, it took all of 5 seconds for it to attack once they were both together. Probably close to $8k in vet bills between my neighbour and myself. They don’t let go once they latch onto anything, I don’t pitty the dogs owner when cops shoot pitbulls.
When I was a boy around 9 years old I took my toy poodle on a walk without a leash. Not far from home my dog went over to say hi to a pitbull. The owner of the pit literally, no exaggeration, had to put a shovel handle through the chain around the neck of the pit and twist it around until the dog finally had chocked enough to let go of my doggy.
Yeah my fault in the end that my doggy got torn and died.

I also got my arm chewed on by a dog that was part pit when I was younger around 7 or so. This was also my fault because we were teasing the dog and the chain broke. I was too young to remember how the dog was stopped but it could have been worse.

Of course I don't like the breed even though the attacks could have been avoided.

I have a old mut and a coyote problem so I got a Siberian Shepard to protect the oldy and the property. My goofy Shepard is a silly mess instead of a protector and is such a goofy dog that he's a constant source of humor for my family. One time at a year old it was playing with one coyote while at the same time the other coyote was chewing my oldy up. It's had it's ass kicked by other dogs and is pretty useless except for looking intimidating, lol.
Gosh no wonder he was only $100, lol.

So I thought about getting a Kangal, or something similar, to protect my dumb Shepard when the oldy passes on, but then it'd probably harm a neighbor or, or, or.
I find myself in these funky dilemma's.
I’m 38..have had a pitbull literally my whole life.

There is no problem with them..the problem is the same people who get pit bulls can’t keep themselves and kids out of jail..so, now you have a super loyal and prey driven dog who is acting on the emotions of its owner? It’s going to be bad.

Picture these same people with a shepherd or malinoise..that would be a worse situation than a pitbull


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I feel for Pit owners. Whenever I've encountered a Pit I've never met (and only if with their owner and on a leash), they have always been good to me. I let them sniff my arm (which I can retract quickly if needed) and then I extend my hand for a "paw." And if they do that, then I can pet them. If there's any indication of aggression, I leave then alone. They won't get near me.

That said, my family breed has always been the Doberman Pinscher. Unfortunately, I can't have one in my house because of Florida Homeowner Insurance policies. Most Insurers in FL have a "Dangerous Breed" list, of which both Pit Bulls and Dobies are included. They will not insure your home if you keep an animal on the dangerous breed list in your home, or will cancel your insurance if they find out you have one there. My insurance carrier, State Farm, takes a different approach. They go by "bite history." As long as your pet doesn't bite anyone, you're good. I haven't tested that yet because I'm not sure I can stay with them if they jack up their rates or they leave the FL insurance market. Yes, they're more expensive, but for policies like this, I'll stick with them for as long as I can...

At least until Feb. 2025 when I get my renewal! :eek:
#1 among all things is that "pitbulls" are so cross-bred that there is virtually no genetic similarities between dogs that even look alike. The hell if you know what you're going to get...especially if you get a puppy from the toothless people handing them out at Walmart. The pit is the 'mostly peaceful' breed just like the BLM protesters were mostly peaceful too.

We do though have some fantastic pits that come to the clinic as far as demeanor one-on-one is concerned. But that changes when other dogs are involved, and especially when the owner brings in more than one pit. Those dogs feed off of the negative energy of each other and it just fuels aggression...just like urbanites on the street corner.

I have a bunch of big aggressive breeds that come into my wife's clinic just so I can play with them. The owners are doing their best to socialize the dog, but it takes a grown-ass man to be big enough to keep the dog in check. No way thats happening with a poor little kid. Kids are prey-size and do things like run at the first sign of aggression - triggering that prey drive.

Here is one of my best friends.

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I've got 4-5 more just like him. Cane Corso, Doberman x2, GSD, and a pit. To be honest, the number of potentially aggressive dogs out there that can't be controlled scares me. It is why I make sure I'm at the wife's clinic when I know that a bigun' is coming in. What you don't see on my right hip in the photo is my M&P 40 (yeah, I'm a Fudd with a .40, but it does great euthanizing cows and horses). I hope to never use it on a dog.

I love dogs, but there are breeds that were bred for "combat", and those genes still exist even if the dog is a softy. Genetics are a thing...it's why you don't see labs as guard dogs. Add in pack mentality and you're flirting with disaster. That frequently happens here in the country, as much as I hate to say it. It is also why my 'coyote burial grounds' very frequently have large canine corpses there too.
God damn Hoss, what bean stalk you fall from?
When I was a boy around 9 years old I took my toy poodle on a walk without a leash. Not far from home my dog went over to say hi to a pitbull. The owner of the pit literally, no exaggeration, had to put a shovel handle through the chain around the neck of the pit and twist it around until the dog finally had chocked enough to let go of my doggy.
Yeah my fault in the end that my doggy got torn and died.

I also got my arm chewed on by a dog that was part pit when I was younger around 7 or so. This was also my fault because we were teasing the dog and the chain broke. I was too young to remember how the dog was stopped but it could have been worse.

Of course I don't like the breed even though the attacks could have been avoided.

I have a old mut and a coyote problem so I got a Siberian Shepard to protect the oldy and the property. My goofy Shepard is a silly mess instead of a protector and is such a goofy dog that he's a constant source of humor for my family. One time at a year old it was playing with one coyote while at the same time the other coyote was chewing my oldy up. It's had it's ass kicked by other dogs and is pretty useless except for looking intimidating, lol.
Gosh no wonder he was only $100, lol.
View attachment 8572157

So I thought about getting a Kangal, or something similar, to protect my dumb Shepard when the oldy passes on, but then it'd probably harm a neighbor or, or, or.
I find myself in these funky dilemma's.
Kangals are in a class of their own, and I mean in a good way.

Turkey, their country of origin, was so guarded and proud of the Kangal dog that it's their national symbol and even on their currency. For a long period of time, Kangals were not allowed to be exported from Turkey.
I feel for Pit owners. Whenever I've encountered a Pit I've never met (and only if with their owner and on a leash), they have always been good to me. I let them sniff my arm (which I can retract quickly if needed) and then I extend my hand for a "paw." And if they do that, then I can pet them. If there's any indication of aggression, I leave then alone. They won't get near me.

That said, my family breed has always been the Doberman Pinscher. Unfortunately, I can't have one in my house because of Florida Homeowner Insurance policies. Most Insurers in FL have a "Dangerous Breed" list, of which both Pit Bulls and Dobies are included. They will not insure your home if you keep an animal on the dangerous breed list in your home, or will cancel your insurance if they find out you have one there. My insurance carrier, State Farm, takes a different approach. They go by "bite history." As long as your pet doesn't bite anyone, you're good. I haven't tested that yet because I'm not sure I can stay with them if they jack up their rates or they leave the FL insurance market. Yes, they're more expensive, but for policies like this, I'll stick with them for as long as I can...

At least until Feb. 2025 when I get my renewal! :eek:
Only problem with relying on your aggression indicators is that many times pits don't show any until they bite your lip off.

Those turds can go from a grinning, tail-wagging sweetheart into a meat shredder in an instant and never stop grinning and wagging their tail. They're happiest when they get to do what they were bred for.
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Only problem with relying on your aggression indicators is that many times pits don't show any until they bite your lip off.

Those turds can go from a grinning, tail-wagging sweetheart into a meat shredder in an instant and never stop grinning and wagging their tail. They're happiest when they get to do what they were bred for.

A biker scumbag I know had a great black lab when we were growing up, a black ole Yeller. But he never appreciated him and the dog died alone and ownerless.

But as soon as that biker trash joined the outlaw biker life he got the Harley tats and trademark pitbull, which he kept chained outside. His biker trash live-in g/f's father came to visit one time and biker trash was showing him his Harleys and around the yard.

They approached the pit, who came crawling on his belly and smiling big until the old man got within range and thats when the pit sprang straight up and Clop, his jaws slammed like a bear trap, and took part of the old man's bottom lip off. It never barked or made a sound.
They tried reconstructive surgery and skin graphs which didn't take and the old man eventually died of complications.
They are misunderstood. He was probably trying to save the old man from undiagnosed lip cancer, and then the stupid old man pulled away causing unnecessary damage to his own face. Can you imagine the guilt that poor pit had to live with for the rest of it's life? Unbearable
My neighbor has two or three 120 to 150 pound pits. They look just like @benchmstr dog, but twice as thick. Heads like brown bears. Seems like a breeding pair and a male offspring. Neighbor is a pot smoking Mexican contractor with 24” rims on his Cummins. Most stereotypes apply.

One day the three dogs come barreling and barking across his lawn, he’s yelling and chasing after them like they just pushed past him at his back door. My kids, I have 7, and I are outside on our property, right by the gravel driveway that separates our properties. There is nothing else between them and us except an acre of grass. Time stood still. Dread drained the strength from my body, I didn’t even know he had those dogs until that moment. From my position I couldn’t get between them and my kids so I just stood as centered in my family as I could and waited for problems. It was all I could do. But it felt like cavalry was riding down on my kids. He’s yelling they’re friendly, but truly had I been carrying, I’m not sure I could’ve stopped myself from shooting them on his property. The wave of relief that flowed over me when they just sniffed my kids was spiritual. Most intense danger experience ever as a father.

When he finally gets there, we chat for a few minutes, he apologizes, and he gathers up his dogs and drags them, 0% control 50% frustration, back up to his house, and locks them in their pen in his backyard.

The point is this, when he got there, he wasn’t just winded from the run, he had a huge, adrenaline dump, too. The reason being, he didn’t “know” what those dogs were gonna do either. His conscience testified clearly, even as his mouth kept professing their good and puppy-like nature. He was selling himself, not me. Dangerous breed owners know what they have, switches, genetics, and everything else that folks mention, like @HitEmHard said, “that’s the whole point”. Yes, it is.

I support your right to own those threatening animals, and I don’t feel a bit “bad” prejudging or shooting them.
A biker scumbag I know had a great black lab when we were growing up, a black ole Yeller. But he never appreciated him and the dog died alone and ownerless.

Funny you mention "Black Labs." I'm sure you are familiar with the island of "Martha's Vineyard" where Gov. DeSantis sent the refugees. I spent almost all of my summers there (up until 2007) and a lot of my family still has property on the island. Some even live there permanently.

The "Black Lab" is, sort of, the de facto "County Animal" for Martha's Vineyard (County of Dukes). Thee are tons of families that own one One of the owners of a schooner with a solid historical significance to Martha's Vineyard (schooner = the Shenandoah), also owns this whole industry known as the "Black Dog." It's comprised of a restaurant/tavern (with very good chefs and cuisine, but no need for reservations - First come first served). It's right upon the waters of Vineyard Haven Harbor and, if you get a seat on the "Porch," you'll have full view of the Ferries as they come and go to/from the Harbor. In addition to the restaurant/tavern, there is also a Bakery and a separate/complete merch store that sells everything "Black Dog" related. Mostly clothing, T-shirts, Hats but other things as well. Here is a std. "Black Dog" T-shirt with the "Registered Trademark" design.


Maybe we should send people like your "scumbag" up there with a "Cruelty to Black labs" jacket. Guaranteed they won't last long.
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My neighbor has two or three 120 to 150 pound pits. They look just like @benchmstr dog, but twice as thick. Heads like brown bears. Seems like a breeding pair and a male offspring. Neighbor is a pot smoking Mexican contractor with 24” rims on his Cummins. Most stereotypes apply.

One day the three dogs come barreling and barking across his lawn, he’s yelling and chasing after them like they just pushed past him at his back door. My kids, I have 7, and I are outside on our property, right by the gravel driveway that separates our properties. There is nothing else between them and us except an acre of grass. Time stood still. Dread drained the strength from my body, I didn’t even know he had those dogs until that moment. From my position I couldn’t get between them and my kids so I just stood as centered in my family as I could and waited for problems. It was all I could do. But it felt like cavalry was riding down on my kids. He’s yelling they’re friendly, but truly had I been carrying, I’m not sure I could’ve stopped myself from shooting them on his property. The wave of relief that flowed over me when they just sniffed my kids was spiritual. Most intense danger experience ever as a father.

When he finally gets there, we chat for a few minutes, he apologizes, and he gathers up his dogs and drags them, 0% control 50% frustration, back up to his house, and locks them in their pen in his backyard.

The point is this, when he got there, he wasn’t just winded from the run, he had a huge, adrenaline dump, too. The reason being, he didn’t “know” what those dogs were gonna do either. His conscience testified clearly, even as his mouth kept professing their good and puppy-like nature. He was selling himself, not me. Dangerous breed owners know what they have, switches, genetics, and everything else that folks mention, like @HitEmHard said, “that’s the whole point”. Yes, it is.

I support your right to own those threatening animals, and I don’t feel a bit “bad” prejudging or shooting them.

People who discriminate against dogs based on their breed are breedists.
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I was attacked by a pit, after having been around it for years. All of the sudden out of nowhere it went at me.
Fortunately there were others around to get him off me.

My neighbors chow attacked my mom, and my dad opened with full blows to his head and body. It didn't stop till my neighbor heard all the yelling.
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I'm watching The First 48 Hours back episodes. Everytime they roll up on a murder scene or a suspects house there's a mean-ass pitbull barking at the camera.

Those people don't like Beagles and Border Collies or what?
This isn't a condemnation of everyone who owns pitbulls, so don't feel attacked if you're reading this, unless it applies, then.. whatever.

I've found that those people who are physically pathetic seem to be interested in increasing their security with a bad dog. They live in the hood or the trailer park, and they know they are fish, and there are sharks swimming around them, so they feel like a dog who might bite someone, gives them a layer of protection, even if it's only perceived. That's why they are so common in the hood or the trailer park, and rare among barrel chested freedom fighters who prefer dog breeds with high intelligence, discipline, and a high degree of training. They prefer dogs that are obedient over dogs that may or may not bite an intruder, but have the desired appearance.
They are misunderstood. He was probably trying to save the old man from undiagnosed lip cancer, and then the stupid old man pulled away causing unnecessary damage to his own face. Can you imagine the guilt that poor pit had to live with for the rest of it's life? Unbearable
Another pitbull kisser. She was a model. Was a model.

Hey, if their original breeders can discard their bodies when they lose a fight, I'm not losing any sleep or feeling guilty when I remove one. I'll remove the owner too if thats a problem.

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Another pitbull lover. She was a model. Was a model.

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I remember that story. She was from California, and went to visit a cousin in Texas or something, and their pit walked up wagging it's tail and jumped up and ripped her face off.

Like all of them, "iT HaD nEvEr ShOwN AnY SiGnS oF AgGrEsSiOn BeFoRe". Ugh
Regardless of the type of animal involved, as the animal's capacity for damage goes up, so must the handler's control and responsibility. As the size, strength, or unpredictability goes up, it gets to a point where you should always be thinking about what could go wrong and how wrong it can go. Some dogs will bark and chase someone, some will nip, some will give a solid bite, and some will neutralize the threat. Then you have the large or exotic animals that can kill you by accident. Plan accordingly.
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You see the "American bulldog"?

That's how you say pitt without saying it.

The "mixed breed" category is also almost entirely pitts, and the people who call them "mixed breeds" are the same type of people who declassified Hispanic people to "white" and then made the "Hispanic or not Hispanic" footnote when the crime went through the fucking roof. Not a knock on Hispanic people, but you know the truth.
My dad was pretty strict with our dog King growing up. It was a Shepard/Doberman mix that resulted from the guard dogs at a local gas station mating. Absolutely can not say enough good about that dog, how smart he was, and how protective. I'd roughhouse with him, and he'd give me it right back, but he was obedient, and knew his place. If you came over our house, King would get a minute to come sniff and check you out, then he was told to go lie down, and he did. You could see when he didn't like someone as the hair down the middle of his back would stand up and his tail would get stiff when it wagged. Had a friend go into our yard to "borrow" my bike when I was about 12, and King bit him. Not bad, but he left without the bike. A big lesson I got was that the dog is the dog, and he does what we want, not the other way around. Not everyone gets that.

Had a buddy in Jr. High that had a big mutt that was wild and unruly. Whenever I went over his house, the dog would jump up on me. One time in the winter, he kept doing it, and they said "he's just trying to get your hat". He jumped up one last time and I kneed him hard enough that he yelped, hit the wall, and ran away. They acted like it was a crime. You can't control your dog, I will.
I used to walk King after dinner every night, and you'd eventually run into those people that wouldn't use the leash. Often the dogs would fight, and even if I pulled mine away, they never did anything with theirs. Eventually, my dad told me that if that happens and you can see the dogs are going to fight, either let go of the leash, or just unclip it from King's collar. I did that once and the dogs fought for 2 min, then the other ran off.

Had a girlfriend that had a big dog that she said was a pit, but it looked like more ridgeback to me. Bigger than a pit, but had that look, head shape, and jaw strength. I loved that dog. I fished near a soccer field and often there would be a soccer ball in the weeds that the soccer people left, so I'd bring it back for her dog. He popped every one. I'd grab the deflated ball on either side of his jaws and start spinning around trying to get him to let go, and his body would be off the ground spinning around, but he'd hang on. They would occasionally get groundhogs in their yard, and that dog would show them no mercy. He was really a sweetheart of a dog, but God help whatever that dog got pissed at. It never did, aside from the groundgogs and a skunk, but I was always wary.

A year or two ago my GF tells me there's two dogs out by the pond, and I'm thinking coyotes. When I went to check, it was two pit bulls, and they looked like they were just romping around and playing. Maybe got out from a neighbor, but I didn't know anyone that had them in my area. I whistled loud and both stopped and ran up towards the house, with me on the porch. I don't know how trained they were, if at all, but they came right to my whistle. Much as I like dogs, and have had good experiences for the most part, I went back inside and watched them. With there being two, things change, and I didn't want to be the victim that everyone would say was an idiot. I saw them on a few trail cameras that week too, but after that day never saw them again. Probably for the best.