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  1. quietmike

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Says someone who says their ideology is superior while also demanding subsidies b/c they can't run their lives disconnected from the government sugar teat?
  2. quietmike

    Conservatives are the country’s biggest threat

    66% of the entire federal budget goes to entitlement spending, all created by democrats. The greatest threat to the country is on monetary policy. Can't be a lefty w/o being a hypocrite.
  3. quietmike

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

    @Haney Where is your laugh emogi?
  4. quietmike

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Odumbo is yet another lefty who hates America b/c he had an abstentee father and a mom who pawned him off on his grandparents. He can't express his anger toward his mom b/c she is possibly the only person who showed him any love or compassion in his young life. So, he sublimates that anger and...
  5. quietmike


    In other words a woman previously married to a pedophile is voting for a pedophile. Shocked I tell ya.
  6. quietmike

    Now if they would bring back ass beatings, I'd call it a start

    They never did. They started as the legal arm of the American communist party.
  7. quietmike

    Now if they would bring back ass beatings, I'd call it a start

    It's odd. The ACLU instantly sues over the 10 commandments being in schools, but Muslim footbaths and prayer rooms are ok.
  8. quietmike


    There is an easy button. Drop out of school, get an addiction, squirt out a few bastard kids and get a government check.
  9. quietmike

    How many Gen X are counting on Social Security? If any of us had a program where current contributions were used to pay current recipients, we'd be going to prison, just like Bernie Madhoff.
  10. quietmike

    Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

    Agreed. Just like shipping illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. Give them exactly what they voted for, and they'll realize their folly.
  11. quietmike


    A gang rape is democracy in action.
  12. quietmike


    After 9/11 the country was the most united it had been since 1941. Then we had a president with an absentee father, and a mom who pawned him off on his grandparents.
  13. quietmike

    Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

    The founders specifically rejected the idea of the federal government being involved in charity when they ran the government. For very obvious reasons.
  14. quietmike

    Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

    The average American pays more in taxes than in housing, clothing, and food combined. The government gets more money from the sale of a gallon of gas than Exxon.
  15. quietmike

    Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

    If we ended unconstitutional spending and departments, it would be much lower. That's the point.
  16. quietmike

    Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

    Divide the federal budget by the number of citizens and that quotient is your tax bill. That would quickly make folks rethink what are "essential government services", and everyone would have skin in the game.
  17. quietmike


    If a person believes in an ideology so fervently, why can't they defend it. Leftys can regurgitate the talking points the talking heads on TV told them to believe, but when asked a direct question, they vapor lock. Can you imagine having such low self esteem that you'd want to be included in a...
  18. quietmike


    Literally first day in office.