Prayer Request Thread

I love that song.

About the job…….

The most interesting interview ever.

One of interviewers clapped 2x at what I was telling them as they asked what my vision was for what I could see and wanted to do in the ER.

Anyways. Accepted the offer shortly after.
Trusting His plan and that the work I get to do will help those who need it and bring glory to His name!
Thank you for those who prayed.

2 weeks ago Friday, I ran into a friend from church, an older retired man, at the gym.
Quick conversation and somehow ended up on leadership and his time leading a school for all special needs children. Told me his leadership vision was to be like Jesus and be there to serve those who worked for him and those they served.
I liked what he said as I knew he was well loved by staff, students, and familes. His words kept coming back to me, commuting or if working on something mindless.
Less than a week later, I get approached asking if I might be interested in a leadership job.
Interview and accept the offer 2 weeks to the day from that conversation.
Received this from a patient of mine who is a priest. I thought that this was beautiful enough to share:

In the darkness of night,
The star had shown,
And led those who followed
To the place he was born.

In innocence he laid
In the arms of his mother.
This child who’s among us
Is unlike any other.

Shepherds had come
To see who he was,
And his parents amazed
At the way life had paused.

This innocent life
Now born among all,
Would save the whole world
From sin and our fall.

Redemption now with us
In this son of our God.
Who came to perfect us
From all of our flaws.

We celebrate now
This event of our past
And may this spirit of hope
Among us now last.

May divisions and tensions
Which may keep us apart,
Find strength and new promise
And healing now start.

May the wonder of Jesus
Live on in our hearts,
And may this celebration of love
Become our new start.

Happy Christmas to all
Who hold him so dear.
May the love of this child
Remind us all that God’s near!

Please pray for my FIL. We are at the hospital with him. He has pneumonia and is covid positive. Will be here a few days. How do you help care for someone and not catch this crap yourself. A catch 22 situation for sure.
Go to a feed/seed store and get some injectable ivermectin. Get a couple syringes to get it out of the bottle. Mix in water and drink it. Use 10 ml per 100 lb body weight. (150 lb = 15 ml.) I use 25ml in about 4oz water.

If you give it to him, use it every day for a week or so.

In that environment and using it as a preventive measure for yourself, I'd take a dose like every 2 days. Also needs vit D and zinc to work better.

DO NOT allow them to give him remdesivir or put him on a ventilator.

I'm NOT a doctor nor do I play one on TV. Just my opinion based on stuff I've seen personally and online during the scamdemic. Do with it what you will.

There's several threads on here that have a lot of hard earned info about this. .gov and their evil henchmen were suppressing all this in 2020-2023, which was proof enough for me.

Prayers going up for him
Please pray for my FIL. We are at the hospital with him. He has pneumonia and is covid positive. Will be here a few days. How do you help care for someone and not catch this crap yourself. A catch 22 situation for sure.
N95 or a PAPR (me because of my beard).

Prayers for your FIL
Saw A LOT of this in the last 3 weeks with a definite spike yesterday.
Folks with no respiratory disease arriving feeling crummy, biggest issue shortness of breath and cough.
Sats of 80-85% and not easy to raise with 2L O2 like normal.

I would 100% start on a prophylactic dosing of the horsey for if it was me and give him some if he is agreeable.
We have an interesting pharmacy here at home for just such moments with both of us in the ER.
Aint missed work in a long time.
I bet 30 patients with flu or Rona coughed in my face yesterday AM in triage….

Also, whisky is vaccine for your insides…… 😉
Go to a feed/seed store and get some injectable ivermectin. Get a couple syringes to get it out of the bottle. Mix in water and drink it. Use 10 ml per 100 lb body weight. (150 lb = 15 ml.) I use 25ml in about 4oz water.

If you give it to him, use it every day for a week or so.

In that environment and using it as a preventive measure for yourself, I'd take a dose like every 2 days. Also needs vit D and zinc to work better.

DO NOT allow them to give him remdesivir or put him on a ventilator.

I'm NOT a doctor nor do I play one on TV. Just my opinion based on stuff I've seen personally and online during the scamdemic. Do with it what you will.

There's several threads on here that have a lot of hard earned info about this. .gov and their evil henchmen were suppressing all this in 2020-2023, which was proof enough for me.

Prayers going up for him

OK. I was running off of a poor memory when I informed you of the dosage. The attached pdf gives the dosage as every other day if you're actually sick, and monthly for preventive measures. Regardless, it's hard to really take enough to do any harm unless you chug the whole bottle at once.


  • Using animal ivermectin.pdf
    105.6 KB · Views: 123
N95 or a PAPR (me because of my beard).

Prayers for your FIL
Saw A LOT of this in the last 3 weeks with a definite spike yesterday.
Folks with no respiratory disease arriving feeling crummy, biggest issue shortness of breath and cough.
Sats of 80-85% and not easy to raise with 2L O2 like normal.

I would 100% start on a prophylactic dosing of the horsey for if it was me and give him some if he is agreeable.
We have an interesting pharmacy here at home for just such moments with both of us in the ER.
Aint missed work in a long time.
I bet 30 patients with flu or Rona coughed in my face yesterday AM in triage….

Also, whisky is vaccine for your insides…… 😉
If one has a problem with Ivermectin, I've found Selenium works as a preventive. I used to always get a cold or flu in the winter. Right as Covid came out I read that Selenium (get it at WallyWorld or better Swanson's Vitamins) prevents the virus from attaching to the cell walls. I started using it circa April 2020 and haven had so much as a sniffle since, knock on wood. Once after being in close contact with flue patients I felt just a bit rough for a day, but not really sick. That passed in 24 hours. Sine then I've added Zinc and D3.

I cant swear to the validity of the science, but it's worked for me.
We need to pray for those in the Palisades that have had to evacuate and are losing their homes from those wildfires. Thanks to water and land mismanagement even insurance companies knew it was a 100% hazard that a wildfire would be devastating and canceled policies just a few months ago.(Makes you wonder if there's a lithium mine under it).
I can't imagine the grief, I know they're "left leaning"', but we're not sure their elections haven't been rigged for a long time.
I can't imagine the grief, I know they're "left leaning"', but we're not sure their elections haven't been rigged for a long time.
I've tried to get this across to so many people. And everybody who says they just need to burn or that everybody needs to move from there are just conceding more and more US territory to the enemy occupation. Prayers for them all.
We need to pray for those in the Palisades that have had to evacuate and are losing their homes from those wildfires. Thanks to water and land mismanagement even insurance companies knew it was a 100% hazard that a wildfire would be devastating and canceled policies just a few months ago.(Makes you wonder if there's a lithium mine under it).
I can't imagine the grief, I know they're "left leaning"', but we're not sure their elections haven't been rigged for a long time.
I was just coming to ask prayers for them.
Please continue to pray for my FIL Joe. He spent a week in the hospital, and now is back at home. He is just not doing well. I don’t see it getting better. My wife is really run down. We do have help coming in, it just took a while to get it all set up. Everyone is now over Covid, but my wife has the crud, and can’t shake it because she is just so worn out. It’s just not good. Thank you for your prayers. Seriously.
Please continue to pray for my FIL Joe. He spent a week in the hospital, and now is back at home. He is just not doing well. I don’t see it getting better. My wife is really run down. We do have help coming in, it just took a while to get it all set up. Everyone is now over Covid, but my wife has the crud, and can’t shake it because she is just so worn out. It’s just not good. Thank you for your prayers. Seriously.
Prayers up for all.
I must give an honest update on ivermectin use in my experience. My whole family just survived a round of "the flu" (not covid). I was the only one using ivermectin before, during and after. The only difference I could tell between me and the rest of the family was the fact that I never experienced any fever that I know of. It lasted about a week and a half for all of us. Cough remains well after other symptoms. Therefore I cannot vouch for the rumored effectiveness of ivermectin against the flu. Many here refer to this as "the crud" also.

However too much evidence remains for me to write it off for covid and/or pneumonia until further notice.
Prayers for Tony and Jenn.
Jenn is getting a biopsy today to see if it might be breast CA.
People of strong faith and still a tough time of not knowing.

Update on the new job, started Sunday AM.
Feels wonderful to be back impacting patient care in a positive way right then and there.
And staff. Lotta tormented souls in Denver. Several staff have already asked why Im so at peace and positive.
Please pray those conversations lead to more people knowing about Jesus.
Very certain it is where I am supposed to be, though it is counter intuitive in my brain at times to leave a cushy desk job for stress and chaos.