
  1. L

    Gunsmithing Torque for piller bedded action

    being from a world of glued in actions (benchrest), I have never been concerned with torquing action screws. I have recently read that even with piller bedded actions it is recommended to torque them to 65 lbs. I have torqued my rings and bases for years and thoroughly understand the value...
  2. S

    Gunsmithing SMOOOOTH action....

    I suppose the best way to get a smooth action would be to buy a nice after-market bolt. Are there other ways to get a slick action that I can do on my own?
  3. K

    FN PBR and SPR action Differences?

    I tried searching, but my search Foo is very weak, I even slimmed it down to just FN and got nothing even though I know there are some threads. Anyway as far as footprint is there any difference between the two actions? IE I have a PBR and I found a McM that is inlett for the SPR
  4. Wheres-Waldo

    What action is best for me?

    Weighing the options of an AIAW .308 or a custom. It seems a custom could cost less, have the potential to be more accurate, and ofcourse there is a more taliored stock choice. My question is, on a custom, how does one determine what action is best for him? I want a switch barrel rifle, so...
  5. P

    Gunsmithing Replacing the safety on a mauser 98 action

    I replaced the original safety and installed a new low bolt safety on a mauser military 98 action. The new safety is designed to work with a scope. The original safety would rotate and lock the bolt back while cocked in the action. The new safety will not rotate and lock the bolt while it is...
  6. S

    Gunsmithing Bedding the Howa action

    I need a little help with a bed job on a Howa is there any thing I should know about the recoil lug bedding mine has pillers under the recoil lug but. it all so has a .125 space under it on 700 actions you should have .020 or so under it but on a Howa I would think it should be contacting the...
  7. B

    Action stock & stock questions

    First of all, besides the Sako TRG, who makes a 60 degree short throw bolt/action? AI? Anyone else? Second: Between the action of the Sako and Accuracy International, is one considered better than the other? Why? Third: Between the action of the Sako and Accuracy International, which one is...
  8. smith934

    Gunsmithing AICS Action Screws?

    Anyone know the proper size hex wrench to use on the action screws in an AICS? It appears that I don't have the proper size wrench. It's always something.
  9. D

    Gunsmithing badger bottom metal for spr wsm action

    Ive searched and cant seem to find anything just curious to see if badger or anyone else is making dbm bottom metal for the FN SPR wsm action. Any info would be appreciated Thanks Dustin
  10. lanwickum

    Gunsmithing Badger WSM action ?

    Anyone know the maximun OAL that will feed in the Badger M2008 WSM action that is coming out or maybe even out by now. Would like to feed 3" or over with 7WSM using the seekings mag system. Unless there is some system that will allow longer?
  11. C

    Best base rifle for a precision .22LR bolt action?

    I would like to build a tactical style precision trainer rifle. I would like it to be bolt action and obviously .22LR. Money is tight and would like to do the whole gun for no more then $1k (maybe a little over with optics?). This would also need to be a long term project meaning I would buy and...
  12. 1shot2kill

    fn spr action builds

    has anyone here build a rifle up from the fn spr actions that cdnn has been selling i havent seen much about it and i am curios as to why the production rifles look to be second to none and the price is right on with compeditors but they dont have the popularity anyways i would like to see some...
  13. Adam B

    Gunsmithing bedding block for a badger action

    I am looking for someone to build a bedding block for a Badger M2008 action that can be fitted into a manners or mcmillan stock similar to this my usual CNC guy is laid off and now back in college
  14. J

    Gunsmithing Action fit?

    Guys, WHat actions will fit correctly into a McMillan A-5 that is inletted for a Remington 700? Additionally what actions can fit with minor gunsmith tweaking of the stock? My point is this, if you ordered a stock for a 700 are you limited to just a 700 action? Thanks, Jack
  15. P

    Fieldcraft Painting Stainless Steel Barrel and Action???

    I would like to give the metal work of my stainless steel Howa a coat of matt black paint. I am nearing the end of having a rifle built on a Sako action, and once the dust settles on that, I intend upgrading the stock and the barrel of the Howa, so I don't want to spend too much on it at the...
  16. J

    Gunsmithing inletting rem700 mcmillan stock for badger action

    Hey guys, Just snagged a badger action and sold my rem700 barreled action. The mcmillan stock is inletted for the SA 700. How involved is the fitting of the badger action to this stock? Any help is appreciated.
  17. GasLight

    Gunsmithing Around the action wrench for factory removal FoSho

    Had an attempt made to remove a factory barrel with my Surgeon action wrench. The damn thing bent under load, so while I still think and lug style wrench won't damage the action, it definately won't hold up to the removal of all factory barrels. Unfortunately this was a lesson learned...
  18. B

    Manners Stocks - action inlets

    What are the action inlets that manners stocks are available in? I can't find it listed anywhere
  19. M

    Gunsmithing wetherby vanguard vgx action. Want to build it.

    Hello all. I am getting a wetherby vanguard VGX in 300weatherby mag in trade for some poolcue work and want to build something out of it. I really would like a 338LM or something along that lines. I have only messed with savages,rugers and remington guns so far. I have read these have an...
  20. dar1246

    Gunsmithing Suregon Action

    I just recieved my rifle back from getting put assemble. The extractor is cutting the rim of the brass. When you close the bolt handle it feels hard to close. Then when you open to eject the brass it sticks in the extractor. I look at the brass and it is actually cutting into the rim of the...