The new bullshit excuse preparing us for a heavily redacted release is that the release of the Epstein file has national security implications. Fuck right off with that bullshit. Was Epstein an agent of Israeli Intelligence services? Probably but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have complete transparency.
By national security do they mean they don't want to give up potential blackmail material they could use? They have the snake by its head, yank that fucker into the light and set the swamp back a few years.
NatSec as in: Trump is not constantly handing out rewards to the Florida Coverup Crew because they are really-good-lawyers.
If they were good lawyers and performed their actual-jobs, they would be American Heroes for bringing a pedophile to justice, while also exposing the most powerful coercive foreign control network ever, and freeing our Gov from foreign domination.
Acosta, Bondi, Barr, etc... all belong in prison for life- not sitting in cabinet positions and running the United States Government.