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We may finally know who’s been to the island

The new bullshit excuse preparing us for a heavily redacted release is that the release of the Epstein file has national security implications. Fuck right off with that bullshit. Was Epstein an agent of Israeli Intelligence services? Probably but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have complete transparency.
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By national security do they mean they don't want to give up potential blackmail material they could use? They have the snake by its head, yank that fucker into the light and set the swamp back a few years.
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By national security do they mean they don't want to give up potential blackmail material they could use?

NatSec as in: Trump is not constantly handing out rewards to the Florida Coverup Crew because they are really-good-lawyers.

If they were good lawyers and performed their actual-jobs, they would be American Heroes for bringing a pedophile to justice, while also exposing the most powerful coercive foreign control network ever, and freeing our Gov from foreign domination.

Acosta, Bondi, Barr, etc... all belong in prison for life- not sitting in cabinet positions and running the United States Government.
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i guess we can still hope.

They aren't going to release anything. Not as long as there's "cases pending" for prosecution.
If there's people that are out of the country they'll have to try to extradite them. Which could ruin their case against the person. If they put out an extradition order for Helen Degenerate the Internet would go crazy saying that it was because of the Epstein list. Her lawyers could claim that getting a fair trial would be impossible.
The list is bullshit other than ruined careers and lifestyles unless they have incriminating videos or pictures of someone in the act and proof that the other person is/was underage at the time. Getting those that are willing to come out and testify against a well known celebrity or politician will be a hurdle. The lawyers will destroy their lives. They did it to supreme court nominees and a presidential candidate. They will be even worse against a no name 20 something year old. G

Former CEO of two of the world’s largest banks/ financial institutions was a frequent flyer - and he liked Disney princesses.
He’s on trial now in the UK - but from the article looks like he is facing fines and suspension from working in the financial world .
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The list is bullshit other than ruined careers and lifestyles unless they have incriminating videos or pictures of someone in the act and proof that the other person is/was underage at the time.
we have a winner.

The expectations on this have been built up when there’s nothing there.

254 “victims”/escort/massage therapists(rub n tug)

I mean, come the fuck on….
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And then I’ll be expecting J6 and Covid type raids with tanks and machine guns and snipers and dogs from the feds all the way town to town constable 👮.

And if we see any type of action like that at all it’ll go a long way toward rebuilding trust .
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i've seen her stuff on comp. exc digging. i think she is hiding out in Paraguay? must find her book!
She’s one of the only younger people who has a clue about these topics. She has managed to reach many places where I was decades ago, in a very short time in her life, by staying a critical thinker and putting in the dispassionate research to come to the findings and conclusions she has made.

She basically explains how international organized crime families and people have harnessed the powers of surveillance and exploitation operations for their own interests.

I don’t know if she covered it, but Ghislaine Maxwell is daughter of Robert Maxwell, who was one of the biggest shadow-bankers in the world. He specialized in money-laundering for international criminals, especially heads of state of many prominent nations.

This is how Epstein actually made most of his money as well, and used the sexual blackmail exploitation operation as a lower-level lever to those efforts.

Again, if people really want to learn more about how the financial systems work in these spaces, read Dope Inc.
Whitney did get into the Maxwell thing as i recall. her work is really impressive and she doesn't BS without docs. i am a big fan of Trump and Musk. she is def not. it is good to have a reliable alt source of info. keeps the love at a limited and questioning level. same with Sachs,Mearsheimer,Ritter and Macgregor. i find their stuff useful. i know you think they are FOS at best or commie spies at worst. they do flog the same themes hard a lot,which makes me suspect. but staying informed and learning the truth is difficult,esp in this digital,AI world. all opinion anyway as i suspect nobody here is gonna be making nat'l policy.
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