
  1. F

    Case trimming?

    Reloading for 308 in an sps-v. If the brass length is between 2.005 and 2.015 do you need to trim it to 2.005 or can you leave and just trim when over 2.015? I have been trimming to min. length every time and wondering if I could reduce my time by not trimming each time.
  2. B

    308 W case capacity

    Which maker has the largest case volume? Thanks!
  3. Hasgun Willtravel

    Grand River Tactical shooting mat/rifle case

    I have been working on this for a while, and have been mentioning it to folks, for quite some time, and have finally gotten around to putting up some pics of the first version that I think is ready. Its still a project in the works, but this is the basic layout. There are no thrills, no frills...
  4. G

    Power Case Trimmer

    I have a bunch of cases to trim and am in the market for a power case trimmer. Testimonials about the durability and efficiency of the one from RCBS or others would be appreciated.
  5. J

    308 case capacity with IMR4064

    I started reloading some 308 today and found with 41.2-41.4 grains of 4064, the case is almost full. I am using lapua brass but tried the same with a federal case and got the same results. Is this just the nature of the 4064 powder and how it is extruded size wise or something else I am...
  6. M

    case shoulder resizing

    I just got my Model 700 XCR Long Range tactial rifle in .308. I have some factory ammo that won't chamber. I pulled a bullet and darkened the should and neck area of the case and found that the shoulder of the case is slightly larger as evidenced by a shiny ring were it hits the inside of the...
  7. popeyecop

    .308 Case with a .223 bullet

    A friend of mine gave me 5 rounds of .308 with .223 rounds loaded in them, there is some sort of spacer to fill the gap. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this before. They are green tipped and look like a 62gn bullett but caint be sure unless i pull it and weigh it.
  8. T

    Vibrating case cleaners? Which one works for you??

    To many Vibrating cleaners to choose from. I was thing of a Lyman 2500 or a Thumlers UV18. Anyone have any experience with these??
  9. D

    OAL and case tension

    Hey All, Total Noob here. I have a factory rifle and to get decent accuracy I must load long. I'm currently at 2.900 OAL and 2.940 puts me into the lands with 175 SMK's. I would like to stretch out to 2.925 but when I measured how much bearing surface was in the case neck, it mic'd out at...
  10. dj70

    Case volume

    Anyone know the volume difference between new Remington 300 win mag brass and new Winchester 300 win mag brass?
  11. T

    Rifle Scopes Leupold Spotting Scope Case

    Haven't been able to locate a Leupold Gold Ring Spotting Scope soft case/bag. Didn't know if there was a 'custom fit' case/bag available. If not 'custom fit', suggestions for a nice bag your using. Any suggetions or links?
  12. T

    M40A3 Pelican Storage Case Pic's?

    Anybody have any pics of what the internal layout of an official USMC pelican 1750 case looks like? Was wondering, because I want to set up a transit case for my M40A3. Some layout and content pics would be great. All the best, Carl
  13. USAF1A8

    Maggie’s So no one gets on my case about the Marine sex jok

    A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member of the ACLU. One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the...
  14. J

    Measuring pressure by measuring case web/head

    First of all, I can't find a real answer on whether case web and case head are the same thing, so I apologize if I use the term incorrectly. I've heard flattened primers isn't a great indicator of pressure. I hear that case web expansion is the better way to look for over pressure. I was given...
  15. AKA-Spook

    plastic ammo case for 338L

    Whats everybody using to keep from having to carry their 338L around in ziploc's? Thanks
  16. Jrb572

    Forster CO-AX Case and Cartridge Inspector

    Has anybody used one and do you like it? I am debating buying one. I was looking at the sinclair Concentricity tool and neck sorting tool. But the Forster one does both and is a lot cheaper. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Joe
  17. Grump

    Measuring Case Capacity

    I've been fiddling around with comparing brass types and found that my guesstimate of H2O capacity by filling the case and dumping the water into the scale's pan is just not even close enough. Weighing the .308 case empty, then again when filled with water, yielded 2.5 more grains of water...
  18. Jrb572

    Question about Case neck and Concentricity Gauges

    I have just watched the redding advanced hand loading video. They had a Redding case neck gauge and it looked like a Sinclair concentricity gauge. MY question are booth necessary? I could be wrong because i don't know but it looks like the concentricity gauge will do the same thing the case neck...
  19. RidgeRebel

    223 case priming

    Hey guys I have been reloading once fired brass but most of the brass does not have a beveled primer pocket. So when you try to re-prime them it usually damages the primer. To fix the problem I have been using a deburring tool to bevel the pocket but I was hopeing that somebody had a better...
  20. M

    Modified case will not work

    Hello,today I finally got started (with the very nice weather)to start thinking about reloading for a rifle that was put together through the winter months. It is a 6mmBR Norma. As I started to use my stoney point OAL case ga.,I found out that the case would not go all the way into the chamber...