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  1. Y

    Firearms WTB. Remington 700 223 bolt. FOUND

    Found! As the title says. I am looking for a Remington 700 223 bolt.
  2. R

    6mm CM PRS Build

    I am in the process of building a new 6mm CM (not a reloader) rifle for PRS matches and I am trying to decide on the best action to use. I will also be ordering a 26" Bartlein barrel with a M24 contour. I am currently torn between a Terminus Zeus or a Defiance Deviant Elite. I like the...
  3. C

    Firearms Sold please remove

    Want to sell unfired LH Curtis Axiom 6.5PRC 22" barreled action by Al at MPA. Cerakoted black. MPA #7 contour. This was intended to be a hunting rig, but it's set in the safe for a couple months now while I play with my creedmoor. Comes in plastic case it arrived in from MPA. The trigger stays...
  4. BravoXray

    Firearms FS Rem 700 PRC 6.5 Creed B/A

    Testing the waters, I have new custom action and barrel sitting on the bench. Looking to turn this sale into funds to complete the build. selling the barrelled action from my Remington 700 PCR 6.5 Creedmor Remington 700 S/A RH -24" barrel with 5R rifling 1:8 -Remington lists the contour as...
  5. 6.5guys2

    PRS Talk Question about Curtis custom vector

    I’m looking to get into prs and I’m really leaning towards the Curtis vector action because I will b burning barrels and swapping them and I really like there system for that is there anyone who can give more info on this action I’m new to this forum just trying to get some ideas on y I should...
  6. Nicholi2789

    Accessories Please delete

    All done please delete!
  7. A

    American Rifle Company Nucleus Actiion ##SOLD##

    Short action Standard Bolt Face 30 MOA Rail Action Wrench $875 obo shipped conus
  8. K

    KRG Bravo chassis LH mod help

    I have a KRG Bravo chassis with a Big Horn Action. It has been modified to accept the left handed action. I have posted pics of the cut out part. My question is what can I do to smooth out the stock material to make it look a little bit better? I am also using AI magazines and it is pretty rough...
  9. MangoFett

    Kelbly Blackbear action brand new

    I bought this right at a year ago with plans to build on it as soon as MPA released their chassis for it. That never happend. XLR released their flagship chassis with the availability to fit the blackbear action so I was going to do that since MPA never came through. Where at nearly a year later...
  10. P

    Building a rifle similar to the EDM Windrunner

    Hi folks, I'm looking to build a bolt gun similar to the EDM Windrunner/Nemesis Arms Vanquish which can be seen here: https://nemesisarms.com/nemesis_vanquish.html & here: http://www.edmarms.com/products.htm Their system looks great. I love that you can quickly swap barrels and return to zero...
  11. Wicked Weapons

    Interest in an aftermarket Savage pattern short action?

    This topic is relevant to my interests but I don't want to dilute it. http://www.snipershide.com/shooting/snipers-hide-bolt-action-rifles/243548-can-savage-made-into-competent-tactical-gun.html DISCLAIMER: I work for companies that build precision rifles and gun parts. I'm designing a...
  12. S

    Thompson Center Dimension

    Got a new Dimension in 7mm08, I know its not a long range caliber or sniper rifle by any means, but I need some advice. When I first got it the bolt was incredibly stiff, not the action but just cocking it. Once you got it cocked it was nice and smooth but it just about took two guys and a mule...
  13. D

    mcmillan action 50 bmg

    do you think you would see any noticible difference in acuracy between the single shot 50bmg action compared to the box feed mcmillan action ? has any one got test data to compare? cheers
  14. M

    Gunsmithing Thoughts on action "truing"

    I've got a FN/Win 70 barreled action that I'm thinking of having rebarreled and I was wondering what everyone thoughts of action truing are? I'm sure truing the face of the action is a good idea, but I don't see where I'd be gaining anything with single pointing the threads, or lapping the...
  15. S

    Gunsmithing 6.5 Swede in a R700 short action?

    I saw a post where someone said they had a 6.5 Swede built on their Rem700 short action. Are major modifactions needed or is it mainly with the feeding from the magazine? Also, would it be possible to modify the magazine such that you could still utilize the 'bdl' configuration? Thanks. Rich
  16. F

    Gunsmithing pictures of AICS without an action in it

    trying to get some pictures of an AICS without the action in it, kinda scared to take mine apart. wondering exactly how the bedding block is made. thanks mike
  17. K

    Long Action 6.5 caliber

    I have a long action (right now in 6.5x284) Winchester 70 that is needing a new barrel. I like the ballistics of the 6.5x284, but do not like the barrel life. I have bullets for 6.5 and would like to stay in the 6.5 family with my new barrel. What caliber would you recommend for a new barrel...
  18. S

    The Remington 700 Action in regards to Prefixes

    We hear all the time that this rifle is a c prefix or another. Can somebody explain this whole situation to me and tell me which prefix's are premium and which should be avoided? Thanks in advance.
  19. B

    Gunsmithing question from a newbie about an action

    Hey guys, new to the custom rifle scene but would like to build my father a rifle before its his time.so im wanting to build him a 308, i know basically how and what im going to use, however. i just purchased a rifle in the for sale section. it is a 30-06 howa 1500. am i able to actually use...
  20. Tactical30

    New Surgeon RLR Action

    <span style="text-decoration: underline">I am putting a Custom rifle together: <span style="font-style: italic">.300 Win. Mag.</span></span> Mcmillan A-5 stock Badger Ordnance bottom metal Nightforce Optic Badger USMC Rings Krieger MTU barrel Badger Ordnance FTE muzzle brake Custom Paint Tune...