Whatever you buttholes are smoking you may want to give it up.
For the record, every person on the planet can use Kidd. But, I will use only what I choose.
I’m very shocked at the immaturity in responses to this post. These responses are not consistent with any of my experiences with the Hide.
Apparently, you don't know us very well.
Oh, by the way. You mentioned your ivy league degrees/diplomas, sheep parts, or whatever they might be.
I have a 14yr old in my house that's one hell of a scholar.
Fucking straight-A student and sharp as a tack with school work.
He'll point out to anyone how good his grades are, and he bases intelligence on grades, not abilities.
The boy has zero, and I mean zero common sense.
In fact, if it wasn't for his school grades, I would actually think that he's a bit retarded.
Just like you...
You come on here asking for advice, which is no different than asking someone to TELL you what you should buy.
When you didn't hear Timney, Timney, Timney, you got bent out of shape and told everyone how you won't be controlled by anyone.
I KIDD (See what I did there?) you not, they gave you the best advice and like a typical INFANT-tree Zero, you start acting like a complete ass.
I don't doubt you went into a foot stomping hissy fit over it.
Someone mentioned the word Askhole.
You truly are one.
I would expect better from a Tennessee Hillbilly. Most of them are pretty danged smart.