Only hits count.
I have my preferences in "stopping power," but ensure I can make first and repeated round hits.
This is why I discourage friends from buying their wives 357 revolvers if the wife doesn't practice (>100 rounds a quarter) with the ammo they will use to defend the homestead. An untrained soul with any weapon is a disaster waiting to happen, and revolvers are hard to learn to shoot. And, you have to break it open to reload. And, speed loaders are hard to learn.
I have a friend that bought his wife a 357 revolver because a "Glock is too hard for her to learn how to clear a jam." What nonsense. After seven misses, she's unarmed and the other guy is pissed at being shot at. And, you have to break it open to reload. And, speed loaders are harder to learn, than Tap-Rack-Bang.
My sister has a 22LR upper on a Glock 19 for practice and a 9mm upper for the bedroom. She shoots 500 rounds of 22 for every 100 rounds of 9mm, but her husband insists she learn the 9mm so she doesn't think she blew the gun up when she's actually firing in the house. This is the way.
I've talked lots of grandpas into arming grandma with a 22WMR pistol and a 30 round mag after taking them to the range and letting granny shoot a 9mm, then the 22 WMR. Much smaller groups, and granny wants to go shooting more often.
When grandpa says, "a 22 won't hurt anyone!" I politely ask them to stand back 20 feet, the average across the bedroom shot, and let granny shoot them a few times and report back to me. No takers yet.
A friend has a 5.7 FN, and I can't wait to turn the grannies loose with one of them!
To quote Clit Smith "You can't miss me fast enough to stop me."