Quoting the linked test...
Barrel max ø = 0.915in at the muzzle with + tuner weight
Test barrel is 0.75in ø profile with reverse taperBUILT IN FLEXIBILITY....The reverse taper barrel design
is more flexible than a straight cylindrical barrel. The[B]advantage of the flexible design[/B]
is that it allows the barrel's muzzle to be pointing at increasing elevations for slower bullets. It is possible to tune a barrel for Positive Compensation to minimize the vertical spread.
Barrel max ø = 0.915in at the muzzle with + tuner weight
The Reverse taper barrel has a short 1" long Breach Cylinder of 1.1" Dia. then radius down to.750" From there it tapers UP in dia. to .915" and has a .915 cylinder for the last 2" at the muzzle
which is where the tuner clamps on. The details of the tuner and weight locations were not available so a homogeneous tuner mass of same external dimensions was modeled and the density was scaled to give the correct weight.The reverse taper is effective because it ALLOWS movement.