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  1. green338 2.0

    Brownell's Pmag Backorders?

    I logged on my Brownells account and it does NOT show my order for the (30) 20-round 308AR PMAGs ordered on 1/2/2013!?!?! I have an email with confirmation, but that's all. Ridiculous!
  2. green338 2.0

    Brownell's Pmag Backorders?

    Doing a quick research, it shows July 2014. Wow, I will be moving back to CA soon and it looks pretty retarded owning any semi-auto firearms and bringing into thestate
  3. green338 2.0

    Brownell's Pmag Backorders?

    As a curiosity, could you reference the bill that's going into place?
  4. green338 2.0

    Brownell's Pmag Backorders?

    I'm waiting for (30) 20-round PMAGS ordered on 01//02/2013...
  5. green338 2.0

    Official (DTA) SRS, HTI, Covert, Hunter Thread

    Thanks for the response! Now, anybody have any pictures of their A1? ;)
  6. green338 2.0

    Let's make this a thread for TacOps Engraved floor plates

    I think the OP should start it off ;)
  7. green338 2.0

    Tango 51

    I looked at EuroOptics webpage and it looks like they will be selling TacOps rifles???? Rifles -
  8. green338 2.0

    Official (DTA) SRS, HTI, Covert, Hunter Thread

    Anybody received the A1?
  9. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to try and get another OBR for $3,8XX. Sell the complete lower and barrel system and get a good chunk of cash back. It's going to be an expensive 260 upper :cool:
  10. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    GAP could do whatever they want and anybody could buy whatever they want. But, for me, there's other rifles from other companies that I would buy, before buying the GAP10, just b/c I am not a fan of the receivers or the features offered...Other than the barrel, and the name, I could put together...
  11. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    Thanks for the info! My main question, did you reuse the barrel extension from the old OBR barrel? I might just buy another OBR rifle, just so I could use the upper and build it into a 260. What kind of barrel are you using now?
  12. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    You're missing the point?! First off, I said, "Larue, JP, LMT, POF, Knight, etc, all have invested a lot in research and development (R&D) and it shows." These brands have altered several parts throughout their rifles and made them unique to their liking. With Larue Tactical, they have designed...
  13. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    I have nothing against GAP, but I just never liked how they just took a platform and made it their originality.. With Larue, JP, LMT, POF, Knight, etc, all have invested a lot in R&D and it shows.
  14. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    GAP is only working on POF, GAP, and Hogan platforms. Still looking for info on a 260 OBR. I know I've seen one in the past, I just want more info on the barrel extension usability...
  15. green338 2.0

    KAC SR-25 ECR- anyone have one?

    Looking forward to your range report. You might as well try them
  16. green338 2.0

    OBR 7.62 Barrel Swap??

    Has anybody here gone with a different barrel on their OBR? I would like to go 260, but not sure where to start...
  17. green338 2.0

    NZ Gunslinger 2013 Lake Tekapo Match AAR

    Great photography! I started looking at the images before the text and was confused..., "this isn't the BLM land in SoCal?" lol...
  18. green338 2.0

    Mega Arms MKM

    I wonder if anybody makes a longer key-mod rail? The longest one i've seen is about 3" or so...I wonder if AI offers some, the AX rifle has a key-mod rail...? P.S, thanks for the scope! It looks nice on my MKM :cool:
  19. green338 2.0

    My new LMT MWS LM8 is here!

    I've been wanting one of these for a while now, but a lot of dinero for a semi-stock setup...( adding a geissele trigger and a PRS would add another $500 or). Plus, I don't understand why LMT does not build an integral trigger guard...? I will follow up with your range results to see how it...
  20. green338 2.0

    Mega Arms MKM

    I haven't found it necessary for additional rails. It already coems with one, so I use it for the's a nice design overall.