Hunting & Fishing Ran into a small (ok LARGE) group of hogs and put the 6creed to work on them.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
North Texas
Put the ole RPR 6creed to work. Love this setup smooth shooting with the omega 300 and proof carbon fiber barrel. I ran into a pretty good group of hogs here and put a few on the group. Tell me how you thought I did, and what I did right and wrong.

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Shooting as many as you could.


using a bolt gun
I use both and I feel that in most situations I end up with the same amount of hogs on the ground. If they run into a fence or obstacle, the 20 round mag and semiautomatic can come in handy. Usually they make it to cover though and I end up getting rounds in 3 or so. I keep both in the truck and decide when I leave on a stalk which to take. One thing is for sure… I do like pressing the trigger no matter what gun I bring!
Dude, you can run into pigs and either have a good night or bad night as far as number of shots connected. It is just like any "sport"; sometimes you do better than others. I've ran into groups of a dozen and dropped either 3 or 8.

Don't fret over the videos where guys hard edit all of their misses out. They miss just as much as you (and I) do.

Keep it up and nice video man.