Same reason the twin towers were hit on 9/11Symbolism?
The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683 (Italian: 11 Settembre 1683

The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683 - Wikipedia
September 11th has significant historical significance in Islamic history12345. It was not just an arbitrary date chosen by the Muslim terrorists in 2001 who launched a jihad (Muslim holy war) against the United States2. The date has been significant in the conflict between Islam and the Christian West1.
The Top 4 Reasons September 11th is Significant to Islam
The Great Siege of Malta (September 11th, 1565)
The Muslim Expulsion from Spain (Announced September 11th, 1609)
Battle of Vienna — which took place on September 11-12, 1683
The Battle of Zenta (September 11th, 1697)
I added the 5th >> - USA Sept 11, 2001 and why they choose 9/11