They should publicly execute the dirty cops. That would solve this problem. They should pay them double what they make now, nationwide. Raise the requirements to that of entry into an elite socom unit, and their training should be every bit as difficult. We should have our best and brightest wearing a badge, and it should be a job that they will do anything to keep. They should be paid really, really well, and held to the highest of standards. We could employ half as many cops as we currently have, as long as the individuals are twice as effective, and pay them double, and it actually changes the cost $0. If you think the training of excellent cops is expensive, imagine what the lawsuits caused by the fucking morons cost? You could put them in a 2 year academy upon hiring and it wouldn't cost as much as the pile of shit cops create by their own stupidity. There should be strict testing for IQ first and foremost, but also in depth psychological exams, deep background checks, not a mention of DEI, zero tolerance for the stupidity we keep seeing. I could fix this problem, does anyone have Trump's ear? Not the one that he got shot in, the metaphorical one.