^^^ This. Germany was the first to implement daylight saving time, during wwi. It was a fuel saving effort. Giving people an extra hour of daylight in the evening allowed more people to be outside later into the evening, reducing power generation requirements during peak usage hours. Much of Europe and America followed suit.
It wasn’t the founding fathers, and that dst was invented by Ben Franklin is a myth. DST was repealed after wwi. It was brought back for wwii, but shelved after the war. It wasn’t until the mid 60s that the US went to the bi-annual dst dance that we do today.
Sunrise in my location this morning was at 6:37 am. Tomorrow, sunrise is at 7:35. Moving sunrise an hour later doesn’t help with morning chores. But, when I was in highschool, the last bell was at 4:05pm. Sunset today is at 6:18pm. Tomorrow, sunset is at 7:19. That extra hour of daylight in the evening would be beneficial for evening chores, outdoor after school jobs, and extra-curricular activities. And, if people are out playing little league, jogging, etc; they’re not running their home lights or A/C at full blast during peak hours. This is the reason for DST.