
  1. U

    WTB: Sako Quad Barrels/4 gun case

    I want to purchase Sako Quad barrels in 22 LR and .17 HMR. I am also looking for the factory case offered by Sako for the 4 barrel set. Any information would be appreciated. I am new to the forum so hopefully I posted in the correct area.
  2. K

    Case Trimmer Recommendations

    Sorry about me asking so many questions but I really appreciate all of the valuable input and knowledge you guys are giving me. Anyway, I am loading .223, 22-250 and .308 and have started to notice that my cases are stretching beyond the specs and was looking to get a case trimmer. I thought...
  3. Opiy

    Reddings new case resizing die G-Rx

    Check this out. From the article is seems only 40 s&w is the only caliber but if they release one for 9mm I am sure I will get one. The die resizes the full length of the brass to take out the bulge of fired brass. Redding G-Rx Die
  4. Alaskaman11

    Case weights

    Im loading my 338 Lapua, I was told to weigh the case's. What is the deviation that is acceptable, .5 grains, 1.0 grains.....Why am i doing this?
  5. Parallax

    The New Hornady Power Case Prep Center

    Has anyone seen or actualy used the new <span style="font-style: italic">Hornaday Lock-n-Load Power Case Prep Center</span> ? Thoughts ? I see they also have a new case runout gauge, the <span style="font-style: italic">Ammunition Concentricity Tool</span>... looks like they bare getting...
  6. RemXCR2009

    Gunsmithing Redding FL dies case stuck

    I just got in a new redding 308 FL die set today and have got a case stuck this has never happend on my RCBS dies can anyone tell me if this is common and what to do about it
  7. sv650_pimpin

    steel case?

    can u reload steel cases? like on wolf ammo?
  8. S

    Hornady case prep

    I just saw an advertisement for the Hornady Power Case Prep Center and was wondering if anyone has experience with this? The ad was in the April issue of Handloader magazine.
  9. S

    what size storm case??

    I have decided that i will try the storm case for my rifle. I dont have the rifle with me as it is still at the smiths getting built. The rifle will have a 26" barrel and it will be wearing an AICS chassis. What model of storm case do i need? Actually i am having two rifles built. both the same...
  10. J

    Rifle Scopes SBC50-ARD hexagonal case?

    Anybody know if these are available to us civvies? ARD in from Midway, no case, what a surprise. Emailed Tenebraex, no response, again what a surprise. Yes, I searched google and the site - nuttin' 'cept someone else who didn't get one either. TIA, Pete
  11. padronanniversary

    Primer / Case inspection

    Hi guys, after reading about case exploding thread, I was hoping that someone would be able to post pictures of good primers and bad primers and the signs of over pressure, seating depth, etc. I searched this site and the internet and did not come across much. Thanks in advance
  12. shooter65

    Gunsmithing Case exploded today !!!

    First of all I will start off by saying ALWAYS were eye and ear protection when shooting 100% of the time!!! ( As we all do). I was shooting in a varmint match today and just got done firing the 600 yd. bank of steel targets. So far all is well the Hornady 75 gr. match ammo. I was using. We...
  13. S

    LNL Power Case Prep Center Hornady

    I just got the Midsouth Shooters catalog and this thing is on the front page. I'm eyeballing it and it looks to be a giant pain in the ass for $313. Anyone have one that can do a review? Do you have to stop and screw each head in when switching tasks? I plan on sticking with the systems I...
  14. Grump

    Case necks: Lubed or Dry?

    When I started shooting HP, I was using an inherited can thingy to moly-lube all casenecks before sizing. Left the stuff in and fired away. It was an M1 Garand, so MOA was about all it could ever do anyway. I've left Dillon's lanolin lube in the necks, and now Hornady One Shot. In the interests...
  15. Turk10mm

    Bullet and Case variances - Help for a newb?

    To start with, I'm brand new to reloading. In fact, I haven't reloaded a single round yet. My last two shipments of gear arrive next week. So anyways, years ago I saw a special on Army snipers, I believe, and they showed the armory guys reloading ammunition. They were weighing the cases and...
  16. V

    Need LONG rifle case.

    I have a rifle that is 54" long. Looking for suggestions on a case long enough for it. Backpack straps would be nice, but not entirely necessary. Suggestions? Thanks
  17. montyb

    el cheapo case spinner

    1950s Singer + Lee Universal three jaw chuck + an hour or so plenty of power for turning necks and variable speed control. seems to work great so far.
  18. Jayne

    First stuck case!

    Been reloading for 10, err, make that 15 years now and tonight I got my first stuck case. A friend asked me to make him some .416 Rem Mag so he got me the components and a brand new set of Hornady dies. Lubed the cases like I do my .308 with Hornady one-shot on all sides and went to sizing...
  19. F

    Which case trimmer?

    I need a case trimmer. Right now I use an RCBS Trim Pro with my battery pack drill motor for power. It's OK on .30 cal cases because I only do them 100 at a time. BUT, I have 3800 pieces of .223 I need to start processing and I need a better trimmer option. I know, the Giraud, but that's $500...
  20. nashlaw

    Gunsmithing Irregular Case Mouths

    I am having irregular case mouth dents on fired cases in a bolt gun. I am being very careful when I remove the fired cases and make sure they do not hit the ground and get dented. Accuracy is very poor. The dents on the mouth of cases are flat spots that are very noticeable and the mouth is...