Finally took my Tango out to the range yesterday, (got tired of larping in the basement). I got a new scope mount to get more elevation for ELR matches, however, I decided to wet mount my optic, LRF, and diving board (Badger COMM MAXX with the Impact diving board).
First, the aiming laser is bright enough to zero in full sunlight without the reflective stickers (the sun was at 12 o'clock low, and even with a sunshade, I was getting flares, and it was difficult to even find a 1" pastie at 100 yards, but the laser was plenty bright, whereas the Impact, there was no way to see the laser without the reflective stickers.
I decided to give the Tango some tugs in all directions to see POI shift, and while yes it was significant (1-1.5 mRad in each direction) it always returned back to zero, exact zero. My Impact would have a noticeable shift (0.2-0.3 mRad) when I did this. Now this may be because of the wet mount, and cannot test this with the Impact. But thus far, I'm a believer in the wet mount process, not to mention I've had industry professionals, pro shooters, and other sniper instructors (not some Army Bn level, level I-II sniper instructor) confirm this is what they do and advocate for wet mounting ANY zeroable device.
I am able to connect the Tango to Garmin Tactix 7 and control environmentals through the watch, alleviating the need for the phone (however, I didn't try to change profiles through the watch). My goal was to shoot, not necessarily test every aspect of the Tango.
LRF capability is fast and accurate, even at skylined 66% IPSC at 1648 yard with the first return, and 4 follow ups with different POAs to confirm, all yielding 1648. Whereas my Sig Kilo 10k Gen 1, was having issues and I ended up having to range the base of the target where I had a return of 1622, a significant difference. I decided to use the 1622 range, which gave a 15.0 mRad elevation (300 NM 230 Hybrids), no call, used the 1648 range (15.4 mRad, both Tactix 7 and Tango with ABI, returned 15.39 mRad) and got the impact. Granted after that it was a crapshoot using Factory Berger with an ES of 35.8 on such a small target (0.7 MOA x 1.12 MOA).
Unfortunately, attempting range hillsides around 2000 yards was not doable. The Sig can absolutely do this, but with the deviation in ranges between the two, I'm not sure how accurate the Sig actually is. Since I've had it, I have always had about +5 to +10 yard variations from given ranges at PRS matches when measured at the firing line, never a negative range.
I shoot with prescription polarized sunglasses 100% of the time unless it's a dark, cloudy day, and can confirm the screen is difficult to read but still doable. I've noticed that if you're offset, it's unreadable, but if you're directly behind it, the screen is dim but still readable (of course, I was looking into the sun; I don't know how readable it would be if the sun was to your back).
I do wish there was a way to switch the profile on the unit, as I have an AXSR, but realistically, swapping barrels is not necessarily a procedure done in the field. And all have varying zeroes, which will require the Tango to be rezeroed anyways.