

    Will Redding dies fit in a RCBS Rock Chucker?

    I am selling some dies in calibers that I dont own guns for. A potential buyer asked if Redding dies will fit in his rock chucker. I am almost sure they will but I figured you guys would know best. Thanks
  2. W

    Redding Dies in a Forster Co-ax???

    Can anyone tell me if Redding comp dies (300 WM), the 3 die set will work or have issues if used in a Forster co-ax press? Anyone with experience with the above set up please reply!! Thanks in advance for reply. Was thinking of picking up a set of the dies from a hide member here but b4 i...
  3. S

    Redding Type S neck bushing die...lube needed?

    When using the Redding Type S Neck Bushing Die, is it recommended practice to lube the cases? In the Redding instructions they state that if you have the Titanium Nitride bushings, lube is not required. It doesn't state anything about the heat treated steel bushings that I use, which leads me...
  4. S

    Redding bushings

    Where do you by yours?
  5. mattmcg

    Rethinking the Redding Type S dies. What say you?

    So when I setup my reloading bench years back, without a thought I stocked the bench with some Redding Type S full length resizer dies for 223 and 308. Now that its been a few years, I am asking myself the question about WHY I went this way. Call it blind Internet knowledge but at the time the...
  6. RemXCR2009

    Gunsmithing Redding FL dies case stuck

    I just got in a new redding 308 FL die set today and have got a case stuck this has never happend on my RCBS dies can anyone tell me if this is common and what to do about it
  7. Seventy 1

    what redding dies to buy?

    Loading for accurate .308 Tactical work and not sure what dies to get. Have never reloaded and just bought an RCBS Rockchucker Deluxe. When looking through catalogues there are too many variations, ie... bushing, resizing, neck dies..? Which ones do I get? This is just for accurate .308...