we all gotta draw our lines If I was gonna slap one, I'd hope it was a bitchy one but for .41 moa at 317 I'd commit to slapping almost any nun period. I could look them in the eye and say the Lord made me do it so that I could do God's work...
Hypothetically if you were picking up another/new 6 arc barrel would those here go with a 16" proof (because the 18" is out of stock every where) or give the 18" RTR a try? Looking for consistent accuracy for mixed long range target shooting and hunting applications. (Sometimes suppressed) Say 80% target 20% hunting use.
ETA: It probably doesn’t mean much but their honest approach to the situation earned them a repeat customer. The barrels I got average +\- .75 moa, don’t copper foul to amount to anything, clean up easily, and look good. I’ll buy more barrels from them. They did the right thing and that means a lot.