
  1. Curahee19

    Reloading Equipment 260 Lapua cases and dies

    93 3x fired 260 lapua cases 50$ 1 L.E. Wilson ss seating die for arbor press never been used 80$ 1 Redding type s full length bushing die 50$ I would like to sell the new brass and fired brass together
  2. L

    Reloading Equipment SOLD- Redding Type S dies 6 Creedmoor

    Used Redding Type S sizing and seating dies for 6 Creedmoor. Good condition. $125 shipped with tracking. I take PayPal F&F.
  3. Curahee19

    Reloading Equipment Wts 6.5 saum dies

    6.5 SAUM Redding fls die and whidden gun works micrometer bullet seater with extra seating stem comes with case 110 shipped PayPal ff
  4. Curahee19

    Reloading Equipment Reloading room cleanup

    Hey guys got a bunch of stuff to sell some have not been used at all some have been used just a little FORSTER FULL LENGTH SIZING DIE 6 dasher 6xc 260 rem 308 338 lapua mag FORSTER MICROMETER BULLET SEATER 260 rem 6.5 creedmoor 308 338 lap Pair it with any full length sizer and I’ll give a...
  5. Longshot79

    Reloading Equipment Redding .308 FL SB sizing die (Full Lengrh Small Base)

    Redding .308 FL SB sizing die (Full Lengrh Small Base) for sale. Perfect for AR10 Rifles $40 includes shipping to lower 48
  6. E

    Redding Bushing Dies for Semi-Auto Use

    Hello all, I have a JP LRP-07 on order in 6.5 Creedmoor and have started gathering reloading materials. I have ordered a Redding Type S Full Length Bushing Die, but I just received an email from Redding in which they do not recommend using bushings in conjunction with semi-autos. The reason...
  7. R

    How do you adjust decapper in redding competition

    I bought a set of competition dies used, no instructions. The ones with the micrometer neck sizer. How do you adjust the decapper length for varying neck sizing depths? My S dies have a lock nut to hold the decapper at a certain depth. As do all my other dies. The competion just screws the...
  8. BgBmBoo

    Epander ball or not? Redding S dies

    I bought my first set of Redding dies to use for my 6XC loads. I am bit confused on whether to use the expander ball or not? Take care,Stan
  9. BgBmBoo

    LEARN ME 'BOUT 3 PIECE REDDING DIES I received my Redding 3 piece die set for my new 6XC...I am pretty new to reloading and have been using all RCBS comp. FL dies for all my loading to date. So now I need to know what to do? I get the bushing setup...and the seating die is straight forward enough....but what do I do with...
  10. beenjammin

    rcbs gold medal dies or redding competiton dies

    between the two dies esp.the seater dies. has anyone had any troble out of the rcbs. I like the ide of putting the bullet in the window of the rcbs, but at the same time does that window interfere with assuring proper alignment. Also since they are both bushings dies, are the rcbs and redding...
  11. E

    Which redding dies should I get?

    I'm going to be loading for the following and want the best dies 223AI bolt gun 308 Bolt gun 300WM bolt gun 300whisper AR 308 AR 223 AR Your input is greatly appreciated. I'm looking to get the dies best suited for these guns/calibers but dont want to get stuff that isn't neccessary.
  12. T

    Lee Press and Redding Dies

    I know it's a stupid question, but can I use Redding dies in a Lee Press. Are the threads the same? Sorry for the 'case of dumb ass' treedoc
  13. H

    Redding bushings?

    I'm buying Redding bushings for 338 ultra mag.The problem is rem brass sucks neck run out is .300 to .900 off and all you can buy is rem brass. Will the bushings still work after I trim the necks? Should I buy all the bushing sizes .362 .363.364.665?
  14. Smokin

    My Bullets get stuck in my Redding Die

    I have a brand new Type S Redding Competition Seater. Trying to seat .260 REM to a COAL of 2.820. Got three bullets done (all were pretty inconsistent in length) and then the bullets started getting stuck in the die. Any ideas?
  15. G

    Redding Competition Seating Die worth it for....

    Do you guys think this die is worth using for semi-auto (AR15). Should I just stick to the standard seating die? I'm loading for a SPR MK12 Mod0.
  16. N

    Redding powder mesure question

    I bought a "like new" Redding 3br of a hide member. When I received the measure, I got online to look for a manual and realized I had received a br-30. The markings on the mic go all the way to 100, though the max it will dial to is 80. Even while set at 78 grains I was throwing 54 ish, which...
  17. Dsparil

    Redding T-7 Turret Press (slinky clear tube)

    what is that tube for? does that catch the spent primers that are removed from the brass?
  18. jayjaytuner

    what size redding bushing do i need?

    For .223 remington gonna be loading 77 grain lapua scenars dont have the compenents YET... figured someone would know to save me some time..... its gonna be for a precision SPR ar-15 so im assuming .001 smaller than one for a precision bolt gun. thanks for any help jason
  19. jayjaytuner

    redding FL bushing die

    the redding full length bushing dies i belive there type S... can the expander ball be taken out of them? thanks for the help jay
  20. jray05stang

    Redding T-7 Autoprime Unit

    Hey guys I have a quick question that I have searched for but have not been able to find an answer for... I am about to purchase my first reloading press and I am fully decided on a Redding T-7... I believe its the quality that I am looking for to last me years and years down the road... I...