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  1. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    Oh no doubt! It’s the attitude of a few that makes hearing that term kinda tiresome though.
  2. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    Oh I know what you mean. I have a friend who plays about $300 worth of a partscaster that can absolutely play circles around me and sounds great doing it. I shoot a Savage with a Vortex and I do fine with it. I have zero doubt that a $5k scope is going to be better than what I use. Quality...
  3. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    For what it’s worth my addiction to mid to higher end guitars is what currently keeps me using cheaper glass. :)
  4. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    Yes, nothing wrong with that. But it’s not you (or the majority) that gives that term a bad name.
  5. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    But, we all know “that guy” who plays his custom wood library PRS that’s going to talk down to you for playing a Studio or a MIM Strat as if you weren’t able to even play a note on that inferior junk regardless of his own ability.
  6. DM1975

    Why is my scope canted?

    Level accuracy is something to think about too. I know that for instance the levels I use for scope mounting are within about a half degree of the level in my phone, but my cheap bullet levels I have for construction work are both about 3 degrees off. This is also taking into account the actual...
  7. DM1975

    Why is my scope canted?

    If I’m following him right the cap and reticle are level with each other, but not level to the rifle.
  8. DM1975

    Why is my scope canted?

    I’m not an expert but this is why I use a level on my scope and not the rifle. I don’t care if the rifle is level so much, but I do care that my reticle is level.
  9. DM1975

    Hearing protection act?

    The only time these bills get pushed is when they have no hope of ever being passed. That way you think they’re actually fighting for you. I expect crickets over anything gun related for the next four years unless it’s democrats trying to push gun control.
  10. DM1975

    Describe your definition of “Alpha Glass”

    It’s a term to make someone feel superior due to the amount of money they spent. At least that’s how it’s most often used seems like.
  11. DM1975

    300-600 yard optic?

    Lol… why even ask for opinions?
  12. DM1975

    Can it really be me?

    I would try a different powder/bullet combination. One of my rifles I can get decent groups with 147 ELDm and H4350 but with 143 ELDx and H4350 the groups open up to twice the size. Also if I load for the maximum safe load on the 147’s my groups open up wide on one rifle but not so much on my...
  13. DM1975

    300-600 yard optic?

    You’re gonna get a lot of opinions when you ask about glass. Truthfully most of the optics out there today arent too bad. Of course a cheap scope will always be a cheap scope, and you run the risk of qc issues with some companies, but the best thing to do really is to try some out and see what...
  14. DM1975

    What KYL target are you using?

    I “think” it’s Shootingtargets7? I’ve had it for a couple years now and use it all the time. This is my daughter with it. She cleaned it at 50 yards her first time out shooting with me in years.
  15. DM1975

    Mil dot rangefinder app

    Redundancy is always a good thing. I usually just use my phone calculator and I have the mil relation formula memorized, it’s not that difficult to remember for me. I also have a calculator in my stock pack and one in my databook along with a mildot master. Plus I can use the Kestrel. And if all...
  16. DM1975

    Advanced Marksmanship How to convert inche drop at 1000 Yards to Mils

    Get a databook as a backup. Have dope cards. People were doing this long before any of these electrical devices ever existed.
  17. DM1975

    Lapping Scope rings - I see mostly No but some Yes

    I haven’t lapped a set of rings for 18 years now. Never had a problem.
  18. DM1975

    Venom vs strike eagle

    Yes I’m aware they’re not the same scope. I wasn’t sure on the glass though.
  19. DM1975

    Venom vs strike eagle

    On the 5-25 strike eagle it’s pretty good. Better than on the gen 1 PST’s I have. Nice large ocular lens to look through. The glass quality isn’t as good as the PST’s, but the eyebox is better.
  20. DM1975

    Venom vs strike eagle

    I would look hard at the Bushnell Match Pro ED at that price range. At least that’s what I’m looking at next.