
  1. 03psd

    Precision Mic Use

    I have been experimenting with a RCBS Precision Mic in my LH LTR. I have been reloading with a buddy, but am trying to get educated so that I can venture out on my own. Do these numbers seem plausible: Headspace 1.6305" Bullet Depth .212" I get the whole headspace concept but dont understand...
  2. cypriss32


    Today, started out as a decent day. Around 1:30pm Scott at MCREES PRECISION sent me a PM "look out for a package". So around 6:30PM something from UPS arrived, a nice brown box. I open the box and out come a stock for a M70. I must say, this stock is a bad ass piece of equipment as far as im...
  3. RollingThunder51

    AMP Bolt Action Bullpup precision rifle

    As you all might remember from the piece I wrote on the AWC G2A (, I really take the time to watch the progress of any precision bullpup platform. There are two more gas variants moving quickly through...
  4. F

    Gunsmithing Seekins Precision

    Hey Glenn, I got a set of your three screw 30mm rings way back when you first started making them & just got around to putting them on a rifle. Would you mind gving me the torque specs again?? THANKS!
  5. ranger1183

    Jense Precision updated website

    Jense Precision just updated their website. Their rifles are amazing, I personally own one and will have my next rifle built by Jense as well. Extremely accurate and lightweight.
  6. LVshooter

    RESULTS Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

    Had a most excellent match today. However I any getting a little tired of the rain and wind. The last 3 matches here have been either rainy, windy or both. Yesterday was windy and cold. Ryan shot like a machine today. He did great on every stage.Great shooting Ryan. Ryan K 553.5 Kurt S 390...
  7. E

    Gunsmithing HS precision stock specs

    will someone with a caliper and a hs stock measure the forend for me and post the approximate width? Thinking about building up a ADL stock to beaver tail forend and that is the approximate size I want.
  8. steppenwolf

    Precision AR/SPR question ...

    Question for the <span style="font-weight: bold">SPR/precision ARs experts</span>, ... The set-up is an AR with a <span style="font-weight: bold">free-floated 18" 5.56mm stainless barrel, w/ 1-7 twist</span>. I'm looking for some knowledge/experience-based recommendations regarding...
  9. W

    My new/first precision rifle @ the range

    Well gents after lurking for a few weeks and getting my gear together I finally got a chance to make it out to the range. I have to thank a couple of people first: 1. Mike a CSGunworks who hooked me up with the USO SN3 5-25x 58mm and could not have done a better job or tried to help me any...
  10. T

    Thunder Valley Precision Steel Match March 7th

    Shooters, Be here at 10:00 A.M. sharp. If you need to chrono be here by 9:00 A.M. You will need 40-60 rounds of ammo, a pack, lunch and something to drink. We will be shooting the entire course and may have to walk it depending on the ground conditions. Cost is $30 for the day. This is a...
  11. RollingThunder51

    Building A Precision Receiver - Nemesis Arms

    As promised, a detailed look at a remarkable receiver build. Enjoy. The concept behind much of the Windrunner series is to eliminate the variables that, while individually can be small, when taken collectively, make up the majority of accuracy issues on any hyper accurate platform. Add...
  12. rweldon

    Photos My two precision rifles

    The bottom rifle is my first "build", a Remington SPS Tactical .308 w/ McMillan M40A1 HTG stock, Nightforce Steel rings, Nightforce 20 MOA base, Leupold LRT 3.5x10x40 w/ M1 turrets, Harris BiPod, TIS sling, and Eagle stock pack. The top rifle is a Springfield Armory Standard M1A w/ Springfield...
  13. vikz

    Not a Precision rifle But a hoot to shoot

    hello guys got this last thursday before they go up in prices, NIB + i bought the stock and scope..zeroed at 50yds for now and man this "cheapo" rifle is fun to shoot just enough recoil and "uumph" for a day in the range..
  14. Phylodog

    RCBS Precision Mic

    Could an RCBS precision mic for the .223 be used for .223 Ackley Improved?
  15. ranger1183

    Action trued by Jense Precision

    Here are some before and after pictures of my Remington 700 action being trued by KK Jense of Jense Precision. Jense Precision <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">BEFORE</span></span> <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration...
  16. clydeglock

    help in deciding on first precision rifle

    Guys, need some input on selecting my first precision rifle, something I can get my hands on by summer and be respectable with by November when deer season starts here in TN. I don't think there is time to wait for a new GAP or Tac Ops. I am considering a used GAP for sale on the forums here...
  17. Wryfox

    What's your cheapest precision rifle?

    I'll define precision as 1/2 moa or less on a regular basis. In these tough times I conducted an experiment in frugality. I have a Rem 700 in 243 I bought new on discount a couple of year's ago at Academy sports for $240. Bought a used Aetec scope at the local fleamarket for $80. Bipod for $40...
  18. LVshooter

    Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

    March 7th 2009, at Desert sportsmans range 9 , 8am start time, bring 60 rounds.
  19. ranger1183

    Jense Precision - Custom .260 Remington Tactical

    1st time on the range. Total weight loaded: 12 pounds including mounted scope, sling and bipod. It's a dream to shoot! Custom Remington 700 Rifle built by Jense Precision. (.260 Remington) Action Trued by KK Jense. All Gunsmithing, Rifle Assembly and Testing by KK Jense of Jense Precision...
  20. M

    Ultimate Build for a Precision 10/22 w/no budget

    I would like to build a nice precision 10/22 for practicing precision shooting. It will be scoped and need to have a stock that will not flex when shot slung up. I want it to be somewhat light (I will still walk with it at times) If money wasn't an object, how would you build it and why? I...