A Flux Raider type PCC for vehicle carry does not sound too bad for a regular civvie EDC loadout. As a compliment to your on-person EDC pistol.
Truck/van rammings are one of the preferred MOs of Islamist savages. If someone is ready and quick to get their dander up and put either 7-10 regular sized holes within a pie plate circle through the drivers side windshield, or 2-3 REALLY, REALLY BIG hogleg holes through the same, threat is pretty much settled. Next step, pull the motherfucker no matter dead or alive out of the vehicle and stick him/her real good and brutal through the neck, chest, stomach with a big blade while pinning them against the side of the vehicle, then scalp the motherfucker. The reason: Everything is being filmed by someone these days. A show of excess brutality for the world sends a nice message across that we can be batshit crazy and give no fucks at all if pushed to a certain limit. The next fuckface who is thinking of a similar 15 seconds of fame might even hesitate as they weigh their chances of starring in another ad hoc Cormac McCarthy novel...