A: We have never had an "empire", that's Eurofag projection. We have only asked your ungrateful ass for enough dirt to bury our dead. Looking back 100 years (with the exception of the ill advised China claim) we have never tried to militarily take anyone's property or destroy/change anyone's culture by force.
B: Contrary to Eurofag opinion, we do have an American culture. You can look down your nose at it, ridicule it, and denigrate it, but our culture effects yours by a wide margin, and yours has no effect on ours whatsoever, because you are ossified socialists who have to import thrid world barbarians to have any cultural change (all bad) at all. So yea, we are having serious culture wars about who we want to be and where we're going, but you are literally burning your culture to the ground with with millions of illiterate, third-world Muslims who don't share your values, language, history, or have anything in common with you at all, pretty much taking the shine off your "culture", and introducing crime and social unrest by design for the angrandizement of your rulers. That's the funny thing about "progressives". When they win and get what they want they have to pick a new hill to die on or they become irrelevant and become conservatives. That is a cesation of their power, so they must take it to the next level ideologically.
C: Transing Kids, Men Competing in Women's sports, DEI racism replacing excellence and merit, USAID funding your own cultural destruction by funding the wokest parts of your society (like an enemy would), defunding our own police, capturing prosecuting attorney's offices favoring criminals against law abiding citizens, open borders welcoming hardened criminals and bad actors, etc., etc. etc.
Yea, we have a lot of problems, mostly created by our own wokeists who hate America more than you do. We don't want or need your ungrateful ass, and we are sick of the disaster the rest of the world has become in the Pax Americana. It's time we left you to your own devices (you are going to have to protect yourselves) and worked on all the woke shit that is fucking up our own country. From over here it looks like we value your culture more than you do, and you can't help someone who won't help themselves. You need a ten step program, and you won't realize how you need to change your behavior till you hit rock bottom. America has NOT been helping Europe since the end of the Cold War. All we've been doing is enabling your socialism and fecklessness. You are right to be skeptical of the American government. I guarantee you that we are far more skeptical than you, but it would seem for very different reasons.
Were. Have you looked at the figures lately? Going the wrong way fast. It's not like you don't know why, but if you tell the truth you now get a knock on your door. If you can't even say the objective truth out loud you are fucked, and you are fucked.
All the Reeeeeeee is because a majority of Americans are now saying, "Not our fucking problem". You are not our fucking problem, and you should say thankyou to DJT for blowing up USAID and cutting off the funding to all the suicidal elements in your country. If you want to pay for drag show story time that's on you, we don't want it here and we have enough respect for you to be horrified we were paying for it in your country. Turns out our well intentioned Pax Americana and protecting you from the Soviets only enabled you to be a petulant little bitch who hates his parents. Time to fly little bird.