Pistol ar....lvpo vs red dot


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 28, 2019
Port byron ,il
Pistol build ive been working on for a little while is finally finished up and im just in the throws of debating red dot (well green is preferable) over an lvpo

Looked at mro and aems

But I currently run a psa special price strike eagle 1-8 on my rifle and just having a hard time not just going that route again on the Pistol other than weight

Now not like its a work rifle or anything other than range and shtf stuff but hard time making the choice

So let's hear some thoughts


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I have both and both have their places. For compact size and weight the red dot is hard to beat. That’s what’s on my 11.5”. My 16” truck gun wears a Burris RT6.

I say if it’s a SHTF gun and you plan to shoot to say 300-500 yards go lpvo route. You can always turn to 1. Hard to turn dot to 6 or 8 and if you run a magnifier you’re basically to a lpvo in size anyways

As mentioned above the eye relief may be annoying. I personally can’t shoot a scope on a pistol brace setup. I SBR’d mine for the reason that a brace just wasn’t comfortable. But I have a 15.5” LOP.
Funny eye relief is mentioned because right after I posted this I set my stock to the max lop as what the pistol has (also has mini buffer setup) and came to the same conclusion that unless I ran the lvpo in a ridiculous forward offset I wasn't going to make it work

So red dot it is
As you've discovered, for a pistol you're going to want a dot. So the question becomes what dot? I would say a dot with a smaller footprint - so no to an Aimpoint Pro, M4, etc. The Aimpoint T-2 gets a lot of love on this forum but it is very pricey. I have no experience with one so I can't say if they are worth the money. I happen to really like the Eotechs, but if battery life is an issue look elsewhere. I also own one of the older Trijicon MRO's (which does come in green). However, the non-HD's version definitely has parallax issues. It's never been a problem for me, but I shoot a bunch and by now have a very consistent mount so my dot stays pretty centered. Also, I think the non-HD versions are getting hard to find. People seem to like the newer HD version of this optic, which apparently does not suffer from the same parallax issues. But you start getting into Aimpoint T-2 territory on price.

And then there's Holosun. There are a ton of different models and they generally make a solid red/green dot for the price. However, based on personal experience, there is at least one model that's problematic. The 403/503 models suffer from a design flaw. If you are shooting with the sun behind you, you will not just get a red dot and a clear window. You will also get red streaks/lines, which basically makes the dot unusable.
I have a couple SBR's (don't care for the feel of a brace) and I have tried both a LPVO and dot. I much prefer a dot with magnifier. I run Eotech EXPS 2-0 on all my AR15's and have a G45 I move around to the rifle I use if I am doing any extended ranges. I found I was either at 1 or 8 with the LPVO. Never between. So to reduce weight and general mass especially if I am not using the G45 I got rid of it.
I do use a 1-8 on my AR10, but will eventually put a normal scope on it like an Eotech Vudu 5-25.
Again, same issue with where set the scope. I find my self on 8 more than anything else and at times wish I could have 12.
Never really had a problem with brace+magnified optic.
But obviously this question should be easily answered by what you intend to use the gun for.
My 12.8" Grendel works great with a scope.
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I've got a similar pair, shorty pistol and a full size with LVPO.

I run a Holosun 510c green dot with a riser on the shorty. Nice big window and it's not really a "distance" gun so no need for a magnifier.